The Committee of Public Accounts is appointed under
Standing Order No. 148 viz:
Committee of Public Accounts
148.- (1) There shall be a select committee
to be called the Committee of Public Accounts for the examination
of the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted
by Parliament to meet the public expenditure, and of such other
accounts laid before Parliament as the committee may think fit,
to consist of not more than fifteen Members, of whom four shall
be a quorum. The Committee shall have the power to send for persons,
papers and records, to report from time to time, and to adjourn
form place to place.
(2) Unless the House otherwise orders, each Member
nominated to the committee shall continue to be a member of it
for the remainder of the Parliament.
(3) The committee shall have power to communicate
to any committee appointed under Standing Order No. 152 (Select
committees related to government departments) such evidence as
it may have received from the National Audit Office (having been
agreed between the Office and the government department or departments
concerned) but which has not been reported to the House.
28th October 1997
Ordered, That Standing Order No. 148 (Committee of
Public Accounts) be amended, in line 7 [line 4 of this text],
by leaving out the word "fifteen" and inserting the
word "sixteen".
The following is a list of Members of the Committee
at its nomination on 25 July 1997. The date of any later nomination,
discharge or other change is shown in brackets.
Rt Hon David Davis (elected Chairman 30 July 1997)
Mr Alan Campbell
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Ian Davidson
Mr Geraint Davies
Ms Maria Eagle
Ms Jane Griffiths
Mr Phil Hope
Mr Christopher Leslie
Mr Andrew Love
Rt Hon Robert Maclennan
Ms Dawn Primarolo (added 30.10.97)
Mr Richard Page
Mr Charles Wardle
Mr Dafydd Wigley (discharged 16.12.97)
Rt Hon Alan Williams