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Scottish Grand Committee Debates

Membership of Scottish Grand Committee

Below are the Members of Scottish Grand Committee, which is currently considering the Implications of the Budget for Scotland:

Adams, Mrs. Irene (Paisley, North )McAvoy, Mr. Thomas (Glasgow, Rutherglen)
Begg, Miss Anne (Aberdeen, South)Macdonald, Mr. Calum (Western Isles)
Brown, Mr. Gordon (Dunfermline, East)McFall, Mr. John (Lord Commissioner to the Treasury)
Brown, Mr. Russell (Dumfries)McGuire, Mrs. Anne (Stirling)
Browne, Mr. Desmond (Kilmarnock and Loudoun)McKenna, Ms Rosemary (Cumdernauld and Kilsyth)
Bruce, Mr. Malcolm (Gordon)McLeish, Mr. Henry (Minister for Home Affairs and Devolution, Scottish Office)
Campbell, Mr. Menzies (North-East Fife)Maclennan, Mr. Robert(Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
Canavan, Mr. Dennis (Falkirk, West)McMaster, Mr. Gordon (Paisley, South)
Chisholm, Mr. Malcolm (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland)Marshall, Mr. David (Glasgow, Shettleston)
Clark, Dr. Lynda (Edinburgh, Pentlands )Martin, Mr. Michael J. (Glasgow, Springburn)
Clarke, Mr. Eric (Midlothian)Michie, Mrs. Ray (Argyll and Bute) 
Clarke, Mr. Tom (Coatbridge and Chryston)Moonie, Dr. Lewis (Kirkcaldy) 
Connarty, Mr. Michael (Falkirk, East)Moore, Mr. Michael (Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale) 
Cook Mr. Robin (Livingston)Morgan, Mr. Alasdair (Galloway and Upper Nithsdale) 
Cunningham, Ms Roseanna (Perth)Murphy, Mr. Jim (Eastwood) 
Dalyell, Mr. Tam (Linlithgow)O'Neill, Mr. Martin (Ochil)  
Darling, Mr. Alistair (Edinburgh, Central)Osborne, Mrs. Sandra (Ayr) 
Davidson, Mr. Ian (Glasgow, Pollok )Reid, Dr. John (Hamilton, North and Bellshill) 
Dewar, Mr. Donald (Secretary of State for Scotland)Robertson, Mr. George (Hamilton, South) 
Donohoe, Mr. Brian H. (Cunninghame, South)Ross, Mr. Ernie (Dundee, West) 
Doran, Mr. Frank (Aberdeen, Central )Roy, Mr. Frank (Motherwell and Wishaw) 
Ewing, Mrs. Margaret (Moray)Salmond, Mr. Alex (Banff and Buchan) 
Foulkes, Mr. George (Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley)Sarwar, Mr. Mohammad (Glasgow, Govan) 
Fyfe, Mrs. Maria (Glasgow, Maryhill)Savidge, Mr. Malcolm (Aberdeen, North) 
Galbraith, Mr. Sam (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland)Smith, Sir Robert (West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine) 
Galloway, Mr. George (Glasgow, Kelvin)Squire, Ms Rachel (Dunfermline, West) 
Godman, Mr. Norman A. (Greenock and Inverclyde)Stewart, Mr. David (Inverness, East, Nairn and Lochaber) 
Gorrie, Mr. Donald (Edinburgh, West)Strang, Dr. Gavin (Edinburgh, East and Musselburgh) 
Graham, Mr. Thomas (West Renfrewshire)Swinney, Mr. John (North Tayside) 
Griffiths, Mr. Nigel (Edinburgh, South)Wallace, Mr. James (Orkney and Shetland) 
Home Robertson, Mr. John (East Lothian)Welsh, Mr. Andrew (Angus) 
Hood, Mr. Jimmy (Clydesdale)Wilson, Mr. Brian (Minister for Education and Industry, Scottish Office) 
Ingram, Mr. Adam (East Kilbride)Worthington, Mr. Tony (Clydebank and Milngavie) 
Kennedy, Mr. Charles (Ross, Skye and Inverness, West)Wray, Mr. Jimmy (Glasgow, Baillieston) 
Kirkwood, Mr. Archy (Roxburgh and Berwickshire)
Liddell, Mrs. Helen (Airdrie and Shotts)
McAllion, Mr. John (Dundee, East)
Mr. D. W. N. Doig, Committee Clerk

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