Select Committee on Administration First Report


13. The opening of the Line of Route during summer would mark a major departure from the current arrangements. To operate the Line of Route during the intensive period of a Summer opening would require staff having to take overall responsibility for planning and carrying out the visitor programme, planning future public opening periods and coordinating programmes of exhibitions and other events planned for Westminster Hall during the Summer Adjournment.

14. The Committee considers that the work involved with managing the Line of Route would be too onerous for existing staff to be able to incorporate into their present duties, and therefore recommends that a discrete visitors' office, serving both Houses, be established within the Department of the Serjeant at Arms, with appropriate staffing of a Visitor Manager, an Assistant Manager and a secretary.

15. The Committee considers that many visitors, at the end of their tour, would wish to ask questions about what they have seen, how Parliament works, etc; and therefore recommends that suitably knowledgeable staff should be available at the end of the tour in order to assist with visitors' enquiries.

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Prepared 26 April 1999