Role of the War Pension Committees
(a) To assist the War Pensioners' Welfare
Service in looking after the welfare of war pensioners and war
widows in its area.
(b) To consider and where appropriate, make
recommendations to the Agency, the Department or the Minister
with responsibility for War Pensions on any matters connected
with war pensioners and widows in the Committee area.
(c) To consider and report on any matters
referred to it by the Agency, the Department or the Minister with
responsibility for war pensions.
(d) To hear and consider complaints made
by the persons receiving or claiming war pensions and if it thinks
fit, to make representations about the complaint to the Agency,
the Department or the Minister with responsibility for war pensions.
WPC meetings are also attended by representatives
of the Agency ie, WPC Managers from the local Welfare Office who
provide technical and clerical support to the Committee. The Committees
have no statutory powers.
Members are also invited to take a personal
and active part in the work of the WPWS by undertaking volunteer
visits to pensioners, attending advice surgeries and outings for
pensioners and widows. Training courses for new members of the
WPCs and refresher training for existing members are provided
to keep members up to date with current legislation.
War Pensions Committee Regions and Committees
London North Region
East Anglia
London North
London South Region
London South
Midlands Region
Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire
Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire
South Yorkshire and the Humber
North Eastern Region
North Yorkshire and the Tees
West Yorkshire
North Western Region
Greater Manchester and Macclesfield
Liverpool, Wirral and Cheshire
Cumbria and Lancaster
South Western Region
West of England
South of England
Central Southern England
Central Scotland
North Scotland
South East Scotland
South West Scotland
Wales and West Midlands
North and West Wales
South Wales
South West Midlands
West Mids, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire
Northern Ireland
Advisory Committees
Isle of Man
British War Pension Advisory Committee (Irish RepublicDublin)