| 1997-98 Outturn
| 1998-99 Plan | 1998-99 Outturn
| Notes |
Aim 1: Modernise and simplify legal framework, by:
Introducing: sets of regulations, approved codes of practice, consultative documents and new guidance documents
| 56 | 70
| 66 | Indicator of one aspect of this work.
Many policy outputs difficult to forecast. Some policy products did not materialise for reasons outside HSE's control. We also had to deal with some unplanned work.
Aim 2: Secure compliance with the law, by:
Making regulatory contacts, including inspections and investigations, with employers and duty holders
| 186,065 | 170,000
| 183,292 | Includes all operational site visits, office meetings etc with "clients". Includes the results of inspection campaigns in the agriculture, construction and manufacturing sectors.
Investigating incidents/complaints | 33,585
| 29,000 | 32,270
| Cases completed, some of which may involve more than one contact.
Considering and processing safety cases/reports and nuclear licence actions
| 658 | 740
| 759 | Demand led measure, beyond HSE's control. Includes: offshore safety cases, onshore major hazard safety reports and nuclear licence actions.
Aim 3: Provide information and advice, by:
Dealing with enquiries | 448,000
| 550,000 | 476,499
| Largely a demand-led measure. |
Making available a range of publicity products
| 2,707 | 2,100
| 4,489 | Includes: publications, titles, exhibitions/displays, press adverts, notices and briefings, internet pages, video titles, Autofax titles. Outturn reflects the continuing popularity of (and HSE's work on) electronic media.
Number of publicity products purchased or accessed, millions
| 7.4 | 7.7
| 11.6 | Includes: free leaflets issued, publications sold, videos hired/sold, accesses to Autofax, internet "hits". Noticeable shift in emphasis from printed to electronic media.
Aim 4: Promote risk assessment and technological understanding, by:
Letting research contracts | 340
| 300 | 309
| |
Implementing risk and technical policy projects (some of these contribute to other aims)
| * | 120
| 126 | New measure, reflecting HSE's expertise in applying risk concepts, science and technology to help produce policy and field outputs.
Aim 5: Operate statutory schemes, by:
Providing regulatory services, eg issuing statutory certificates
| 4,218 | 3,600
| 3,834 | This is an aggregate measuresee page 50 for list of service items included.
| 1997-98 Outturn
| 1998-99 Plan | 1998-99 Outturn
| Notes |
Aim 1: Modernise & simplify legal framework
per cent sets of regulations, approved codes of practice, consultative documents and guidance documents introduced to time
| 84 | 88
| 82 | Slight fall in this quality measure, due mainly to factors outside HSE's control eg implementation of some regulations delayed to allow for more consultation.
Aim 2: Secure compliance with the law
per cent high hazard/risk workplaces receiving annual regulatory contact
| 100 | 100
| 96 | Slight shortfall due partly to inspector judging that some of these sites were misclassified and did not need inspecting.
per cent complaints (about work activities) investigated
| 74 | 85
| 77 | Higher than expected number of complaints received resulting in lower proportion investigated.
per cent reported events (accidents/incidents) investigated
| 6.9 | 6.1
| 5.7 | HSE is seeking to improve this aspect of performance. Next year's target is higher at 6.7 per cent.
per cent safety cases/reports and nuclear licence actions processed to time
| 90 | 87
| 89 | |
per cent prosecutions resulting in convictions
| 79 | targets not set
| 83p | |
per cent inspector time on site/contact and related activities (as a proportion of total time available)
| 79 | 80
| 78 | |
Aim 3: Provide information and advice
per cent public enquiries answered within 10 days
| 97 | 100
| 97 | Continuing Citizen's Charter commitment
. | | |
| |
per cent customer satisfaction with HSE service**
| 86 | targets not set
| 79 | Citizen's Charter measure
(see general note below).
Number of justified or partly justified compliants agains HSE staff per 100,000 contacts
| 6 | targets not set
| 5 | Citizen's Charter measure. Contacts include all public enquiries plus regulatory contacts (see general note below).
Aim 4: Promote risk assessment and technological understanding
per cent research projects completed to time
| 95 | 95
| 95 | This measure is to be discontinued and replaced by a more meaningful one.
per cent risk and technical policy projects completed to time
| * | 70
| 79 | New measure.
Aim 5: Operate statutory schemes
per cent service products (statutory certificates etc) processed to time
| 90 | 88
| 94 | Excludes mines approvals and exemptions.
Aim 6: Ensure efficient central services+
Efficiency gains (cash and productivity) as per cent of total running costs
| 5.3 | 4
| 3 | |
Staff costs (as per cent total) devoted to central services (personnel, planning, finance etc)
| 8.2 | 7.9
| 8.1 | The size of HSE's "overhead" is set to reduce further over the next three years, reflecting improved efficiency.