Select Committee on Trade and Industry Second Report


Submitted by

Confederation of British Industry  

EEV Limited  

RBR (UK) Ltd  

Terry Palfrey, Leeds Business School  

TAPOL: Indonesia Human Rights Campaign  

Campaign Against Arms Trade  

UK Working Group on Arms  

Foreign and Commonwealth Office  

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Supplementary memorandum  

World Development Movement  

Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the UK  

Oxfam GB  

Society of British Aerospace Companies Ltd  

British American Security Information Council  

Dr Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge  

BLWA Ltd  

Department of Trade and Industry, Further Supplementary memorandum  

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Further Supplementary memorandum  

Saferworld, Supplementary memorandum  

Department of Trade and Industry, Further Supplementary memorandum  

Department of Trade and Industry, letter to the Chairman  

Ministry of Defence  

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Further Supplementary memorandum  

Department for International Development  

Defence Manufacturers' Association, Supplementary Memorandum  

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