Letter to Committee Assistant from Mr
Martin Taylor, Chief Executive, Barclays plc (TAB 84)
I am sorry to have been so long in coming back
to you with information about the materials to which I referred
(in answer to question 12) when giving evidence to the Committee
on 17 June.[53]
As I said, we are dealing with intuition rather
than scientific proof, but the following references give some
idea of the work which the Task Force reviewed.
1. Shaw, A, Walker, R, Ashworth, K, Jenkins,
S and Middleton, S (1996) Moving off Income Support: Barriers
and Bridges, DSS Research Report No 53, London: HMSO.
2. Fort, J, Kempson, E, and England, J (1995)
Into Work? The impact of housing costs and the benefit
system on people's decision to work, York: Joseph Rowntree
3. Bottomley, D, McKay, S, and Walker, R (1997)
Unemployment and Jobseeking, DSS Research Report No 62,
London: TSO.
4. Corden, A, and Craig, P (1991) Perceptions
of Family Credit, London: HMSO.
5. Marsh, A, and McKay, S (1993) Families,
Work and Benefits, London: Policy Studies Institute.
NB. These references were also used in the Memorandum
submitted to the SSSC by DSS (see page 8 of the SSSC's interim
27 July 1997
53 HC 827-i. Back