House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Sessional Information Digest: 1996-97



COMPLIANCE COST ASSESSMENTS - January - June 1996 - Cm 3439 - 30.10.96

COMPLIANCE COST ASSESSMENTS - July - December 1996 - Cm 3593 - 20.3.97

EDUCATION - Scotland - Cm 3542 - 31.1.97

EDUCATION - TRAINING - 14 - 19 year olds - Cm 3486 - 9.12.96

EXPENDITURE PLANS 1997-98 TO 1999-2000

FOREIGN POLICY - Free Trade - Cm 3437 - 11.11.96

HEALTH - Scotland - Cm 3551 - 7.2.97

HEALTH SERVICE - Cm 3425 - 13.11.96

PUBLIC BODIES - Progress report - Cm 3557 - 12.2.97

TRADE - Foreign Policy - Cm 3437 - 11.11.96




The following is a list of Green Papers (a term used to cover all consultation documents, discussion papers, and other items which set out proposals which are at a formative or uncomplicated stage and are issued to solicit comment) received by the Public Information Office in the 1996-97 Session. The non-appearance of an item in this list cannot be taken as evidence that such a title does not exist. Most items are published or 'made available' by individual Government departments or agencies, from whom copies should be sought. (Some also appear in the Chadwyck Healey Catalogue of British Official Publications, not published by TSO). The few that are HMSO published items have a Command Paper number or other reference attached. Details of the consultation period and issuing office address may be found in the edition of the Weekly Information Bulletin next following the date of receipt.

AGRICULTURE - Proposal to establish a potato industry development council for Great Britain. Copies from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [19.7]

AIR QUALITY - Draft Local Authority Circular on Air Quality and Traffic Management; Draft Air Quality Regulations 1997. Department of the Environment; Welsh Office; Scottish Office [16.12]

AIR QUALITY - An Air Quality Information Service for the United Kingdom. Department of the Environment [30.1]

ARBITRATION - Legislation for Domestic Arbitration in Scotland. Scottish Courts Administration [17.1]

ARBITRATION - Legislation for Domestic Arbitration in Scotland. Scottish Courts Administration [17.1]

AWARD SCHEMES - Proposals for Philip Lawrence Memorial Awards. Home Office [3.1]

BUILDING REGULATIONS - Proposals for Bringing Party Wall etc Act 1996 into Force. Department of the Environment [9.1]

BUILDING SOCIETIES - Proposals for a New Building Societies Bill, Revised Draft. HM Treasury [3.1]

CATTLE - Proposed Changes to Cattle Passport System. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [9.1]

CHILD ABDUCTION - Child Abduction. Lord Chancellor's Dept [18.9]

CHILD CARE - Work and Family: Ideas and Options for Child Care Department for Education and Employment [28.8]

CHILDREN (SCOTLAND) - Identification of Children Convicted in Criminal Courts. The Scottish Office [21.1]

COASTAL MANAGEMENT - Byelaw Powers for the Coast. Department of the Environment [11.12]

COMPANY LAW - Financial Assistance by a Company for Acquisition of its own Shares. Department of Trade and Industry [26.11]

COMPANY LAW - Small Companies Audit Exemption. Department of Trade and Industry [9.1]

COMPANY LAW - Disclosure of Directors' Shareholdings: Proposal for an Order under the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994. Department of Trade and Industry [21.8]

COMPANY LAW - Small Company Accounts: Possible Standard Format. Department of Trade and Industry [3.10]

COMPANY LAW: Accounting simplifications: re-arrangements to Companies Act schedule on small company accounts. Department of Trade and Industry [22.7]

COMPETITION - Vertical Restraints and Competition Policy (Research Paper 12). Office of Fair Trading [19.12]

COMPETITION - Proposed Alliance between British Airways and American Airlines: UK Draft Competition Analysis under EC Competition Law. Office of Fair Trading [13.12]

CONSUMER CREDIT - Deregulation of Lending and Hiring to Unincorporated Businesses, Further Consultation. Department of Trade and Industry [3.12]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Voluntary Codes of Practice. Office of Fair Trading [7.1]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Purchase of Used Cars. Office of Fair Trading [18.12]

CONSUMER SAFETY - Draft regulations to remake the safety regulations on prams and pushchairs. Department of Trade & Industry [12.2]

CONTRACTS - Unfair Contract Terms, Issue No. 2. Office of Fair Trading [2.10]

CORPORATION TAX - Relief for Drilling Production Oil Wells, Draft Legislation. Inland Revenue [26.11]

COURT PROCEEDINGS - Liability of Judicial Officers and Others for Costs in Court Proceedings. Lord Chancellor's Department [3.9]

DAMAGES - Damages for Personal Injury: Medical, Nursing and Other Expenses (Law Commission Paper 144) TSO [13.12]

DEEDS - Execution of Deeds and Documents by or on Behalf of Bodies Corporate (Law Commission Paper No 143) TSO [5.11]

DIGITAL BROADCASTING - Draft First Edition, Statement of Principles on Qualifying and Multiplex Revenue. [9.1]

DIGITAL BROADCASTING - Regulation of Conditional Access Services for Digital Television: Final Consultation on Detailed Implementation Proposals. Department of Trade and Industry [28.11]

DIGITAL BROADCASTING - Draft Code of Conduct on Electronic Programme Guides. Independent Television Commission, [8.1]

DOUBLE TAXATION RELIEF - Anti-Avoidance: Bought-in Foreign Tax, Draft Clause. Inland Revenue Press Office [26.11]

EDUCATION - Baseline Assessment Draft Proposals. School Curriculum and Assessment Authority [1.9]

ELECTRICITY - Office of Electricity regulation - Second Consultation on Price Restraints (1998). OFFER [20.1]

ELECTRONIC TAGGING - Restriction of Liberty and Electronic Monitoring. Social Work Services Group [21.11]

EMPLOYMENT - Employment Agency Standards: charging for information provision. Department of Trade & Industry [12.2]

ENDANGERED SPECIES - Recommendations on Added Protection for Endangered Species. Department of the Environment [31.1]

ENVIRONMENT - Five Years On from Rio (Special Session of UN General Assembly). Department of Trade and Industry [7.1]

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION - Making Connections: Reports by UK Round Table on Sustainable Development Subgroup. Department of the Environment [30.1]

FINANCIAL MARKETS - Finance Bill Changes to Simplify the Treatment of Stock Lending and Manufactured Payments: Consultation on Draft Regulations. Inland Revenue [5.2]

FOOD (SCOTLAND) - Draft Commission Directive - List of Food Additives for use in Flavourings [9.10]

FOOD CONTAMINATION (SCOTLAND) - Draft European Commission Regulation to Set Limits for Lead and Calcium in Food. Scottish Office

GAS SAFETY - Draft Second-Hand Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1997. Department of Trade and Industry [16.12]

HAZARDOUS WASTE - Proposals for the implementation of the EC Hazardous Waste Directive. Department of the Environment [31.1]

HEALTH - The Environment and Health. Department of the Environment [11.11]

HEALTH - Developing Emergency Services in the Community. Department of Health [28.12]

HEALTH AND SAFETY - Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1989: Proposals for Amendments. Health and Safety Executive [31.12]

HEDGEROWS - Protection of important hedgerows. Department of the Environment; Welsh Office; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [22.10]

HOUSING - Code of Guidance on Allocation of Local Authority Housing and on Homelessness (Parts VI, VII, Housing Act 1996). Department of the Environment [31.10]

HOUSING - Housing Act 1996 Part II: Houses in Multiple Occupation. Department of the Environment [26.11]

HOUSING - Household Growth: Where Shall We Live? Cm 3471 [25.11]

HOUSING - Statutory Right to Acquire for Tenants of Registered Landlords, Proposed Regulations to Amend Part V of Housing Act 1985. Department of the Environment [21.11]

HOUSING CONSTRUCTION - Making the Scheme for Construction Contracts (under Section 114, Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996). Department of the Environment [11.11]

HOUSING INVESTMENT PROGRAMME - Changes to the Housing Investment Programme. Department of the Environment [28.1]

HOUSING SUBSIDIES - Draft Housing Revenue Account and Account Subsidy: Proposed Item 8 and Subsidy Determinations 1997-98. Department of the Environment [14.11]

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - government.direct Prospectus for Electronic Delivery of Government Services, Cm 3438 [7.11]

INSURANCE - Guide to Provisions of Policyholders Protection Bill; Consolidated Version of Policyholders Protection Act 1975 as Amended by Policyholders Protection Bill (for guidance only). Department of Trade and Industry [22.1]

LAW REFORM - Payments to Witnesses. Lord Chancellor's Department [31.10]

LIFE ASSURANCE - Draft Clauses and Secondary Legislation on Taxation of Life Assurance and Similar Policy Holders. Inland Revenue [27.11]

LOCAL AUTHORITIES - Local Authorities and Community Alarm Schemes. Department of the Environment [16.10]

LORRIES - Proposed Vehicle Excise Duty Incentives for Lorries Meeting Low Emissions Standards. Department of Transport [22.1]

MEDICAL EDUCATION - Funding Post-graduate Medical and Dental Education Department of Health [1.8]

MENTAL HEALTH - Developing Partnerships in Mental Health, Cm 3555, [3.2]

NATURAL HERITAGE (SCOTLAND) - Review of Natural Heritage Designations in Scotland, a Discussion Paper. Scottish Office [31.12]

NOISE - Noise Act 1996 - Draft Circular. Department of the Environment and Welsh Office [23.9]

PARISHES - Draft Circular on Parish Reviews and Guidance on Consultations with Parish and Town Councils (proposed Local Government and Rating Bill). Department of the Environment [8.11]

PENCILS - Consultation on Draft Regulations to Remake the Pencils and Graphic Instruments (Safety) Regulations 1974 and the Pencils and Graphic Instruments (Safety) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1975. Department of Trade and Industry [5.2]

PIPELINES - Deregulation of the Pipelines Act 1962. Department of Trade & Industry [7.2]

PLANNING - Proposed New Powers for Local Planning Authorities to Enforce Compliance with Stop Notices (Town and Country Planning Act 1990). Department of the Environment [29.11]

PLANNING - Proposal that British Waterways become a Statutory Consultee for Development Proposals Affecting Waterways. Department of Environment [9.12]

PLANNING - Planning Appeals. Department of the Environment [14.1]

PLANNING - Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995: Proposed New permitted Development Rights to Extend the Garden of a Dwellinghouse. Department of the Environment [21.11]

PLANNING - Speeding Up Delivery of Local Plans and UDPs. Department of the Environment [14.1]

PUBLIC FINANCE - Public Finances in London - Methods & Estimates. Government Office for London [15.11]

PUBLIC SERVICE PENSIONS - Draft Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 1997. Department of the Environment [29.10]

RADIO FREQUENCIES - Future Use of 225kHz: A Consultative Document. Radio Authority [6.2]

RETAILING (SCOTLAND) - Proposed Deregulation Order: Methylated Spirits. Scottish Office [25.10]

ROAD TRANSPORT - Policy for Using New Telematic Technologies for Road Transport. Department of Transport [3.1]

RURAL AREAS - Review of the Scottish Rural Partnership Fund Scottish Office [30.9]

SHAREHOLDERS - Private Shareholders: Corporate Governance Rights. Department of Trade and Industry [22.11]

SHARES - Shareholder remedies, Law Commission Paper 142, TSO [22.10]

SOCIAL SECURITY - Draft Social Security (Claims and Payments) (Amendments) and (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997; Draft Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (General) Amendment Regulations 1997. Social Security Advisory Committee [6.12]

SOCIAL SECURITY - Draft Social Security (Incapacity for Work and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997. Social Security Advisory Committee [8.11]

SOCIAL SECURITY - Draft Social Security (Lone Parents) (Amendment) Regulations 1997. Social Security Advisory Committee [10.1]

TAXATION - Tax Saving Measures in Respect of Companies Buying their Own Shares or Paying Special Dividends, Draft Clauses. Inland Revenue [5.12]

TAXATION - Time Limits on Repayment of VAT and Other Indirect Taxes, Unjust Enrichment and Statutory Interest: Finance Bill Revised Draft Clauses. HM Customs and Excise [13.12]

TAXATION - Capital Allowances on Long-Life Assets, Draft Legislation. Inland Revenue [26.11]

TRADES UNIONS - Industrial Action and Trade Unions. Cm 3470, TSO [19.11]

VALUATION TRIBUNALS - Arrangements for Valuation Tribunals. Department of the Environment [17.10]

VAT - Review of Capital Goods Scheme. HM Customs and Excise [26.11]

VAT - Time Limits on Repayment of VAT, Unjust Enrichment and Statutory Interest: Draft Finance Bill Clauses. HM Customs and Excise [7.8]

VEHICLE REGISTRATION - Vehicle Registration Numbers: Options for the Future. Department of Transport [18.12]

VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - Vocational Qualifications Information Strategy: Consultation Paper for Data Users. Department for Education and Employment [2.12]

WASTE MANAGEMENT - Landfill Restoration and Post Closure Management, Draft Waste Management Paper 26E. Environment Agency [17.9]

WASTE MANAGEMENT - Proposed Amendments to UK Management Plan for Exports and Imports of Waste. Department of the Environment [28.10]

WATER POLLUTION - Proposals to Control Water Pollution from Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Residential Oil Storage Facilities. Department of the Environment [11.12]

WATERWAYS - Proposed changes to the legislation governing the licensing of pleasure boats on inland waterways. Copies from Department of the Environment [23.7]

WORKING TIME - Measures to Implement Provisions of EC "Working Time Directive". Department of Trade and Industry [6.12]

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - Report of the Advisory Group on Ethics of Xenotransplantation ("Animal Tissue into Humans"). Consultation on Government Response. TSO [16.1]




Compliance Cost Assessments (CCAs) are prepared and published by the Government for all primary legislation introduced into and secondary legislation laid before Parliament. In the case of most Government Bills, a CCA forms part of the Explanatory Memoranda to the Bill: in other cases, a separate document is issued. CCAs are an assessment for the business sector of the costs involved in complying with the legislation. All CCAs received in the Library of the House of Commons are noted, along with an address where copies may be obtained. The Department of Trade and Industry issues a six monthly list of CCAs as a Command Paper. The publication of this paper is noted in the White Papers section of the Digest.


© Parliamentary copyright 1997
Prepared June 1997