Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Thirteenth and Fourteenth Report


Note from the Registrar of Members' Interests to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

My recollection is that Dr Mowlam rang me in January 1995 to tell me that she needed to reinstate in the Register a reference to the Marjorie Mowlam Research Fund, which had previously appeared in her entry between March 1991 and May 1992. She asked my advice about the appropriate wording, which would differ from the earlier occasion as her researcher was no longer shared with another Member nor partly funded by NALGO. Our very routine conversation led to her letter of 12 January 1995, following which I adjusted the wording slightly to bring it into line with her previous entry. (I am satisfied that we did not discuss any individual donation.)

This tallies with Dr Mowlam's own account in her letter to Sir Gordon Downey of 30 April 1996 in response to the complaint from Mr Marshall. "The first time I set up the Fund I discussed the matter with the Registrar. The second time, I repeated the entry on the assumption that it was on the same basis as before"; and with her letter to you on 27 August 1999, which refers to "discussions with the Registrar on the correct form of words to use".

28 October 1999

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