Instrument of Delegation made by the
House of Commons Commission
on 24 July 1991
Board of ManagementDelegation of Functions &c.
1. In pursuance of paragraph 5 (2) (a) of Schedule 1 of the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978, the House of Commons Commission hereby revokes part C of the Instrument of Delegation made by the Commission on 25 January 1979 (relating to the appointment of a Board of Management and the delegation of functions to the Board) and subsequent amendment made thereto, and reestablishes the Board of Management with the membership, delegated functions and other responsibilities set out below.
2. Membership The membership of the Board of Management shall be the Clerk of the House of Commons (who shall be Chairman), the Serjeant at Arms, the Librarian of the House of Commons, the Director of Finance and Administration, the Editor of the Official Report of the House of Commons, and the General Manager of the Refreshment Department.
3. Delegated functions The Board of Management shall:
(i) be responsible for a House of Commons service in which the conditions of the service of staff shall conform with the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of Section 2 of the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978;
(ii) exercise on behalf of the Commission its functions concerning staff in the House Departments (except those under section 4 of the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978) so far as may be necessary for carrying out the boards functions;
(iii) exercise on behalf of the Commission the responsibilities referred to in paragraph 5(5) of Schedule 1 of the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978 for considering representations made in relation to matters affecting the interests, in connection with their employment, of staff in the House Departments by trade unions who are recognised by the Commission in respect of such staff, and for the conduct of consultations and negotiations about such matters with those trade unions, subject always to the ultimate right of those trade unions to make representations to the Commission in cases where the procedures established under the authority of the Commission and agreed by both sides of the House of Commons Whitley Committee, have been exhausted;
4. Other responsibilities The Board of Management shall also:
(i) coordinate matters relating to the services provided for the House of Commons by the Departments of the House, and give advice thereon to any select committee on Finance and Services which may be appointed by the House, and to the House of Commons Commission;
(ii) consider the reports, budgets and other financial management information drawn up by the Departments of the House, and approve the draft estimates of expenditure of those Departments and of the Office of the Speaker, together with any other estimates proposed to be submitted to the commission for presentation to the House for expenditure for the service of the House of Commons, before the submission of such draft estimates to the Finance and Services Committee and the Commission;
(iii) assist the Finance and Services Committee in the preparation of the Estimates for the Votes for House of Commons (Administration) and (Works), and of another papers relating to those Votes, before their submission to the House of Commons Commission; and
(iv) carry out such other functions relating to the expenditure on the administration of House of Commons services as may from time to time be allocated to it by the Commission.
5. Nothing set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall be deemed to give the Board of Management a right to give directions to the Head of any Department of the House about the services to be provided by that Department; or to qualify the right of access by each Head of Department to Mr Speaker in matters affecting the services provided by that Department; or to qualify the exercise by a Head of Department of the functions delegated by the Commission (under part B of the Instrument of Delegation made by the Commission on 25 January 1979) in regard to the staff in that Department.
6. The Board of Management shall exercise its powers subject to the control of the Accounting Officer in relation to expenditure.