Select Committee on Social Security Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association (PL 12)

  1.  The Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association notes that there is no requirement under the text of the Directive for the parental leave entitlement of three months to be paid, either by the State or by employers. It is our view that such voluntary leave should be unpaid.

  2.  However, in the event that the Government decides that there should be some form of payment for parental leave, this should be met by the State and not employers, who will already have to meet the costs of covering this leave in their organisations during the three month period. It would be most unfair, therefore, to place an additional cost burden on employers who will be seeking to comply with a plethora of new employment legislation.

  3.  The Association will be responding to future Government consultation on draft regulations on parental leave.

28 May 1999

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