Standing Orders of the House of Commons - Public Business 1999 - continued        House of Commons

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Consideration of bill as amended in committee of whole House.     72. When the order of the day for the consideration of a bill, as amended in a committee of the whole House, has been read, the House shall proceed to consider the same without question put, unless the Member in charge thereof nominates a future day for its consideration or a motion shall be made to re-commit the bill in whole or in part.
Report of bills committed to standing committees.     73. Save as provided in Standing Order No. 92 (Consideration on report of certain bills by a standing committee) every bill committed to and reported from a standing committee, whether amended or not, shall be considered on report by the House, and the provisions of Standing Order No. 72 (Consideration of bill as amended in committee of whole House) shall apply to such consideration.
Re-committal of bill.     74. If a motion to re-commit a bill as a whole be made, the Speaker shall permit a brief explanatory statement of the reasons for such re-committal from the Member who makes, and a brief statement from a Member who opposes, any such motion, and shall then put the question thereon.
Amendments on report.     75. Upon the consideration of a bill on report no amendment which could not have been proposed in committee without an instruction from the House may be proposed unless it has been authorised by a resolution of the House.
Debate on bill reported from standing committee.     76. When a bill has been committed to a standing committee, or has been so committed in respect of some of its provisions, then, on consideration on report of the bill or such of its provisions as were so committed, the rule against speaking more than once shall not apply to the Member in charge of the bill or to the mover of any amendment or new clause or schedule in respect of that amendment or clause or schedule.
Third reading.     77. No amendments, not being merely verbal, shall be made to any bill on the third reading.
Lords amendments.     78. - (1) Lords amendments to public bills shall be appointed to be considered on a future day, unless the House shall order them to be considered forthwith.
      (2) When the order of the day for the consideration of Lords amendments to a public bill has been read, the House shall proceed to consider the same without question put, unless the Member in charge thereof nominates a future day for their consideration.
      (3) If the Speaker is satisfied that a Lords amendment imposes a charge upon the public revenue such as is required to be authorised by resolution of the House under Standing Order No. 49 (Certain proceedings relating to public money) and that such charge has not been so authorised, on reaching that amendment, the Speaker shall declare that she is so satisfied and the amendment shall be deemed to have been disagreed to and shall be so recorded in the Journal.
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Prepared 13 January 1999