27 Oct 1999 : Column: 861
Mr. Field: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what data he has collated on National Lottery ticket sales by (a) constituency and (b) social class. [95533]
Kate Hoey: Information on National Lottery ticket sales by constituency is not available. Ticket sales are only broken down on a geographical basis by television region. Average weekly spend on the Saturday and Wednesday draws between July 1998 and April 1999 is shown in the following table, which was provided by the Lottery operator, Camelot Group plc.
TV Region | Average weekly spend by those participating (£) | Average percentage participating |
LWT Carlton | 3.55 | 44 |
Meridian/South | 3.44 | 48 |
Anglia | 3.08 | 50 |
West Country | 3.09 | 49 |
Wales and West | 3.23 | 51 |
Central | 3.11 | 50 |
Granada | 3.20 | 48 |
Yorkshire | 3.37 | 55 |
Tyne Tees | 3.45 | 63 |
Scottish | 3.26 | 52 |
Ulster | 3.00 | 43 |
Total | 3.29 | 49 |
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 862
Ticket sales by social class as shown in the following table, also provided by Camelot.
Social class | Saturday game | Wednesday game |
AB | 21 | 20 |
C1 | 25 | 25 |
C2 | 26 | 27 |
DE | 28 | 28 |
No breakdown is available for instants sales.
Mr. Welsh: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if he will provide an estimate of moneys he anticipates will be received by each of the good causes up until the end of the current lottery contract; how much has been received by each good cause to date; and if he will make a statement. [95275]
Kate Hoey [holding answer 26 October 1999]: By 30 September 1999 the total income (including interest) to the Good Causes from the National Lottery was as follows:
£ billion | |
Good cause | Lottery income received (including interest) |
Charities | 1.48 |
Heritage | 1.50 |
Arts | 1.44 |
Sports | 1.48 |
Millennium Commission | 1.66 |
New Opportunities Fund | 0.63 |
Total | 8.19 |
The forecast income for the Good Causes to the end of the current Licence has been estimated using three different scenarios:
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 861
Good cause | Low forecast | Medium forecast | High forecast |
Charities | 1.88 | 1.91 | 1.97 |
Heritage | 1.89 | 1.92 | 1.99 |
Arts | 1.85 | 1.88 | 1.94 |
Sports | 1.88 | 1.91 | 1.98 |
Millennium Commission (including interest) | 2.019 | 2.019 | 2.019 |
New Opportunities Fund | 1.16 | 1.22 | 1.36 |
Interest for the period 1 October 1999 to 30 September 2001 | 0.34 | 0.35 | 0.38 |
Total (including interest) | 11.02 | 11.21 | 11.64 |
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 861
The income data for the individual Good Causes (except the Millennium Commission) exclude interest for the period from 1 October 1999 to the end of the Licence. It is not possible to calculate the future allocation of interest between the Good Causes, because this will depend on the rate at which the Distributors draw income from the NLDF. The estimated total interest for all the Good Causes from 1 October 1999 to the end of the Licence is shown separately.
Mr. Robertson:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what guidelines he gives to the
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 862
Television Licensing Authority regarding the purchasing of licences part-way through a calendar month; and if he will make a statement. [95711]
Janet Anderson
[holding answer 26 October 1999]: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has issued no such guidelines. Since 1991, the BBC has had statutory responsibility for the administration of the television licensing system and Television Licensing carries out the day to day administration as agent for the Corporation. However, I understand that the practice of issuing new licences to expire 12 months from the end of the month preceding that in which they are issued follows previous Home Office practice.
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 863
Mr. Peter Ainsworth:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if he will set out the current vacancies on non-governmental public bodies sponsored by his Department, together with the dates on which the vacancies arose and when they were advertised. [95154]
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 864
Mr. Chris Smith
[holding answer 25 October 1999]: The information is listed. For reasons of proportionality, it is my Department's policy only to consider advertising for posts which are of widespread public interest and/or with annual remuneration of above £10,000. The majority of appointments to my Department's public bodies do not fall within this definition.
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 863
Vacancy from | Body | Role description |
30 September 1999 | British Library | Trustee |
16 June 1999 | Public Lending Right Committee | Trustee |
30 September 1999 | Broadcasting Standards Commission | Trustee |
30 September 1999 | Independent Television Commission | Deputy-Chairman |
17 August 1999 | Independent Television Commission | Member |
15 August 1999 | Radio Authority | 2 Members |
30 June 1999 | National Film and Television School | Governor |
8 February 1999 | English Tourism Council | Member |
27 May 1999 | New Opportunities Fund | Member |
30 September 1999 | Horniman Museum | Trustee |
5 December 1998 | Imperial War Museum | Trustee |
12 January 1999 | Geffrye Museum | Trustee |
20 January 1999 | Museum of London | Governor |
29 November 1998 | Museum of London | Governor |
30 June 1998 | Museum of London | Governor |
31 March 1999 | National Museum and Galleries on Merseyside | 2 Trustees |
7 June 1998 | Royal Armouries | Trustee |
15 July 1998 | Royal Armouries | Trustee |
25 February 1999 | Royal Armouries | Trustee |
3 April 1999 | Tate Gallery | Trustee |
19 May 1999 | Wallace Collection | Trustee |
30 September 1999 | Victoria and Albert Museum | 3 Trustees |
3 August 1999 | Royal National Theatre | Member |
18 September 1999 | English Sports Council | 2 Members |
8 March 1998 | English Heritage | Commissioner |
8 June 1998 | English Heritage | Commissioner |
31 March 1999 | Advisory Committee for Historic Wrecks | 2 Members |
1 October 1999 | Theatres Trust | Trustee |
5 April 1999 | Theatres Trust | 2 Trustees |
9 October 1999 | Architectural Heritage Fund | Trustee |
These are the vacancies which are in the process of being filled
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 863
Mr. Fearn: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what plans he has to support further the National Museum of Pop in Sheffield. [95756]
Mr. Alan Howarth: I regret that the National Centre for Popular Music is in difficulty. This is an exciting venture designed to celebrate the world's rich heritage of popular music. I understand that the NCPM is working with all interested parties, including the Arts Council of England, Yorkshire Arts, English Partnerships and Sheffield City Council, to arrive at a solution to the Centre's difficulties.
Mr. Fearn: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what plans he has to visit the National Museum of Pop in Sheffield. [95470]
Mr. Alan Howarth: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has at present no plans to visit the National Centre for Popular Music in Sheffield.
Mr. Bercow:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if he will list the European Commission officials who were given World Cup tickets at the time of
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 864
that event; if these officials were involved in assessing the fine on the football authorities imposed by the Commission; and if he will make a statement. [95498]
Kate Hoey:
My Department does not hold information on the distribution of tickets for the 1998 World Cup Finals to European Commission officials. That is a matter for the organisers of the 1998 World Cup Finals and the European Commission.
Mr. Fearn:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many holidays were taken in the United Kingdom by British residents in (a) 1996, (b) 1997 and (c) 1998. [95436]
Janet Anderson:
In 1996 UK residents took 64.8 million holidays within the United Kingdom. By 1997 this figure had risen by 6 million to 70.8 million, an increase of 9 per cent. However, in 1998 the number of holidays taken had declined by 5.7 million to 65.1 million, a decrease of 9 per cent.
Mr. Peter Ainsworth:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if he will list those local
27 Oct 1999 : Column: 865
authorities to which, within the last year, he has made written representations over their plans to reduce local library services. [95130]
Mr. Chris Smith
[holding answer 25 October 1999]: My Department has been involved in detailed discussions with 10 authorities about major changes to their library services, including service reductions. It is our policy at this stage not to name or list the authorities concerned. Our experience is that there is more chance of finding acceptable resolutions if this policy is followed, and indeed this has happened in several cases already.
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