This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject headings and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers text for
Wednesday 3 Feb 1999

Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 607

Written Answers to Questions [3 Feb 1999]


Departmental Papers [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Michael J. Foster -- Departmental Papers [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Pigs [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. William Ross -- Pigs [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Health Technology Assessment [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Harris -- Health Technology Assessment [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 608

Mr. McFall

Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Criminal Records Office Forms [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. McNamara -- Criminal Records Office Forms [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 609

Mr. Ingram

WALES [3 Feb 1999]

Class Sizes [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Swayne -- Class Sizes [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hain

Mr. Livsey -- Class Sizes [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hain

Column: 610

Education Action Zones [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Swayne -- Education Action Zones [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hain

Mr. Swayne -- Education Action Zones [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hain

North Wales Child Abuse Inquiry [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Wigley -- North Wales Child Abuse Inquiry [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Jon Owen Jones

Local Government Expenditure [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Lawrence -- Local Government Expenditure [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Michael

Column: 611

Column: 612

Social Exclusion Unit [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Edwards -- Social Exclusion Unit [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hain

North West Wales NHS Trust [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Betty Williams -- North West Wales NHS Trust [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Jon Owen Jones

Column: 613

Health Authority Funding [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Betty Williams -- Health Authority Funding [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Jon Owen Jones

Column: 614


Electronic Warfare [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Lait -- Electronic Warfare [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Straw

Mrs. Lait -- Electronic Warfare [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Straw

Police Recruitment [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Beith -- Police Recruitment [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Boateng

Column: 615

Column: 616

Prisons Inspectorate (Reports) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Beith -- Prisons Inspectorate (Reports) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Howarth

Column: 617

Premier Prison, Doncaster [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Mahon -- Premier Prison, Doncaster [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Howarth

Town Centres (Safety) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Town Centres (Safety) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Boateng

Column: 618

Immigration Offences [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Immigration Offences [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Boateng

Police Authority Funding [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Salter -- Police Authority Funding [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Straw

Column: 619

Security Service Files [3 Feb 1999]

Jane Griffiths -- Security Service Files [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Straw

Column: 620

European Elections [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Corbett -- European Elections [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Howarth

School Crossing Patrols [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooney -- School Crossing Patrols [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 621

Mr. Boateng

Prisons (Charter Marks) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Beith -- Prisons (Charter Marks) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Kilfoyle


Ministerial Visits [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tyler -- Ministerial Visits [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Byers

Column: 622

BAT Industries and Rothmans International [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Lidington -- BAT Industries and Rothmans International [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Export Licences (Records) [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Export Licences (Records) [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Column: 623

Electro-shock Batons [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Electro-shock Batons [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Mr. Alan Simpson -- Electro-shock Batons [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

PVC Toys [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Salter -- PVC Toys [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Export Licences (Alvis) [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Export Licences (Alvis) [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Column: 624

Electronic Equipment [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Nigel Jones -- Electronic Equipment [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells

Director General of Research Councils [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Miller -- Director General of Research Councils [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Byers

Vibration White Finger [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Kelly -- Vibration White Finger [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Battle

Column: 625

Arms Exports [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Perham -- Arms Exports [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd


Line of Route (Summer Opening) [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Gordon -- Line of Route (Summer Opening) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Mitchell -- Line of Route (Summer Opening) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Kirkwood


Motor Scooters [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cox -- Motor Scooters [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Local Authority Databases [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cohen -- Local Authority Databases [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 626

Mr. Raynsford

Drink Driving [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cox -- Drink Driving [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

HGVs (Channel Crossings) [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Gorman -- HGVs (Channel Crossings) [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Trunk Roads (Herefordshire) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Keetch -- Trunk Roads (Herefordshire) [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Belmont Roundabout [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Keetch -- Belmont Roundabout [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 627

Ms Glenda Jackson

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Column: 628

Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Houses in Multiple Occupation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Amess -- Houses in Multiple Occupation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Raynsford

Genetically Modified Food [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Crausby -- Genetically Modified Food [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meacher

Column: 629

Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Crausby -- Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meacher

Mr. Baker -- Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meacher

Council Tax Benefit [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Healey -- Council Tax Benefit [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Armstrong

Mr. Healey -- Council Tax Benefit [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 630

Ms Armstrong

Mr. Healey -- Council Tax Benefit [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Chaytor -- Council Tax Benefit [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Armstrong

Airports [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Jenkin -- Airports [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Mr. Jenkin -- Airports [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Column: 631

Mr. Jenkin -- Airports [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Global Warming [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Nigel Jones -- Global Warming [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meale

Eurostar Services [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Kidney -- Eurostar Services [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Reid

Column: 632

Disabled Parking [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hancock -- Disabled Parking [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Pipework Materials [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fabricant -- Pipework Materials [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meale

Rats [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fabricant -- Rats [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meale

Column: 633

Mr. Fabricant -- Rats [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Raynsford

Mr. Fabricant -- Rats [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Raynsford

Drinking Water (Contamination) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fabricant -- Drinking Water (Contamination) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Meale

Column: 634

Air Services (Punctuality) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gorrie -- Air Services (Punctuality) [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Highways Agency Projects [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Highways Agency Projects [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Column: 635


Aid (EU) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. David Davis -- Aid (EU) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Wilkinson -- Aid (EU) [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Development Education [3 Feb 1999]

Helen Jones -- Development Education [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Foulkes

Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Allan -- Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Dalyell -- Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Education (Girls) [3 Feb 1999]

Fiona Mactaggart -- Education (Girls) [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 636

Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. McAllion -- Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Mr. Pike -- Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Mr. David Heath -- Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Mr. Jim Cunningham -- Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 637

Clare Short

Mr. Streeter -- Debt Relief [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Kosovo and Montenegro [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Coaker -- Kosovo and Montenegro [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 638

Intermediate Technology [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Baldry -- Intermediate Technology [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Medical Services (Children) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Lock -- Medical Services (Children) [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Commonwealth Development Corporation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Stunell -- Commonwealth Development Corporation [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 639

Zimbabwe [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Evans -- Zimbabwe [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Great Lakes Region [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Oona King -- Great Lakes Region [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Tanzania [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Gilroy -- Tanzania [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 640

St. Helena [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Bob Russell -- St. Helena [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Angola [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Andrew George -- Angola [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Clean Water Supply [3 Feb 1999]

Helen Jackson -- Clean Water Supply [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Multilateral Agreement for Investment [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gapes -- Multilateral Agreement for Investment [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 641

Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Tonge -- Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Dr. Tonge -- Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Dr. Tonge -- Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Dr. Tonge -- Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Dr. Tonge -- Southern Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Non-governmental Organisations [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Streeter -- Non-governmental Organisations [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 642

Clare Short


Life Peers [3 Feb 1999]

Sir John Stanley -- Life Peers [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Overseas Publications [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maclean -- Overseas Publications [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Column: 643

Joint Consultative Committee [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Joint Consultative Committee [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Ministerial Visits [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paterson -- Ministerial Visits [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Column: 644

Column: 645

Maxwell Pensions [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Paterson -- Maxwell Pensions [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Genetically Modified Food [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Yeo -- Genetically Modified Food [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 646

The Prime Minister

Official Histories [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Keith Simpson -- Official Histories [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Column: 645

Column: 645

Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Trend -- Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Oman [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Oman [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Column: 646

Yemen [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Yemen [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

India [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- India [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Column: 647

Non-government Bodies [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Non-government Bodies [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Acheson Report [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooney -- Acheson Report [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister

Engagements [3 Feb 1999]

Sir Peter Tapsell -- Engagements [3 Feb 1999]

The Prime Minister


Radio Authority [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cox -- Radio Authority [3 Feb 1999]

Janet Anderson

Column: 648

Tourism (North-west) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hoyle -- Tourism (North-west) [3 Feb 1999]

Janet Anderson

Mr. Hoyle -- Tourism (North-west) [3 Feb 1999]

Janet Anderson

Mr. Hoyle -- Tourism (North-west) [3 Feb 1999]

Janet Anderson

Column: 649

DEFENCE [3 Feb 1999]

Sully Hospital (Land Decontamination) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. John Smith -- Sully Hospital (Land Decontamination) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Military Bases (Children) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cox -- Military Bases (Children) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Mr. Cox -- Military Bases (Children) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Column: 650

Exports (Saudi Arabia) [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Exports (Saudi Arabia) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Ann Clwyd -- Exports (Saudi Arabia) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Trident (Successor) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Alan Simpson -- Trident (Successor) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Captured Weapons [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Keith Simpson -- Captured Weapons [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Column: 651

Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Dalyell -- Sudan [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Mr. Key -- Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Operational Costs [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Operational Costs [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 652

Mr. George Robertson

Multi-launch Rocket System [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Multi-launch Rocket System [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Project Horizon [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Project Horizon [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 653

Mr. George Robertson

Gulf Forces [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Gulf Forces [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Bosnia and Herzegovina [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Bosnia and Herzegovina [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Albania [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Albania [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Mr. Key -- Albania [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Column: 654

Operation Desert Fox [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Operation Desert Fox [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Nerve Gas Attacks (Japan) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Livingstone -- Nerve Gas Attacks (Japan) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Disposal Sales Agency [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Disposal Sales Agency [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Ann Clwyd -- Disposal Sales Agency [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Propellants [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Ewing -- Propellants [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Chapelcross and Calderhall Reactors [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Alan Simpson -- Chapelcross and Calderhall Reactors [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Column: 655

Short Range Air Defence Systems [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Short Range Air Defence Systems [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Air Missiles [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Air Missiles [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Mr. Key -- Air Missiles [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Anti-tank Guided Weapon System [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Anti-tank Guided Weapon System [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Spellar

Column: 656


Thames Barrier [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Thames Barrier [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Morley

Magistrates Courts [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Magistrates Courts [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hoon

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Magistrates Courts [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hoon

Column: 657

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Magistrates Courts [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hoon

SCOTLAND [3 Feb 1999]

Waiting Lists [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. Ewing -- Waiting Lists [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Galbraith

Column: 658

Skye Bridge [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Charles Kennedy -- Skye Bridge [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Scottish Natural Heritage [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Scottish Natural Heritage [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Dewar

Column: 659

Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Dewar

Housing Repairs [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gorrie -- Housing Repairs [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Housing (Disabled People) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gorrie -- Housing (Disabled People) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Column: 660

Domestic Water Supply [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Gorrie -- Domestic Water Supply [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

A9 (Improvement Scheme) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maclennan -- A9 (Improvement Scheme) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Mr. Maclennan -- A9 (Improvement Scheme) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Mr. Maclennan -- A9 (Improvement Scheme) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Macdonald

Column: 661


Local Deprivation Indicators [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rammell -- Local Deprivation Indicators [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Andrew Smith

New Deal [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Clappison -- New Deal [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 662

Mr. Andrew Smith

Training and Enterprise Councils [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Alan Keen -- Training and Enterprise Councils [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Mudie

Standards and Effectiveness Unit [3 Feb 1999]

Mrs. May -- Standards and Effectiveness Unit [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 663

Ms Estelle Morris

Grant-maintained Schools [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Chope -- Grant-maintained Schools [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Estelle Morris

Teacher Training Agency [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Buck -- Teacher Training Agency [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Estelle Morris

Column: 664

Teachers [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Chaytor -- Teachers [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Estelle Morris

Mr. Chaytor -- Teachers [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Estelle Morris

Column: 665

Mr. Chaytor -- Teachers [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Estelle Morris

Employment Service [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooney -- Employment Service [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Andrew Smith

Column: 666

HEALTH [3 Feb 1999]

Drugs Prescriptions [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Peter Bradley -- Drugs Prescriptions [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Denham

Column: 667

Mr. Peter Bradley -- Drugs Prescriptions [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Denham

Column: 668

Herbal Medicines [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Green -- Herbal Medicines [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Jowell

Column: 669

Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Responsibilities [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Denham

Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Departmental Legislation [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Denham

PVC Toys [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Salter -- PVC Toys [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Howells


Independent Adjudication Officers [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hinchliffe -- Independent Adjudication Officers [3 Feb 1999]

Angela Eagle

Column: 670

Benefits Overpayments [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Field -- Benefits Overpayments [3 Feb 1999]

Angela Eagle

Column: 671

Vaccine Damage Payments [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Sawford -- Vaccine Damage Payments [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Bayley

Severely Disabled Children [3 Feb 1999]

Dr. Naysmith -- Severely Disabled Children [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Bayley

Dr. Naysmith -- Severely Disabled Children [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 672

Mr. Bayley

London Organised Fraud Investigation Team [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Sayeed -- London Organised Fraud Investigation Team [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Timms

Mr. Sayeed -- London Organised Fraud Investigation Team [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Timms

Pensions (Minimum Income Guarantee) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Field -- Pensions (Minimum Income Guarantee) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Timms

Kenneth Gilbert [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Steen -- Kenneth Gilbert [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 673

Angela Eagle

Column: 674

BASIS Southern Command [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Duncan Smith -- BASIS Southern Command [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Timms

Income Support [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Kirkwood -- Income Support [3 Feb 1999]

Angela Eagle

Column: 673

Column: 675

Column: 675

Family Credit [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Kirkwood -- Family Credit [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 676

Angela Eagle

Column: 675

Column: 675

TREASURY [3 Feb 1999]

Local Authority Capital Receipts [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Maude -- Local Authority Capital Receipts [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 676

Dr. Reid

Column: 677

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Healey -- Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Hewitt

Mr. Webb -- Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Hewitt

Pension Investment [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Lawrence -- Pension Investment [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Milburn

Column: 678


Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Iraq [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. George Robertson

Turkey (Death Penalty) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Turkey (Death Penalty) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Vaz -- Turkey (Death Penalty) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Column: 679

Entertainment Budgets [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Vaz -- Entertainment Budgets [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Column: 682

Missing Arms Consignment (South Africa) [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- Missing Arms Consignment (South Africa) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Cyprus [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cox -- Cyprus [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Quin

East Timor [3 Feb 1999]

Ann Clwyd -- East Timor [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Ann Clwyd -- East Timor [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 683

Mr. Fatchett

NATO Enlargement [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Cohen -- NATO Enlargement [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Arms Exports [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Perham -- Arms Exports [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Diplomatic Posts (Eastern Mediterranean) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. John D. Taylor -- Diplomatic Posts (Eastern Mediterranean) [3 Feb 1999]

Ms Quin

Column: 684

International Terrorism [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- International Terrorism [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Salman Rushdie [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Salman Rushdie [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Clare Short

Column: 685

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 686

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 687

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Column: 688

Mr. Stephen Twigg -- Middle East [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Sudan (Religious Freedom) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Drew -- Sudan (Religious Freedom) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Pakistan (Christian Community) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Drew -- Pakistan (Christian Community) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Fatchett

Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Key -- Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Key -- Kosovo [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 689

Mr. Tony Lloyd


Slaughterhouse Inspections (Assaults) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Baker -- Slaughterhouse Inspections (Assaults) [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

British Retail Consortium [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Hayes -- British Retail Consortium [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

Column: 690

Mink Farming [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Heppell -- Mink Farming [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Morley

Mr. Heppell -- Mink Farming [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Morley

Non-modified Organisms [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Crausby -- Non-modified Organisms [3 Feb 1999]

Column: 691

Mr. Rooker

Levy Scheme [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Chope -- Levy Scheme [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

Mr. Chope -- Levy Scheme [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Tyler -- Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

Column: 692

Mr. Baker -- Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker

Mr. Tyler -- Genetically Modified Crops [3 Feb 1999]

Mr. Rooker