Select Committee on Standards and Privileges First Report


Letter from the Editor of The Guardian to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  Thank you for your latest letter and I am very glad that Nigel Pleming and Geraldine Proudler are meeting to go through all the documents that might be relevant to your enquiry.

  As far as "other" members are concerned, I never had any intention of formally referring them to you in the sense of alleging that these were individual acts of misconduct, except in the case of Mr Bowden, since the sum he received appears to have exceeded the total amount of his election costs. In most cases the sums involved appear to have been a legitimate proportion of election expenses.

  There may be broader issues involved here concerning the propriety of lobbyists making contributions to election expenses, but I think the scope of The Guardian's complaints is already broad enough.

  I enclose, for your information, a copy of our coverage of the money paid to the MPs we were able to find out about. Doubtless, you will find reference to these payments in Mr Greer's papers.

  Do let me know if I can be of any further help on this or on any other matters.

Alan Rusbridger
10 January 1997

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