Select Committee on Defence Third Report



14-19 March 1999


Monday 15 March

Meeting with the Deputy Minister for Defence

Meeting with the Head of European Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Meeting with the Deputy Chairman and members, Duma International Affairs Committee

Tuesday 16 March

Visit to NATO Information and Documentation Centre, Moscow

Working lunch with Central European Defence Attachés based in Moscow

Meeting with the Chairman of the Duma Defence Committee

Meeting with other members of the Duma Defence Committee

Meeting with the Secretary General of the CIS Treaty for Security Cooperation

Wednesday 17 March

Meeting with the Deputy Minister for the Interior

Working lunch at the Tschelkovskiy Uchyeniy Military Retraining College


Thursday 18 March

Meeting with the Supreme Rada Committee for National Security and Defence

Meeting with the Supreme Rada Committee for Foreign and CIS Affairs

Meeting with the Presidential Administration Foreign Affairs Department

Visit to NATO Information and Documentation Centre

Meeting with the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council

Chairman's speech to 'NATO at Fifty' Conference

Meetings with representatives of think tanks and institutes

Working dinner hosted by Supreme Rada Defence Committee

Friday 19 March

Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Defence

Press Conference at British Embassy

Working lunch with Ambassadors of NATO countries

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Prepared 13 April 1999