Select Committee on Standards and Privileges First Report


Letter from Sir Michael Grylls MP to The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  Thank you for your letter of 5 February.

  I enclose a list of all the payments I have received over the last 14 years from Ian Greer. They were all paid by cheque and included VAT for which I was responsible.

  I was intending to bring my books to show you on 19 February and that is why I did not include these details in my letter.

  After the collapse of Ian Greer's libel action against The Guardian, I have been asking myself what I, personally, might have done differently which could possibly have averted this outcome.

  It might have been wiser, with hindsight, to have taken a closer interest in how Ian Greer was recording my invoices. I did not, and perhaps should have, kept a note in my books (which was kept for VAT and Income tax purposes) which particular invoices related to the extra time I spent on the Unitary Tax Campaign and which related to referral payments. However, as I was clear in my mind that I had declared my connection with Ian Greer in the list of Members' Interests, which specifically excluded the need to declare amounts (see attached) this did not seem relevant at the time - and I could not have foreseen that I would need to remember these details 14 years later. With hindsight, I should have gone through IGA's books with Ian Greer at the time of the June 1990 enquiry and not relied on the information his Accountant gave me which proved unreliable for both of us.   I have always felt it was typically generous of Ian Greer to take full personal responsibility for this error in his and my evidence to the Select Committee in June 1990 and I regret this lack of communication between us.

  Even though we wrote to you with the correction at the earliest possible opportunity in October 1996, it was too late for his Libel action against The Guardian to continue.

  I re-affirm that Ian Greer's payments to me over the last 14 years were for additional time and work done for the Unitary Tax Campaign, together with Commission on the referrals who retained IGA to help them. The payments began in 1983 (years before Ian Greer started helping Mohamed Al-Fayed) and none were related to Harrods.   It is perhaps relevant to mention here that as the Rules on Members Interests have evolved, and the guidelines and advice given to us have become more specific, it has become easier for Members to know how and where to declare their Interests to avoid confusion.

  You may be wondering whether I would still have referred all the people I did to Ian Greer if I had not received commission. The answer is "Yes, I would." I believe he had the best team in the political PR business and I respect Ian Greer's personal integrity completely.

   I have never heard anything but good reports from the people he and his team at IGA have helped, and they all made many friends. For my part, I am very sorry that I may have inadvertently contributed additional heartbreak and embarrassment to the individuals concerned in the Harrods "controversy" - and I regret that I should be part of an enquiry which will give publicity to those people seeking to damage the reputation of Parliament on the eve of a General Election.

10 February 1997     

Invoices rendered to IGA, 1983-93

DateInvoiced toAmount

June 1983Ian Greer2,300.00
January 1984Ian Greer6,900.00
January 1985Ian Greer/UTC10,580.00
October 1985Ian Greer/UTC7,834.38
April 1986Ian Greer/UTC5,965.63
July 1986Ian Greer/UTC8,050.00
November 1986Ian Greer/UTC5,750.00
June 1987UTC5,750.00
September 1987UTC/IGA5,750.00
December 1988Ian Greer8,050.00
June 1989UTC5,750.00
December 1989Ian Greer7,446.00
August 1990Ian Greer5,750.00
December 1990Ian Greer5,750.00
July 1991Ian Greer5,875.00
June 1992Ian Greer5,875.00
December 1992Ian Greer5,875.00
May 1993Ian Greer5,875.00

Note: The above are the dates on the invoices; the cheques in payment were often received a month or so later.

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