Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witness (Questions 1460 - 1464)



  1460.  If Mr Penfold were employed by an arm of the intelligence services you and your colleagues would know of such employment.
  (Vice Admiral Alan West)  Not necessarily. If he was employed by me I would. If he was employed by the DIS, the MoD, I would, but I would not necessarily know if he was employed by somebody else.

Chairman:  Admiral West, I believe you have been extremely helpful to the Committee. You have been open and I thank you very much.

Sir Peter Emery

  1461.  Can I just ask one last question? You know of the meeting that we have referred to on 3 December in which the FCO and Executive Outcomes, it is suggested, were providing arms to the Kamajors. I understand that there was somebody from your office or from MoD at that meeting. Is there a memo in your department of that meeting or of that conversation?
  (Vice Admiral Alan West)  I am not aware of there being one.

  1462.  That is fine. There is no reason why you should at this moment.
  (Vice Admiral Alan West)  This is the meeting where my analyst gave his assessment?

  1463.  That is right. Would you perhaps look to see if there is a minute of that meeting and, if there is, could you make it available to us?
  (Vice Admiral Alan West)  Yes, certainly.[8]


  1464.  I will not rehearse the thanks but they were sincere.
  (Vice Admiral Alan West)  Thank you very much.

8   Note by Witness: The FCO record was copied to DIS. Back

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