To clear 75 per cent of war disablement
pension claims within 145 working days.
To clear 90 per cent of war widows
claims within 65 working days.
To visit 98 per cent of recently
bereaved widows within 15 working days of a request.
Whilst acknowledging that the SoS
target to review the Decision Making and Appeals process will
develop improved measures for appeals, we will nonetheless clear
the majority of appeals within 260 working days and 80 per cent
of appeals outstanding on 1 April 1999 by 1 April 2000.
To ensure that the Agency continues
to function effectively in the run-up to, through and beyond the
Millennium Date Change.
To develop a programme of bespoke
leadership and management development training for War Pensions
Agency managers by 30 September 1999 to enable the management
of change and improve the delivery of results.
To ensure that all staff are informed
of and are up to date with, Welfare Reform and Modern Service
delivery changes.
To carry out a staff attitude survey
by 31 March 2000 to achieve a 10 per cent improvement in leadership
and communication.
To carry out a "Health at Work"
promotion by July 1999.
To deliver our service within public
expenditure targets in a way that makes best use of available
resources ensuring that emerging efficiencies are identified and
To pay 100 per cent of invoices within
30 days of receipt, unless otherwise stated.