Select Committee on Social Security Minutes of Evidence


Central Advisory Committee Members

NameOrganisationInitial Appointment

Mr W R Dunn MBE JPWPC Chairman (Northumbria) April 1987
Lt Col R G Woodhouse DLWPC Chairman (SW England) April 1996
Maj J W Henning MBE UDWPC Chairman (N Ireland) April 1996
Mr W G MacDonaldWPC Chairman (Nth of Scotland) May 1996
Mrs P A Ade OBEWPC Chairman (Nth and W Wales) May 1996
Mr H L Payne CBENational Federation FEPOW Clubs and Assoc—President May 1972
Maj Gen C G Cornock CB MBECOBSEO—Chairman November 1996
Mrs H Murphy MBEWar Widows Assoc of Great Britain—Hon Secretary November 1993
Brig A K Dixon OBECOBSEO Vice Chairman September 1994
Brig W Shackell CBEDep Controller SSAFA Forces Help October 1997
Mr T S Deeming MBEWPC Chairman (Derby, Leics and Staffs) March 1992
Lt Col R R Holland OBE BEMWPC Chairman (Essex) June 1989
Grp Capt B J Leonard RAF MBEWPC Chairman (Cumbria and Lancaster) June 1998
Grp Capt P Tootal OBEWPC Chairman (Kent) June 1998
Mr A SutherlandRoyal British Legion Scotland Chairman July 1998
Mr J G Champ CEng MI Mech ERoyal British Legion—Chairman July 1998
Mr D B HiltonRoyal British Legion Scotland (Pensions Officer) November 1989
Mr T C HouseRoyal British Legion (Head of Pensions) September 1995
Air Commodore J G Hargreaves CBERoyal Air Forces Association (Sec General) November 1998
Brig H L B Salmon OBEWPC Chairman (Chilts) and SSAFA Forces Help December 1992
VacancyWPC Chairman
VacancyWPC Chairman

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Prepared 23 June 1999