Select Committee on Public Administration Minutes of Evidence

Memorandum submitted by the Campaign for Freedom of Information


  This paper sets out the Campaign for Freedom of Information's preliminary views on some of the main elements of the Government's white paper on freedom of information (FOI),[1] though it does not attempt to cover all aspects of the proposals.

  We warmly welcome the White Paper. The proposals should provide a fundamental break with Britain's tradition of government secrecy and lead to a Freedom of Information Act comparable to some of the better overseas FOI laws. In particular, we welcome the broad scope of the proposed Act, both in terms of the bodies covered and the range of information to be made accessible. The proposal that some exemptions should only allow information to be withheld if disclosure would cause "substantial harm", and that all decisions should be in line with the Act's objective of promoting accountability, should create a strong presumption in favour of openness. The Information Commissioner's enforcement powers will give applicants the advantage of legally binding decisions without the costs of going to court.

  We nevertheless have some concerns. A number of important bodies and functions - notably the law enforcement functions of the police and some government departments - are to be excluded from the Act altogether. The "substantial harm" test may be replaced by a lower test in certain important areas. Applicants may need more help in identifying what information exists than has so far been proposed. Finally, we are concerned that charges could become an obstacle to openness.


  The scope of the proposed FOI Act is defined widely. It will cover virtually the whole of the public sector, including not just central, regional and local government, and the NHS but also bodies such as quangos, educational establishments, nationalised industries and public corporations, which have largely escaped earlier openness measures such as the open government codes of practice.[2] Even local authorities, which have long been subject to better disclosure standards than other bodies, may find that FOI legislation demands much greater openness than has been required of them in the past.[3] There will be particular benefits from the near universal application of common disclosure standards in the public sector, particularly in terms of the opportunities for the spread of good practice.

  The inclusion of commercial bodies carrying out public functions - the privatised utilities, and information from private bodies responsible for contracted-out functions - is especially welcome. It will help to meet concerns about the loss of accountability resulting from the transfer of functions from the public sector, and ensure that any further contracting-out will not be at the expense of the public's right to know. A direct right of access to information held by these utilities will also reduce pressure for those seeking such information to address their requests to the regulators, which may then involve the regulators in disputes about the commercial confidentiality of the companies' information.

  The White Paper does not specify which of the privatised utilities are to be covered. Obvious candidates appear to be the water, electricity and gas companies - and, we would hope, companies now operating rail and bus services, though other privatised utilities may also be considered.[4]


  The FOI Act will go wider than many overseas laws, in allowing access to information as well as to records.[5] This should permit enquirers to:

    (a)   see copies of records, where they request them;

    (b)   ask for answers to questions, when answers - rather than copies of documents - are what they want;

    (c)   have electronic databases searched for selections of records meeting particular criteria; and

    (d)   seek information which is known to officials but not recorded.

In theory this might help address concerns that FOI will encourage officials to avoid recording sensitive information, in order to prevent its disclosure.


  The broad sweep of the proposed Act is also reflected in the fully retrospective nature of the proposals, permitting access to records of any age, including those awaiting their release date in the Public Record Office.

  We are not clear why it is proposed that there should not be full retrospection in the case of records which are already subject to a right of access which does not reach back beyond a particular date.[6] For example, only information added to medical records after November 1991 is accessible to patients under the Access to Health Records Act 1990. At the time that these provisions were introduced, retrospective access was excluded on the grounds that it would be unfair to those who may previously have made unguarded comments on the record. However, if access to all other public sector files held on individuals is to be fully retrospective, it is difficult to see why these previous restrictions should be maintained. Moreover, a degree of access to pre-1991 medical records is already possible under the NHS open government code, so this cut-off date has already been significantly eroded.


  A number of bodies or functions are to be excluded from the scope of the Act.[7] The comments that follow deal only with some of the proposed exclusions, but in general suggest that such matters should be subject to the Act, protected where necessary by exemptions.

Law enforcement functions

  The most significant exclusion applies to the law enforcement functions of the police and bodies such as, but not limited to, the DSS and Immigration Service.[8] This is difficult to reconcile with the stated intention of ensuring that decisions are based on the contents of the individual record, rather than the class into which it falls.[9] The exclusion is said to be necessary to:

    "avoid prejudicing effective law enforcement [and] the need to protect witnesses and informers".[10]

  However, such concerns could be dealt with by appropriate exemptions, as under the Data Protection Act. The Act allows individuals to see data held about them on computer, by the police as well as others, while exempting information whose disclosure would prejudice "the prevention or detection of crime " or "the apprehension or prosecution of offenders". [11]The identity of informants is also protected under the Act.[12] If necessary, more specific exemptions could be provided, as has been done under the US FOI Act.[13]

  The police and other bodies referred to carry out essential functions, but they are also capable of arbitrariness or prejudice. We would hope that the benefits of increased accountability would be recognised by the Government, particularly in light of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner's recent acknowledgement that a minority of officers are, in his words, "corrupt, dishonest, unethical".[14]

  It is not clear how the administrative and law enforcement function of the police and other bodies are to be distinguished. For example, would measures required to be taken to protect the confidentiality of police information, investigate complaints, ensure that officers are properly trained, prevent racism, protect public safety at large events, deal with major traffic problems, secure the safe and appropriate use of CS gas, or ensure the accuracy of forensic laboratories, be regarded as administrative? If they are, do they remain so when information about problems in these areas is sought by an individual who believes he or she has suffered as a result of a failure to meet the required standards? Does any distinction depend on whether the request relates to the policy, its monitoring, or its application in particular cases? Does it matter whether the individual's dealings with the police was as a complainant, victim, information, witness, suspect or convicted criminal?

  If any of these matters are (or at some point are) regarded as involving law enforcement functions, how does the proposed bar on access square with the individual's existing rights to see what is held about him or her on computer (so long as disclosure does not prejudice law enforcement)? It is difficult to see how the proposed approach meets the White Paper's objective of introducing "clear and consistent requirements which would apply across government".[15]

  In addition to the police, DSS and Immigration Service, the law enforcement functions of some other bodies (though it is not clear which) may also be excluded. We understand from the evidence that Dr David Clark, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, gave to this Committee in December that this is not intended to apply to bodies responsible for enforcing environmental or safety legislation, a welcome reassurance. However, many other bodies have investigatory and enforcement functions, including the Inland Revenue, the Department of Trade and Industry, Customs and Excise, local authority trading standards officers, planning authorities and others. In the case of the government departments, this provision could prevent access to information to which the public is presently entitled under the open government Code of Practice.

  The proposal to exclude the law enforcement functions of the Immigration Service represents a reversal of recent trends. When the Code of Practice was issued in 1994, all information relating to immigration, nationality, consular and entry clearance cases was excluded. However, the revised Code issued early in 1997 brought these matters within the Code's scope, subject to a harm test.[16] The White Paper's rejection of a harm test, in favour of an exclusion, is a surprising reversal of the progress made under the former Government.

Legal professional privilege

  The White Paper proposes that the Government's legal advice should also be excluded from the scope of the Act altogether.[17] We think that legal advice should be accessible subject to an exemption permitting withholding where disclosure could harm an authority's position in existing or likely litigation.

  The purpose of legal professional privilege is to ensure that clients can seek legal advice in confidence, without fear that their communications with their lawyer may become available to an opposing party in litigation. The rationale is therefore the same as that for civil servants' policy advice: to protect the frankness of such communications. However, in relation to policy advice the Government no longer insists that the protection of candour requires the withholding of all internal discussion. The Code of Practice applies a harm test to its disclosure, as will the FOI Act. A similar approach should be adopted for legal advice.

  A harm-test exemption would generally protect legal opinions (and other exchanges between an authority and its lawyers in the course of obtaining such advice) where these related to current or contemplated litigation or where future litigation was a realistic prospect. But it would permit disclosure where there is no prospect of litigation, for example where the matters have been concluded and there is no possibility of related cases following. A simple illustration is advice relating to possible proceedings under legislation which has since been repealed.

  In other cases, there may be little prospect of disclosure causing harm. The legal advice obtained by an authority may merely summarise existing case law on an issue of public policy; or explain the implications of the use of a particular term in a government bill, or set out the changes in government practice required as a result of a new judgment, statute or European directive. Such material may be helpful to the public, while holding no prospect of undermining the Government's position in the courts. The problems that may be caused by withholding it may be seen from the experience of one open government requester, who was refused information about the number of NHS prescriptions for certain high volume drugs on the grounds that "Our legal advice is that the confidentiality of information derived from patient information, including prescription data, is not removed by aggregation and anonymisation . . . ."[18] The refusal to disclose the legal advice itself helped the department resolutely to maintain this illogical stance for several months, before eventually conceding that it was wrong.

  The American FOI Act exempts documents subject to attorney-client privilege[19] but in 1993 the US Attorney General urged agencies to apply a harm test to such information and withhold it only where the agency "reasonably foresees that disclosure would be harmful to an interest protected by that exemption".[20] The Department of Justice has urged that this approach be applied "even to information that falls within the traditional attorney-client privilege".[21]

  Canada's Information Commissioner has described the sweeping protection for legally privileged documents under his country's legislation as "unsatisfactory".

    "Most legal opinions, however stale, general or uncontroversial, are jealously kept secret. In the spirit of openness, the government's vast storehouse of legal opinions on every conceivable subject should be made available to interested members of the public.

    Tax dollars paid for these opinions and, unless an injury to the conduct of government affairs could reasonably be said to result from disclosure, legal opinions should be disclosed." [22]

Personnel files

  The Act will not provide public sector employees with access to their own employment records, partly because this is felt to raise different issues from those involved in providing the public with access to official information, and because to do so would discriminate between public and private sector employees.[23] We think all employees should be entitled to such access. The new Data Protection Bill could have provided the vehicle for such an across-the-board right, but because its provisions on access to manual records are likely to be limited we understand this will not occur. An alternative would be to use the FOI Act to establish a new right of access to employment records spanning both public and private sectors, as proposed in the 1993 Right to Know Bill. Failing this, we think the FOI Act should permit public sector employees to see their personnel files, even if a similar right is not yet available in the private sector.

  Such access would support measures to protect the political neutrality of public officials and deter reprisals against whistleblowers, by revealing whether objections to improper instructions or efforts to raise matters of concern have led to unjustified comments on their records. It would also demonstrate to public officials who may be inclined to regard FOI as an imposition that they too enjoy direct benefits under it.

Security and Intelligence services

  Such bodies are covered by FOI laws in the USA, Canada and New Zealand, subject to appropriate exemptions. The case for including them in the UK is strengthened by their increasing involvement in non-national security work, and the fact that they have taken on functions previously carried out by parts of the ordinary civil service. The Data Protection Registrar has already called for MI5 to register under the Data Protection Act. At present, it relies on the national security exemption contained in section 27 of that Act to avoid registering any of the data it holds, implying that all its computerised information, without exception, requires protection on national security grounds. The Registrar has objected to this, commenting: "The extension of the role of the Security Services into areas of traditional policing should not carry with it an extension of the exemptions provided by section 27". [24]

1   Your Right to Know, Cm 3818, December 1997. Back

2   Code of Practice on Access to Government Information and Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.  Back

3   For example because the legislation which requires them to meet in public, the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, provides no right of access to information which has not been, and is not about to be, discussed at a meeting held in public. Back

4   For example the privatised utilities earmarked for the so-called "windfall tax" announced in July 1997 were BAA, British Energy, British Gas (now GB plc and Centrica), British Telecom, National Power, Northern Ireland Electricity, PowerGen, Railtrack, Scottish Hydro, Scottish Power, regional electricity companies and privatised water and sewerage companies including recs and wascos now part of Hyder, United Utilities and Scottish Power. HM Treasury, Budget Brief 1997. Back

5   Para 2.10. Back

6   Para 2.13. Back

7   Paras 2.3 and 2.20 to 2.22. Back

8   Para 2.21. Back

9   Para 3.8. Back

10   Para 2.21. Back

11   Data Protection Act 1984, section 28(1). Back

12   Data Protection Act 1984, sections 21(4)(b) and 21(5). Back

13   As amended in 1996, Exemption 7 of the FOI Act permits the withholding of: "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, including a State, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation, or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source, (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual." Back

14   Evidence to the Home Affairs Committee, December 1997. Back

15   Para 1.6. Back

16   Permitting it to be withheld only where disclosure would cause "prejudice to the effective administration of immigration controls or other statutory provisions". Back

17   Para 2.22. Back

18   Department of Health to Charles Medawar, Social Audit, 4 August 1995. Back

19   Exemption 5 protects "inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with an agency". Back

20   US Department of Justice, FOIA Update, Summer/Fall 1993. Back

21   US Department of Justice, FOIA Update, Spring 1994. Back

22   Annual Report 1993-94, p. 30. Back

23   Para 2.20. Back

24   Comments of the Data Protection Registrar on: "Data Protection: the Government's Proposals", September 1997. Back

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