Select Committee on Social Security Minutes of Evidence



    —  The newly revised War Pensions Agency Service First Charter details clearly our standards of service. We will monitor and review our performance and publish the results against our standards within our Annual Report.

    —  We will continue to look at how we can make it easier for you to get information from us. The Service First Charter is available in braille and on audio tape and all our forms and leaflets are now available in larger size print.

    —  Each year we will arrange for an independent national customer survey. We will also carry out our own surveys to find out what you think of our service.

    —  If you would like general advice or help to fill in your claim form you can phone our Helpline on 01253 858858 or Textphone 01253 859999. Alternatively, you can get in touch with your nearest War Pensioners' Welfare Service office. If you have any problems finding out which welfare office to contact, please phone the Agency's Helpline.

    —  When you contact us, you can be sure we will treat you fairly, with courtesy and in total confidence. Our staff will tell you their names on the phone if you ask them and any letters we send you will be clear and informative.

    —  We aim to pay the right amount of money on time.

    —  We try to get things right first time. If we fail, please tell us. We will apologise, explain what happened and put things right as quickly as we can.

    —  We are always trying to improve the service that we give you. We will develop a culture that encourages creativity and the pursuit of excellence.

    —  We are committed to working more closely with other departments and agencies in order to provide a more streamlined service.

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