Select Committee on Standards and Privileges First Report


Letter from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to Mr Tim Smith, MP

  Following your oral evidence last week (a copy of the transcript and a standard covering letter are enclosed), I am writing to ask you for some further information.

  At Q 1085 to Q 1096 you described the partnership you were operating with your wife at the period during which you received payments from Mr Al-Fayed. In relation to this point, could you please provide answers to the following questions:

  (1.)   Were you registered for VAT, either as a sole trader or as a partnership, during this period? (Please give details).

  (2.)   Did you render a VAT invoice for the cash payments from Mr Al-Fayed? If so, please provide details. If not, please give reasons.

  (3.)   Did the £18,000 which you have given as the approximate total of the cash payments - or any part thereof - appear in your VAT returns? If not, please give reasons.

  (4.)   When, in 1989, you registered in the Register of Members' Interests an interest with House of Fraser did you correct the VAT position? If so, please provide details. If not, please give reasons.

  (5.)   You stated at Q 1130 that, at the time when you ended your financial relationship with Mr Al-Fayed (January or February 1989), you went to see the Government Chief Whip and the Chairman of your Association to inform them "of what had been going on". You also indicated that there were no contemporaneous records which pinpoint the timing of the ending of the relationship, other than the correspondence with the Registrar. In case I wish to pursue this aspect further, could you please let me know the name of the Chief Whip at the time and the name and address of the then Chairman of your Association (if still available). Did you inform anyone else? If so, I would be grateful for similar details.

  I would appreciate an early reply.

Sir Gordon Downey

17 February 1997

Letter from Mr Tim Smith MP to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  Thank you for your letter of 17 February 1997.

  The partnership which I was operating with my wife at the period, Rosenau Consultants, was registered for VAT.

  As you know, I no longer have any records relating to the period. I have, therefore, written to Customs and Excise asking whether they could supply me with the partnership VAT returns for 1987, 1988 and 1989. I am hoping that these returns may clarify the position.

  The name of the Chief Whip at the time was Rt Hon David Waddington MP (now Rt Hon Lord Waddington). The name of the Chairman of the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association was Mr John Strafford. His address is: Perama, Fulmer Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks SL9 7EG. I also informed the agent and secretary of the Association, Mr Philip Dumville. His address is: Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association, 12 Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1LW.

Tim Smith MP

4 March 1997

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