Select Committee on Social Security Minutes of Evidence



Putting Service First

  To deliver a first class service to war pensioners and war widows by achieving the standards set in the Agency's Service First Charter.

  For 90 per cent of all claims to meet the quality criteria.

Working in Partnerships

  To agree improvements in the "end-to-end" Decision Making and Appeals process with the Agency and Pensions Appeals Tribunal to reduce the overall time taken for clearance of decisions and appeals, to improve notifications and the subsequent implementation of decisions together with improved monitoring and meaningful targets.

Managing Change

  To implement the proposals approved by the Secretary of State from the Prior Options Review to the agreed standards and timetable.

Valuing Our People

  To work with the Department in developing a staffing index and to reduce our sickness absence levels by 7 per cent during 1999-2000.


  To agree with the Department the principles and baseline for the operation of Efficiency Indices and to commence pilot operations in 1999-2000.

  To generate efficiencies during 1999-2000 that will enable War Pensions Agency to absorb the impact of financial pressures equivalent to 4 per cent of running costs.

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