Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Minutes of Evidence


Comparison of the Domestic Electricity Bill for Northern Ireland, GB and the Comparator REC's by Category
19931994 199519961997 19981999
NI Domestic Electricity Bill
Generation149166 157168170 167173
T&D99124 127131141 117121
Supply6126 283329 1717
Total309316 312332340 3011311
GB Domestic Electricity Bill
Generation 139148 155155157 140140
T&D103108 11110298 9594
Supply5133 182125 2520
Total293289 284278280 260254
Comparator REC's Electricity Bill
Generation140149 158158159 144140
T&D125133 137123118 114114
Supply4930 132126 2617
Total314312 308302303 284271
1 After a £10 rebate given by NIE at the end of the year.
The above figures are in out-turn prices of the year in question and do not include VAT.
Source: CRI OFFER and OFREG.

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