Review of Management and Services: Report to the House of Commons Commission Annex B


People interviewed by the Team : List 2

Dr Roger Berry MP Mr Robert Key MP

Mr Tom Brake MP Ms Julie Kirkbride MP

Mr David Chaytor MP Mr Andrew Lansley CBE MP

Mr David Chidgey MP Mr Timothy Loughton MP

Mr Tim Collins CBE MP Sir David Madel MP

Mr Tony Colman MP Mr Lembit Öpik MP

Mr Edward Davey MP Mr Nicholas Palmer MP

Mr Terry Davis MP Mr Peter Pike MP

Mr David Drew MP Mr Stephen Pound MP

Ms Julia Drown MP Mrs Bridget Prentice MP

The Rt Hon Sir Peter Emery MP Mr John Randall MP

Mr Paul Flynn MP Mr William Ross MP

The Rt Hon Eric Forth MP Mrs Helen Southworth MP

Mr Roger Gale MP Mrs Caroline Spelman MP

Dr Norman Godman MP Dr Howard Stoate MP

Mrs Teresa Gorman MP Mr Matthew Taylor MP

Mr Damian Green MP Mr Peter Temple–Morris MP

Mr David Hanson MP Mr Stephen Twigg MP

Mr Keith Hill MP Mr Robert Wareing MP

Dr Lynne Jones MP Mr John Whittingdale OBE MP

“Core questions” asked at these interviews

1.    Are you aware of the systems to help you do your job and the mechanisms you need to raise an issue that concerns you?

2.    What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the present system? Are the systems/mechanisms sufficient? If not, what would you suggest as an alternative, bearing in mind the need for transparency and accountability?

3.    What support do you need to help you function as a Member of Parliament?

4.    What is the balance between your constituency responsibilities (including casework) and work related to the House (calling the Government to account/Committee work/raising questions in the House)?

5.    Have you noticed any change in the type of casework presented to you? For example, matters that you cannot deal with directly (and would refer to other bodies) compared with issues that you can usefully take forward on behalf of your constituent.

6.    (For those Members who have been here for more than one Parliament) Do you have any evidence to support a change in the trend? (Perhaps an analysis of your postbag or of the cases that come to your surgeries.)

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Prepared 26 July 1999