83. The White Paper proposes a two-stage system of
appeals against a refusal to disclose information. The first stage
will be an internal review, by the authority which is the subject
of the request.[120]
The second stage will be to an independent Information Commissioner.[121]
The Commissioner will have: powers to order disclosure of records
and information which are subject to the Act; the right of access
to any records within the scope of the Act and relevant to an
investigation; the power to review and adjust individual charges
or charging systems, or to waive a charge; and the right to resolve
disputes via mediation.[122]
The Commissioner will be able to report any failure by a public
authority to comply with a disclosure order, or to supply records
relevant to an investigation to a court: such cases would be treated
by the court in the same way as a contempt of court.[123]
There will be no right of appeal to the courts against the decisions
of the Information Commissioner except by way of judicial review.[124]
84. The White Paper says this on the type of official
that the Information Commissioner will be:
"We envisage that the Information Commissioner
will fulfil a role similar to that performed by the Parliamentary
Ombudsman under the Code. However, we intend to make the new Commissioner
an independent office holder (like the Data Protection Registrar)
rather than an officer accountable to Parliament (like the Parliamentary
Ombudsman). We believe that an independent officer is the more
appropriate model given the wide coverage of the Act which will
include very large numbers of bodies (for example schools and
local authorities) that are not directly accountable to Parliament.
An independent office holder will be answerable to the courts
for his or her decisions. In this way, the appeals system will
be (and will be seen to be) independent and in particular not
subject to any form of political override which might ultimately
be used to resolve contentious cases in favour of the Government".[125]
85. The Ombudsman has made it clear how misleading
an account of his Office this is. The Ombudsman is no less independent
than is the Data Protection Registrar. The Parliamentary Commissioner
Act 1967 establishes his independence with force and clarity.
The Ombudsman, like the Data Protection Registrar, is appointed
by the Crown; reports to Parliament, and may be dismissed "only
for cause and in consequence of addresses by both Houses of Parliament".[126]
The House of Commons does have a Select Committeethis onewhose
purpose is to examine the reports of the Parliamentary and Health
Service Commissioners. But in no sense does it have the power
to interfere with the work of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman described
our Committee's relationship with his Office correctly as follows:
"Like my predecessors, I greatly value the advice and support
of the Committee. But the Committee does not give the instructions
regarding the conduct of investigations, nor on how I should exercise
the discretions vested in one by the Parliamentary Commissioner
Act 1967 and the Health Service Commissioner Act 1993; nor would
it be lawful for me to allow any such instructions to be the sole
determinant of my actions".[127]
The Ombudsman has said that the statement in the White Paper implies
that he is subject to political influence or direction, and has
pointed out that neither of these are true, and both claims would
be extremely damaging to the work of the Ombudsman's Office if
they ever gained widespread currency. We agree; and we recommend
that the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster should, in his response
to this Report, correct the statement in paragraph 5.7 of the
White Paperand cease to draw the wrong inferences from
86. The White Paper appears to suggest that the Information
Commissioner will be an entirely new Office, rather than one grafted
on to another Officeas it has been in Ireland and a number
of other Freedom of Information regimes, where the Ombudsman holds
the job. There are some cogent reasons for combining the work
of the Information Commissioner with that of Ombudsman. Many complaints
about refusals to disclose information are part of more complex
complaints about maladministration. It is simpler to deal with
both aspects of a complaint at once, as the Ombudsman has been
able to do under the external appeals system under the Code of
Practice. However, there are some counter arguments too, against
combining the two jobs. The Ombudsman, as presently constituted,
has no coercive powers (except as regards obtaining evidence);
he may only recommend disclosure. It is fair to say that his recommendations
have nearly always been accepted. But it is questionable whether
a power such as is proposed in the White Paperto make binding
disclosure orderssits well with the traditions of the Ombudsman's
Office, which are more mediatory. A new Office may therefore be
the best solution, subject to resolving certain issues.
87. We are concerned by a problem put to us by both
the Ombudsman and the Data Protection Registrar. An Information
Commissioner will add another to the list of public sector complaints
authorities in the UK. As the Ombudsman wrote in his evidence
to us, "creating another authority in the form of an Information
Commissioner is bound to further complicate the task of the ordinary
citizen in seeking redress".[128]
"It does not sit as comfortably as it might with concepts
of better government and one-stop shops for citizens", the
Data Protection Registrar told us.[129]
Furthermore, appeals to the Information Commissioner about refusals
to disclose information may also involve complaints about maladministration;
some may involve complaints about a number of different authoritiesfor
example a National Health Service Trust and a local authority.
The Ombudsman points out that "there is provision for cooperation
between the Ombudsmen in these circumstances; but it does not
make the matter any simpler for the complainant or the Ombudsmen.
To add yet a third complaints authority and to require the complainant
to deal with both the Ombudsman and the new authority on what
may be, for the complainant, one grievance with several causes
would put him or her to unnecessary trouble, risk confusion, and
be wasteful of public funds".[130]
The relationship between the Data Protection Registrar and the
Information Commissioner is another source of confusion for the
complainant which, the White Paper acknowledges, will need to
be carefully handled.[131]
88. Both the Ombudsman and the Data Protection Registrar
propose, as a solution to this problem, that all of the public
sector complaints authorities are brought together into a collective
body. The Registrar proposes that "to facilitate cooperation
... and to economise on the resources used by investigative bodies"
in cases where issues of maladministration, data protection and
disclosure are related, "it might be possible to bring the
Registrar and the Commissioners together in some collegiate body.
The separate formal jurisdictions would remain, but the collegiate
body could jointly look at issues crossing jurisdictional boundaries".[132]
The Ombudsman's solution is to make each public sector complaints
authority responsible for dealing with Freedom of Information
matters in relation to the bodies within its jurisdictionso
the Local Government Ombudsman, for example, would deal with appeals
to the Information Commissioner that had arisen within local government.
Consistency of treatment across the various Ombudsmen could be
ensured by establishing an Information Commission made up of the
individual complaints authorities and with an overarching responsibility
for achieving such consistency. The Lord Chancellor countered
that "these suggestions are very often put forward in the
name of symmetry, as if symmetry is a good thing in itself. I
actually do not think so". The job of the Information Commissioner
was sufficiently different to that of the Data Protection Registrar
and the other authorities concerned, and therefore did not need
to be combined.[133]
89. Without adopting either of the specific models
proposed, there are strong arguments for bringing together the
various complaints authorities within some form of collegiate
structure. We do not intend to make firm recommendations on this
subject in this Report, for it is one to which we intend to return;
but we are keen that bringing greater coherence to the structure
of the UK complaints system should be energetically pursued. We
note that a similar interest has informed part of the Government's
proposed reforms to the financial regulatory system. It has called
the current Ombudsmen schemes in the financial services part of
the private sector a "patchwork quilt" of differing
schemes which is confusing for the consumer. It has decided that
it would "like to see the various [financial services] Ombudsmen
consolidated into a single Ombudsman scheme".[134]
We recommend that the Government likewise review the system
of public sector complaints authorities in the UK with a view
to bringing them togetheror at the very least making it
easier for people to complain without having the difficulty of
working out precisely which complaints authority they need to
deal with.
90. Although the White Paper has rejected the model
of the Parliamentary Ombudsman, and particularly the Ombudsman's
relationship with Parliament, we believe that that relationship
is a proper and useful part of the Ombudsman's armoury. The Committee
performs a useful role in encouraging compliance by the bodies
subject to his jurisdiction. This may be less necessary where
a Commissioner has powers to enforce compliance. But even the
Data Protection Registrar told us that she felt that a similar
relationship with a Select Committee to that enjoyed by the Ombudsman
would be useful in her own job.[135]
Maurice Frankel said to us that the Campaign for Freedom of Information
did not have any objection to a Select Committee having a monitoring
oversight role: "I think it would be extremely valuable.
If your Committee wanted to do that we would be absolutely delighted,
we think it would be a very important function which would do
a great deal to assist the legislation meeting its objectives".[136]
The Ombudsman described his meeting with the Committee as like
"an energetic workout, very tiring at the time, but it is
good for one in the long run". He added that "It seems
to be entirely right that, like any other aspect of public administration,
freedom of information should be subject to Parliamentary scrutiny
and examination".[137]
We believe that the publicity and profile and awareness of public
opinion which could be given to the Information Commissioner through
regular contact with a Select Committee would be useful; and we
recommend that a Select Committee be established to examine the
reports of the Information Commissioner; or that the function
be added to those of this Committee.
120 paras. 5.8-5.9. Back
121 para.
5.10. Back
122 para.
5.12. Back
123 para.
5.13. Back
124 para.
5.16. Back
125 para.
5.7. Back
126 Min
of Ev. p.73. Back
127 ibid. Back
128 Min
of Ev. p.72. Back
129 Q.203. Back
130 Min
of Ev. p.72, para. 7. Back
131 para.
5.15. Back
132 Min
of Ev. p.57, para. 2.11. Back
133 Q.303. Back
134 Consumer
Complaints, FSA, 1997, pp.
7-8. Back
135 Min
of Ev. p.60; Q.201. Back
136 Q.189. Back
137 Q.262.
See also Ev. p.160. Back