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House of Commons
Session 1998-99
Publications on the internet
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Publications

Northern Ireland Affairs - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 21 July 1999.


[The Committee met at the Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast]

Members present:

Mr Peter Brooke, in the Chair

Mr Roy Beggs
Mr Stephen McCabe
Mr Martin Salter


Memorandum from the Northern Ireland Committee, Irish Congress of Trade Unions

Examination of Witnesses

MR JIM MCCUSKER, Member, MR SAMUEL ADAIR, Member, and MR TOM GILLEN, Acting Northern Ireland Officer, Northern Ireland Committee, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, were examined.

Question Numbers

459 - 479

480 - 496

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Prepared 30 July 1999