1. Number of Statemented Children | 1,591 |
2. Categories |
Learning Difficulties: |
Moderate Learning Difficulties | 794 |
Severe Learning Difficulties | 215 |
Specific Learning Difficulties | 62 |
Emotional/Behavioural | 63 |
Physical Disabilities | 117 |
Sensory Impairments: |
Hearing Impaired | 63 |
Visually Impaired | 57 |
Speech and Language | 74 |
Medical Conditions | 146 |
3. Number educated in other Board areas | 152 |
4. Number of Statements being processed | 790 |
5. Number of requests for requests/referrals for Statements between |
(a) September 1995-May 1996 | 355 |
(June 1996-August 1996) | 85 |
(b) September 1996-May 1997 | 385 |
(June 1997-August 1997) | 95 |
6. Number of specialist and peripatetic teachers: |
Hearing Impaired | 3 |
Visually Impaired | 1 |
Down's Syndrome | 1 |
Autism | Vacant |
Specific Learning Difficulties (including literacy) | 19 |
Hospital and Home Teaching Service | 4 |
7. Number of Psychologists | 23 |