Select Committee on Standards and Privileges First Report


List of Witnesses*

*  Mr Mohamed Al Fayed

*  Mr Stuart Benson

*  Ms Iris Bond

*  Ms Alison Bozek

*  Mr Philip Bromfield

*  Mr Christopher Carr QC

*  Mr Royston Webb

  D J Freeman & Co

  The Guardian

*  Mr Alan Rusbridger

*  Mr Peter Preston

*  Mr David Hencke

*  Mr David Leigh

*  Mr Geoffrey Robertson QC

*  Ms Geraldine Proudler

*  Mr Neil Hamilton MP; and Mr Rupert Grey

*  Mr Tim Smith MP; and Mrs S Webb

*  Sir Michael Grylls MP

*  Mr Michael Brown MP

*  Sir Andrew Bowden MP

*  Sir Peter Hordern MP; and Mr J McCaughran

  Mr Gerald Malone MP

  Lady Olga Maitland MP

*  Mr Ian Greer

*  Mr Andrew Stone

*  Mr Clive Ferreira

  Mr Christoph Betterman

  Mr Norman Lawrence

  Professor Barry Rider

  Mr Timothy O'Sullivan

  Lord Harris of High Cross

  Mr Richard Ferguson QC

  Sir Robin Butler

  Rt Hon Michael Heseltine MP

  Mr T J House, Allen & Overy

  Mr Christopher Davies

  Mr Douglas Marvin

  Mr Keith Lockwood

  Department of Trade and Industry

  Home Office

  Department of Health

*  Indicates examined orally.

  Mrs Edwina Currie MP

  Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke MP

  Rt Hon David Mellor MP  

  Mr John Walter

  National Nuclear Corporation

  Mr Andrew Roth

  Mr W G Poetan, Union of Independent Companies

  Sir Colin Marshall

  Mr Peter Welch

  Mr Patrick Ferreira

  Mr Malcolm Moring

  Baroness Turner

  Mr Andrew Smith

  Association of Professional Political Consultants

  Mr Michael Land

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Prepared 8 July 1997