Select Committee on Social Security Fifth Special Report


Letter from Rt Hon Andrew Smith MP, then Minister of State for Employment, Welfare to Work and Equal Opportunities and Ms Angela Eagle MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Employment Sub-committee and the Chairman of the Social Security Committee.


We enclose our response to the Report of the joint inquiry by the Employment Sub-committee of the Select Committee on Education and Employment and the Select Committee on Social Security into ONE. It is entirely fitting that the ONE service, where the policy is the responsibility of our two Departments and ES and BA work in partnership with local authorities to deliver the pilots, should itself be scrutinised as a joint endeavour by both committees. We very much welcome the breadth of expertise and interest you have brought to your investigation through adopting this joint approach.

We welcome your support of the ONE pilots, and indeed of their compulsory element. We share your view that it is vital to provide an excellent service to our clients. We also agree that, in order to achieve the change in culture we all want, we will need to require people to come in for interviews. This is not an onerous requirement, it will help people to get the help they need. We must, however, make sure that this is applied positively and sensitively.

ONE is central to our Welfare to Work Programme. It aims to provide a better, integrated service to claimants and put work at the heart of the claim-making process for everyone. Your Report will be valuable as we roll out the pilots and we will continue to monitor progress against your recommendations.

Andrew Smith

Angela Eagle

4 October 1999

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