Select Committee on Standards and Privileges First Report


Letter from Sir Michael Grylls MP to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  Thank you for your letter of 19 February.

  May I reply to your No. 7 first.

  On re-checking my Books, you are correct; I did not include the September 1989 invoice. You will see from my Books, which I will show you on Monday, this particular invoice is entered under Unitary Tax, and I took this to be one which was paid by the UTC direct. It was for this reason that I did not include it in the list of payments from IGA.

  The extracts you sent me from the IGA Ledger indicate that I was mistaken and that it must have been an invoice paid by IGA. Certainly, I can assure you it had nothing to do with Harrods.

  In reply to your questions 1-4 I cannot comment on this as it has nothing to do with me and I have no knowledge of it.

  It seems from the papers you sent me a few weeks ago that I have done very little to help Harrods, other than attending a lunch in 1986, two Delegations in 1987 and the Lord Young letter in 1988.

  To the best of my recollection, and your documents confirm it, I did not put in further activity on behalf of Harrods after the 1988 Lord Young letter.

  Therefore, there would be no reason for Ian Greer to pay me any fees on behalf of Harrods. If he had done I would have told you.

  PS: I will get this typed for you when I return to London, but I felt you'd like an early reply.

21 February 1997

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