Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Thirteenth and Fourteenth Report


The Committee on Standards and Privileges has agreed to the following Report:—


1. We have considered a memorandum by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards relating to the complaint by Mr Peter Ainsworth, Member for East Surrey, against Marjorie Mowlam, Member for Redcar. The Commissioner's memorandum is appended to this Report.

2. We agree with the Commissioner that Dr Mowlam should have registered the donation from Mr Greg Dyke by name. We are concerned that Dr Mowlam gave inaccurate information to Sir Gordon Downey when he investigated a previous complaint against her. Dr Mowlam told the present Commissioner that that had been an oversight on her part. Members must ensure that the information they give the Commissioner is both correct and complete.

3. We recommend that no further action be taken.

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Prepared 10 November 1999