House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Sessional Information Digest: 1996-97



This section lists Select Committees, other than those set up under Standing Order No 130 to monitor the work of Government Departments (see Section B1) and those connected with private legislation.

The reports of these Committees are given below. For those which publish numerous reports of a periodical nature, an indication of the numbers involved only is given, but further details are available from the Public Information Office if required. Membership given is as at Dissolution on 8 April 1997.


Clerk: Mr Moon

Members (7)

Appointed 23 June 1992

Powell, Sir Ray (L) (Chairman)

Chapman, Sir Sydney (C)Conway, Mr Derek (C)Cormack, Sir Patrick (C)
Fenner, Dame Peggy (C)Hughes, Mr Simon (LD)Mudie, Mr George (L)


Clerk: Mr Clark

Members (7)

Appointed 23 June 1992

Martin, Mr Michael (L) (Chairman)

Conway, Mr Derek (C)Duncan-Smith, Mr Iain (C)Roe, Mrs Marion (C)
Ross, Mr William (UU)Wood, Mr Timothy (C)


Clerk: Mr Doig

Members (11)

Appointed 26 June 1992

Newton, Mr Tony (C) (Chairman)

Amess, Mr David (C)Battle, Mr John (L)Conway, Mr Derek (C)
Gunnell, Mr John (L)Harris, Mr David (C)Hoey, Miss Kate (L)
Jones, Mr Nigel (LD)Riddick, Mr Graham (C)Rooney, Mr Terry (L)
Wood, Mr Timothy (C)


Clerk: Mr Clark

Members (7)

Appointed 23 June 1992

Shepherd, Sir Colin (C) (Chairman)

Callaghan, Mr Jim (L)Dixon, Mr Don (L)Etherington, Mr Bill (L)
Haselhurst, Sir Alan (C)Thompson, Sir Donald (C)Townend, Mr John (C)


Clerks: Mr E Ollard (Lords), Mr Hennessey (Commons)

Members (22)

House of Lords

Appointed 14 December 1995

Airedale, Lord (LD)Alexander of Tunis,Earl (C)Dilhorne, Viscount (C)
Gisborough, Lord (C)Hanworth, Viscount (LD)Haskel, Lord (L)
Lloyd of Berwick, Lord (CB)Mallalieu, Baroness (L)Meston, Lord (LD)
Steyn, Lord (CB)Strabolgi, Lord (L)Wigoder, Lord (LD)

House of Commons

Appointed 19 January 1993

Booth, Mr Hartley (C)Hawkins, Mr Nick (C)Lewis, Mr Terry (L)
Lidington, Mr David (C)Loyden, Mr Eddie (L)Luff, Mr Peter (C)
Sutcliffe, Mr Gerry (L)Timms, Mr Stephen (L)Whittingdale, Mr John (C)


NoTitlePaper No
1Various Consolidation Bills relating to planning in Scotland.HC 156/
Details are available from the Public Information Office.HL 23
2Architects Bill [HL]; Health Visitors Bill [HL] andHC 251/
Lieutenancies Bill [HL]HL 37
3Justices of the Peace Bill [HL]HC 312/
HL 44


Clerks: Mr Rogers, Mrs Flood

Members (18)

Appointed: 2 March 1995

Field, Mr Barry (C) (Chairman)

Atkinson, Mr Peter (C)Brown, Mr Michael (C)Church, Ms Judith (L)
Evans, Mr David (C)Gerrard, Mr Neil (L)Hodge, Margaret (L)
MacShane, Mr Denis (L)Martin, Mr David (C)Nicholls, Mr Patrick (C)
Pearson, Mr Ian (L)Pike, Mr Peter (L)Prentice, Mr Gordon (L)
Riddick, Mr Graham (C)Ross, Mr William (UUP)Stewart, Mr Allan (C)
Sykes, Mr John (C)Twinn, Dr Ian (C)


NoTitlePaper No
1Deregulation (Weights and Measures) Order 1996, Employment HC 40
in Bars Order 1996 and Deregulation (Validity of Civil
Preliminaries to Marriage) Order 1996
2Deregulation (Bills of Exchange) Order 1996 and DeregulationHC 91
(Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951) (Repeal) Order
3Deregulation (Gaming on Sunday in Scotland) Order 1996 and HC 100
Deregulation (Validity of Civil Preliminaries to Marriage) Order
4Deregulation (Betting Licensing) Order 1996 and Deregulation HC 138
(Provision of School Action Plan) Order 1996
5Proposals for Deregulation (Casinos) Order 1997 and Deregulation HC 154
(Occasional Permissions) Order 1997
6Deregulation (Employment in Bars) Order 1996HC 227
7Proposals for Deregulation (Provision of School Action Plans) Order 1996; HC 247
Deregulation (Casinos and Bingo Clubs Debit Cards) Order 1997 and
Deregulation (Casinos) Order 1997
8Proposals for Deregulation (Non-Fossil Fuels) Order 1997; Deregulation HC 274
(Football Poolsl) Order 1997; Deregulation (Gaming on Sunday
in Scotland) Order 1997 and Deregulation (Validity of Civil
Preliminaries to Marriage) Order 1997
9Deregulation(Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907) Order 1997; HC 298
Deregulation (Occasional Permissions) Order 1997 and
Deregulation (Betting Licensing) Order 1997
10Deregulation (Betting and Gaming Advertising) Order 1997 HC 228
11Deregulation (Provision of School Action Plans) Order and HC 363
Deregulation (Occasional Permissions) Order 1997
12Deregulation (Civil Aviation Act 1982) Order 1997; Deregulation (Non-Fossil HC 387
Fuel) Order 1997; Deregulation (Football Pools) Order and
Deregulation (Casinos and Bingo Clubs Debit Cards) Order 1997
13Deregulation (Licence Transfers) Order 1997 and Deregulation HC 439
(Consumer Credit) Order 1997 and Deregulation (Betting and Bingo
Advertising Etc) Order 1997 and Deregulation (Non-Fossil Fuel) Order
and Deregulation (Football Pools) Order 1997
14Deregulation (Trustee Investments) Order 1997HC 440


Clerks: Mr Rogers, Mr Lloyd

Members (16)

Appointed 5 June 1992

Hood, Mr Jimmy (L) (Chairman)

Atkinson, Mr Peter (C)Barnes, Mr Harry (L)Cash, Mr William (C)
Dykes, Mr Hugh (C)Ewing, Mrs Margaret (SNP)Harris, Mr David (C)
Haselhurst, Sir Alan (C)Hicks, Sir Robert (C)Hughes, Mr Kevin (L)
Knox, Sir David (C)Madel, Sir David (C)Marlow, Mr Tony (C)
Spearing, Mr Nigel (L)Squire, Ms Rachel (L)Stevenson, Mr George (L)

Special Reports

NoTitlePaper No
1 SpGovernment Reply to 27th Report 1995/96HC 140

(The Committee considers European Legislation and Reports on a large number of items each year. In addition to the above Report, 18 Reports in Session 1996-97 were published as serial parts of HC 36. Details are available from the Public Information Office).


Clerk: Dr Jack

Members (9)

Appointed 11 December 1992

Channon, Mr Paul (C) (Chairman)

Dixon, Mr Don (L)Kirkwood, Mr Archy (LD)Mackay, Mr Andrew (C)
Martin, Mr Michael (L)Newton, Mr Tony (C)Powell, Sir Ray (L)
Shepherd, Sir Colin (C)Waller, Mr Gary (C)


Clerk: Mr Moon

Members (7)

Appointed 23 June 1992

Waller, Mr Gary (C) (Chairman)

Batiste, Mr Spencer (C)Bennett, Mr Andrew (L)Hargreaves,Mr Andrew (C)
McFall, Mr John (L)Miller, Mr Andrew (L)Wood, Mr Timothy (C)


Clerk: Mr Winnifrith

Members (29)

Appointed 6 November 1992

Higgins, Sir Terence (C) (Chairman)

Bennett, Mr Andrew (C)Channon, Mr Paul (C)Colvin, Mr Michael (C)
Emery, Sir Peter (C)Field, Mr Barry (C)Field, Mr Frank (L)
Hood, Mr Jimmy (L)Howell, Mr David (C)Kaufman, Mr Gerald (L)
Kirkwood, Mr Archy (LD)Lawrence, Sir Ivan (C)McKelvey, Mr William (L)
Martin, Mr Michael (L)Montgomery, Sir Fergus(C) O'Neill, Mr Martin (L)
Pawsey, Mr James (C)Powell, Mr Ray (L)Radice, Mr Giles (L)
Roe, Mrs Marion (C)Shaw, Sir Giles (C)Sheldon, Mr Robert (L)
Shepherd, Sir Colin (C)Soley, Mr Clive (L)Thornton, Sir Malcolm (C)
Waller, Mr Gary (C)Wardell, Mr Gareth (L)Wiggin, Sir Jerry (C)


NoTitlePaper No
1Work of Select CommitteesHC 323


Clerk: Mr Azad

Members (9)

Appointed 2 December 1992

Pawsey, Mr James (C) (Chairman)

Campbell, Mr Ronnie (L)Connarty, Mr Michael (L)Deva, Mr Nirj (C)
Etherington, Mr Bill (L)Hargreaves, Mr Andrew (C)Lord, Mr Michael (C)
Nicholson, Mr David (C)Tipping, Mr Paddy (L)


NoTitlePaper No
1Report of the Health Service OmbudsmanHC 93
2Channel Tunnel Rail Link and exceptional hardshipHC 453

Special Reports

1 SpGovernment response to 2nd Report 1995-96HC 75
2 SpGovernment response to 4th Report 1995-96 HC 367


Clerks: Mr Natzler, Mr Rhys

Members (14)

Appointed 4 December 1992

Emery, Sir Peter (C) (Chairman)

Atkins, Mr Robert (C)Banks, Mr Tony (L)Cope, Sir John (C)
Hannam, Sir John (C)Hill, Sir James (C)Illsley, Mr Eric (L)
Martin, Mr David (C)Merchant, Mr Piers (C)Ottoway, Mr Richard (C)
Pike, Mr Peter (L)Squire, Ms Rachel (L)Tyler, Mr Paul (LD)
Winnick, Mr David (L)


NoTitlePaper No
1Standing Orders revisionHC 95
2Legislative procedures for tax simplifications BillsHC 126
3European BusinessHC 77
4Work of the Procedure Committee during the 1992/1997 ParliamentHC 397


Clerk: Mr Brown

Members (15)

Appointed 22 May 1992

Sheldon, Mr Robert (L) (Chairman)

Carlisle, Sir Kenneth (C)Davies, Mr Denzil (L)Hall, Mr Mike (L)
Jack, Mr Michael (C)Maclennan, Mr Robert (LD)Rowe, Mr Andrew (C)
Shersby, Sir Michael (C)Smith, Mr Tim (C)Stern, Mr Michael (C)
Sutcliffe, Mr Gerry (L)Tracey, Mr Richard (C)Wardle, Mr Charles (C)
Watson, Mr Mike (L)Williams, Mr Alan (L) (Swansea, West)


NoTitlePaper NoGovt Response
1Office of Gas Supply - regulation of gas tariffsHC 37Cm 3559
2Progress in completing the new British LibraryHC 38Cm 3559
3Sale of the mining operations of the British Coal CorporationHC 60Cm 3559
4Construction of Quarry HouseHC 69Cm 3559
5Highways Agency - Bridge ProgrammeHC 83Cm 3559
6Audit of European Community transactionsHC 84Cm 3559
7Hospital Information Support Systems InitiativeHC 97Cm 3559
8Information Technology Services Agency: outsourcing the serviceHC 98Cm 3559
delivery operations
9Resource accounting and proposals for a resource-based system ofHC 167Cm 3577
10Excess Vote (Northern Ireland)HC 283
11Excess Votes 1995/96HC 293
12Overseas Development Administration: Turkish UniversitiesHC 70
Equipment Project
13Second sale of shares in National Power and PowergenHC 151
14Department for Education and Employment: financial control ofHC 61
payments made under the Training for Work and Youth Training
Programmes in England
15Office of Passenger Rail Franchising: the award of the first threeHC 39
passenger rail franchises
16Work of the Directors General of Telecommunications, Gas Supply,HC 89
Water Services and Electricity Supply
17Health of the Nation: a progress reportHC 85
18National Savings: Financial reportingHC 214
19Inquiry Commissioned by the NHS Executive into matters concerningHC 432
the former Yorkshire Regional Health Authority
20Payments to the National Lottery Distribution FundHC 99
21Management of space in higher education institutionsHC 159
22British Rail Maintenance Limited: sale of maintenance depotsHC 168
23Ministry of Defence: financial management of the military operationHC 242
in the former Yugoslavia
24Department of Transport: freight facilities grants in EnglandHC 284
25Plymouth Development Corporation: regularity, propriety and controlHC 450
of expenditure


Clerk: Ms Gardner (Commons), Mrs Bloor (Lords)

Members (14)

House of Lords

Appointed 3 June 1992

Addison, Viscount (C)Airedale, Lord (LD)Brooks of Tremorfa, Lord (L)
Oxfuird, Viscount of (C)Prys-Davies, Lord (L)Shaughnessy, Lord (CB)
Skelmersdale, Lord (C)

House of Commons

Appointed 5 June 1992

Bennett, Mr Andrew (L) (Chairman)

Alexander, Mr Richard (C)Maitland, Lady Olga (C)Prentice, Mr Gordon (L)
Ross, Mr William (UU)Thomason, Mr Roy (C)Waterson, Mr Nigel (C)

The Committee produced 16 Reports in Session 1996-97, published as serial parts of HC 29. Details available from the Public Information Office.


Clerk: Ms Gardner

Members (7)

Appointed 5 June 1992

Bennett, Mr Andrew (L) (Chairman)

Alexander, Mr Richard (C)Maitland, Lady Olga (C)Prentice, Mr Gordon (L)
Ross, Mr William (UU)Thomason, Mr Roy (C)Waterson, Mr Nigel (C)


Clerks: Mr Hastings, Mr Reid

Members (11)

Appointed 13 December 1995

Newton, Mr Tony (C) (Chairman)

Campbell Savours, Mr Dale (L)Davies, Mr Quentin (C)Duncan Smith, Mr Iain (C)
Evans, Mr John (L)Jones, Mr Nigel (LD)Knight, Dame Jill (C)
MacGregor, Mr John (C)Mitchell, Sir David (C)Ross, Mr Ernie (L)
Taylor, Mrs Ann (L)


NoTitlePaper No
1Complaint of alleged improper pressure brought to bear onHC 88
on Select Committee on Members' Interests in 1994
2Complaint against Mr Peter AtkinsonHC 209
3Complaint of alleged pressure brought to bear on the Select HC 226
Committee on Members' Interests in 1994 - Further report
4Complaint against Mr Michael HowardHC 359
5Report from Sir Gordon Downey, Parliamentary CommissionerHC 362
for Standards

Special Reports

NoTitlePaper No
1 SpVarious matters referred to the Committee on 14 October 1996HC 34


© Parliamentary copyright 1997
Prepared June 1997