Select Committee on Public Administration Minutes of Evidence


Letter to Mr Richard Shepherd, MP, from The Rt Hon The Lord Irvine of Lairg, QC

  I refer to the question that you asked me on 3 March when I appeared before the Select Committee on Public Administration, about Clause 79 of the government of Wales Bill, and I undertook to write to you on this subject.

  As I made plain to the Committee generally this is not an area in which I have any ministerial responsibility. In the case of Clause 79 of the Government of Wales Bill the responsibility rests with Ron Davies, the Secretary of State for Wales. None-the-less I would be happy to have written you but, having spoken to Ron Davies, I think that it would be better for an explanation on this subject to come from him. When you receive this I am sure you will understand.

  I am sending a copy of this letter to Ron Davies.

10 March 1998

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