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European Standing Committee B Debates
Here you can browse the debates in the House of Commons European Standing Committee B
Membership of the Committee
Reports of proceedings
EC Development Aid to South Africa (1986-1996)
18 November 1998
Agenda 2000: Financial Aspects
11 November 1998
Social Action Programme (1998 - 2000)
4 November 1998
EC Preliminary Draft Budget for 1999
8 July 1998
Convergence of the Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology Sectors
8 April 1998
Commission White Paper on Renewable Sources of Energy and Energy Framework Programme
1 April 1998
Aid to Shipbuilding
25 March 1998
Court of Auditors Report 1996
18 February 1998
Agenda 2000: The New Financial Framework
10 December 1997
Agenda 2000: Structural and Cohesion Funds
9 December 1997
Employment Law
3 December 1997
Tobacco Advertising
2 December 1997
Harmful Tax Competition
26 November 1997
Biotechnological Developments
25 November 1997
Draft Budget for 1998
19 November 1997
Fifth framework programme for research and technological development
6 November 1997
1998 Preliminary Draft Budget
23 July 1997
© Parliamentary copyright 1998
Revised 19 November 1998