QUIN, Joyce (Gateshead East and Washington West) |
|  | Nil. |
QUINN, Lawrie (Scarborough and Whitby) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | During my term of office Railtrack PLC, my former employer, has agreed to allow my wife and myself to retain travel facilities for personal private travel on the UK and European Railway system. |
| | My professional fees as a chartered engineer will be reimbursed by Railtrack annually whilst I serve in Parliament. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 25-29 June 1999, to Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza with the Labour Middle East Council, to meet with Members of the Palestine Assembly, Israeli Foreign Affairs Department, UN Refugee Organisations and British Consular officials, to assist understanding of developing British Middle Eastern policy and practice following the Israeli General Election. Cost of air travel and accommodation was met by Mr A. Qattan on behalf of MIFTAH, a Palestinian organisation for the promotion of global dialogue and democracy. (Registered 30 July 1999) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Railtrack PLC has agreed to keep the offer of future employment as a chartered civil engineer open with them if I should cease to hold office as a Member of Parliament. |