Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from
the Chief Executive of OPAS (the pensions
advisory service) (PS 12)
Thank you for your letter of 11 February.
We have concentrated our review of the Government's
Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill on those sections dealing with
pensions sharing as we have already commented separately on other
aspects of the Government's pension policy. We submitted our original
observations on pensions sharing on 4 August and believe that
those comments and observations still stand.[59]
Very few of the original changes that we suggested
appear to have been implemented and so we would again draw the
Committee's attention to our previously suggested amendments.
As we stressed in our earlier submission, OPAS is concerned with
the potential for dispute and takes the view that legislation
should keep matters as simple and uncomplicated as possible.
Malcolm McLean, OBE
Chief Executive
3 March 1999
59 HC 869 Appendix 17 pp. 216-220. Back