Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the Legitimate Oil Pressure Group

  I am pleased to note that the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee has agreed to conduct an enquiry into the illegal sale of fuel oils in Northern Ireland. I chair a recently—formed group call the "Legitimate Oil Pressure Group" (LOPG), whose sole objective is to stamp out the importation and sale of illegal fuel oils in Northern Ireland.

  You will see from the attached documents[1] that we enjoy wide support together with CBI and IoD across all industry sectors relating to the world of oil. The problem—although perhaps small in the context of the UK—is vast within the context of Northern Ireland. It is causing immense damage to bona fide business and eating away at the honesty and integrity of a normally respectable community.

  I attach a number of documents which were recently presented to the NI branch of the Customs and Excise service at a meeting held on Monday 14 December.1 It is with their knowledge that we pass the same documentation to your Committee.

  I understand that the Committee and/or representatives are to visit Northern Ireland around 12-13 January 1999 and I would request that you include a meeting with the Legitimate Oil Pressure Group in your agenda.

17 December 1998

1   Not printed. Back

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