Memorandum submitted by The Department
of Trade and Industry
1.1 Licences to export arms and other goods
whose export is controlled for strategic reasons are issued by
the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry through the Export
Control Organisation (ECO) of the Department of Trade and Industry.
All relevant individual licence applications are circulated by
the DTI to other Government Departments with an interest as determined
by them in line with their policy responsibilities. These include
the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the Ministry of Defence
(MoD) and the Department for International Development (DFID).
Decisions on applications circulated to other departments are
taken in light of their advice. (The only applications that are
not circulated to other departments are those covering exports
that other departments have previously advised would not raise
any concerns). If there is any disagreement between Departments
that cannot be resolved by them at official level, then Ministers'
views will be sought.
1.2 The ECO is also the licensing authority
for certain licences required solely because of UN trade sanctions.
This memorandum does not deal specifically with sanctions licensing,
although the process is similar in most respects to the licensing
process described in this Memorandum.
1.3 Controls imposed for strategic reasons
are set out in secondary legislation made under the Import, Export
and Customs Powers (Defence) Act 1939 and in European legislation.
Broadly these controls fall into three categoriescontrols
on military equipment, controls on dual-use goods and the end-use
or "catch-all" control. The details of current controls
are set out in Annex A.
2.1 Open licences are used wherever it is
possible (ie consistent with Government policy on strategic exports)
to reduce the burden of export controls for exporters and reduce
the cost of administration for Government. For simplicity, the
following describes the types of licences available for the export
of goods or technology only, as a licence is not required for
the majority of transhipments through the UK from one country
to another.
2.2 Standard Individual Export Licences
(SIELs) generally allow shipments of specified goods to a specified
consignee up to the quantity specified by the licence. Such licences
are generally valid for two years where the export will be permanent;
where the export is temporary, for example for the purposes of
demonstration, trial and evaluation, the licence is generally
valid for one year only and the goods must be returned before
the licence expires.
2.3 Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs)
are specific to individual exporters and cover multiple shipments
of specified goods to specified countries and/or, in some cases,
specified consignees. 23[23]
OIELs covering the export of goods entered in the Military List
are valid for two years, while OIELs covering other goods are
valid for three years. OIELs often allow exports of spare parts
as part of continuing service support for goods supplied under
a SIEL to enable companies to provide a quick response and a high
level of service to their customers.
2.4 Holders of OIELs must comply with the
conditions of the licence, including maintaining records of all
shipments made with the authority of the OIEL for at least three
years (four years for military OIELs) after the year of export,
and make them available for inspection by members of the ECO on
request. These records must include information on the goods exported
and the end-user and end-use of the exports, where known.
2.5 Open General Export Licences (OGELs)
remove the need for exporters to apply for an individual licence,
provided the shipment and destinations are eligible and the conditions
are met. Exporters must register with the ECO before they make
use of most OGELs. OGELs do not have a fixed period of validity
and can be withdrawn or revised as necessary.
2.6 A list of the titles of all current
Open General Licences is at Annex B.
2.7 In its Third Report on Export Licensing
and BMARC, published in June 1996, the Committee recommended that
the availability of open licences be reviewed in the light of
possible diversion whenever embargoes are imposed on particular
countries. The risk of diversion within the buyer country or re-export
under undesirable conditions is explicitly identified in both
the July 1997 Criteria and EU Code of Conduct as one of the factors
to be taken into account in all decisions on applications for
individual licences and in determining what changes are required
to the coverage of open licences on the adoption of an arms embargo.
However, it remains true that it is difficult, at the point of
imposing an arms embargo, to identify all countries where there
is a clear risk that they would become diversionary procurement
routes. Such countries may include countries not bordering the
embargoed territory, and in some cases it will take time for the
embargoed parties to establish new conduits.
3. THE
3.1 The ECO within the DTI's Export Control
and Non-Proliferation Directorate (XNP), administers strategic
export controls. An organisation chart for the ECO is at Annex
C. This section of the memorandum describes the ECO's role in
processing individual licence applications and its other functions
which relate directly to export licensing.
3.2 Processing individual licence applications
3.2.1 A flowchart showing how applications
for standard or open individual licences are processed within
DTI is at Annex D. Tables giving statistics relating to licence
processing are at Annex E.
3.2.2 Licence application forms
There are two main licence application forms:
Form A for applications for SIELs and Form D for applications
for OIELs. (Copies of Forms A and D are at Annex F, together with
the guidance material sent to those requesting the application
forms). Applicants for both types of licence are required to provide
full supporting documentation. Where the consignee is a government
body, this would include, for example, the official purchase order
or a copy of the relevant part of the contract covering the order.
In other circumstances, the consignee or end-userif known
and not the same as the consigneewill provide an End-Use
Undertaking; current guidance on End-User Undertakings is at Annex
3.2.3 Reception of licence applications
All licence applications sent to the ECO are
received at a central licence reception point within the Licensing
Group. Basic details are checked and the relevant papers put together
to form a case folder. A letter is sent to the applicant requesting
any information that has obviously been omitted, such as an End-User
3.2.4 Technical assessment
The ECO's Technologies Unit (TU), a multi-disciplinary
team of engineers and scientists, then assesses the goods for
which the licence has been sought to determine whether or not
the goods are controlled under the current legislation and if
so under which entry in the legislation. This process is known
as "rating" the goods. (Where appropriate, reference
is made to technical experts in the MoD or other Departments.)
If the goods are not controlled, the applicant is informed. If
the goods are controlled, TU annotates the case papers to indicate
whether or not the application should be circulated to other Departments
for advice. This is done by checking the intended destination
and the goods against a matrix which identifies the exports for
which each of the other departments have asked to see licence
3.2.5 Data entry and circulation of licences
to other Departments. After TU has assessed and rated all goods,
the details of the application, including the rating of all goods
covered by the application, are entered on to the ECO's ECLIPS
computer system (see separate memorandum) by a Data Entry team.
They then send the papers to the Licensing Unit which ensures
that all papers, including an End-User Certificate, are satisfactory
and then circulates the papers to the government departments that
have an interest. Any application not requiring circulation (as
determined by other departments in line with their policy responsibilities)
is dealt with by the Licensing Unit.
3.2.6 Decisions on applications. If the
application has been circulated to one or more other departments
for advice, the processing is not completed until that advice
has been received and considered, whether it is to refuse the
application or to issue the licence. The decision on the licence
application will be taken in light of that advice. For any case
where refusal is advised, the case is considered at senior levels
in the ECO to determine if the refusal is soundly based; if it
is judged to be so, the licence will be refused. If not, the advice
will be challenged and the cycle repeated. Ministers' views will
be sought where it is not possible to reach agreement at official
3.2.7 If an application is rejected, the
applicant will be informed in writing. In the period 23 August
1997 to 21 August 1998 there were 89 refusals of SIEL applications.
Reasons for the refusal will be given as fully as possible, but
sometimes only the broadest of reasons can be given on the grounds,
for example, of national security. This is in accordance with
the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information.
3.2.8 Under certain of the international
regimes and the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (see separate
FCO memorandum) there are requirements for notifying other members
of decisions to refuse, or sometimes to approve licences where
other members have denied export of the same goods to the same
3.2.9 Appeals. Where applications for SIELs
are refused, applicants will be informed of their right to appeal.
The applicant must state the basis of the appeal and any new circumstances
to be taken into account. The application plus any further information
submitted in the appeal are then re-circulated to advisors in
other Departments for reconsideration and the ECO will only accept
advice which has been given by someone at a more senior level
than the person giving the original advice. Similarly, within
the ECO, an appeal is considered by the Director of Export Control.
Where ministers had considered the original application, they
will also consider the appeal. In the period 23 August 1997 to
21 August 1998, 15 appeals against refusals to grant a licence
were received. As the White Paper on Strategic Export Controls
published on 1 July states, the ECO is planning to regularise
the appeals system. While this system will not change in its essentials,
we consider it would be advisable to put it on a more formal basis,
including by providing more information to exporters on the appeals
process. In the longer term, the White Paper proposes that new
primary legislation would provide for the right of an export licence
applicant to appeal against a refusal to grant a licence.
3.2.10 Licence processing performance
The ECO sets out the Government's commitments
to exporters in a Code of Practice. Where it is not necessary
for an application for a SIEL to be circulated to other government
departments according to their policy requirements, the aim is
to provide a substantive response within 10 working days of receipt
of the application. Where circulation is necessary, as is the
case with the majority of applications, the aim is to provide
such a response within 20 working days. However, the periods start
to run only as soon as full documentation in support of the application
has been provided by the applicant. The ECO's internal targets
are to achieve 70 per cent of licences processed within these
periods (the 70 per cent reflects the reality that there will
always be some licence applications that need to take longer).
3.2.11 The targets do not apply to applications
for OIELs, because of the very wide variation in the goods and
country coverage of such licences. Nor do they apply to licences
concerning Iran or Iraq or to applications for licences to export
goods which are subject to control solely because of UN sanctions.
3.2.12 The first table at Annex E details
the proportion of SIEL applications processed within these time
targets for each four week period since the General Election.
For SIEL applications circulated to other Government Departments,
the table indicates that the percentage processed within the 20
day target remained under 50 per cent for most of the last eight
months of 1997. Consideration of sensitive SIEL applications was
postponed pending the outcome of the review of export licensing
criteria which took place from early May to late July and this,
followed by the need to take additional care to ensure that the
new criteria were applied correctly in the early stage of their
existence, led to an increase in the time taken to assess some
applications. Subsequently, improvements in performance were achieved
but in recent months the percentage of SIEL applications processed
within this time target has fallen again. In part, this was caused
by uncertainty as to how to assess applications for licences for
India and Pakistan in the immediate aftermath of their nuclear
tests, and then subsequently by the need to assess them against
the additional measures announced by the Government on 10 July
(Hansard Cols 687-688). However, the additional measures against
which SIEL applications for India and Pakistan are assessed have
almost bedded down. Finally, with the impending introduction of
a new computer system, ELATE (see separate memorandum), the ECO
is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of its business
practices and procedures which, it is anticipated, will lead to
the more efficient processing of licence applications.
3.3.1 Rating Service
This is provided by the ECO's Technologies Unit
to give guidance to exporters as to whether or not their goods
are subject to control at the time of the advice. To use this
service exporters need to send technical specifications of the
equipment to the ECO. A Rating Enquiry Form is provided for exporters
to use if they wish. Technical advice is sought from advisors
in other Departments, eg MoD, where necessary. TU also provides
advice on ratings to HM Customs and Excise (HMC&E) in support
of their enforcement of strategic export controls.
3.3.2 Compliance
The ECO's Compliance Unit is responsible for
ensuring compliance with the conditions of Open Licences. Compliance
teams visit OIEL holders and registered users of OGLs to examine
the records that the exporters are required to maintain as a condition
of the relevant licence and to check that the systems and procedures
for meeting the requirements of the licences are working properly.
The team also aims to promote wider understanding of the UK export
control regime. During a compliance visit, the company is asked
(with an assurance of strict commercial confidentiality) to give
an overview of its organisation, structure, products and sources,
markets and export activity. Exporters will be asked to show how
export orders are received and processed, how records are maintained,
how the company handles suspicious enquiries or orders, how the
shipping of goods is administered and that export records comply
with the conditions of UK export licences. A tour of the premises
may be requested to see facilities and meet any of the relevant
3.3.3 Provision of Guidance for exporters
The ECO has a telephone and fax helpline as
a first point of contact for those seeking information on strategic
export controls. A Guide to Business and other information is
available from the ECO. The ECO also has an Internet web site
( which includes export control
guidance literature, combined lists of goods that are subject
to export control, the texts of OGLs and latest news updates.
A full paper-based Export Control Information Service is also
available on subscription for those who still prefer to keep their
records on paper.
3.3.4 Enforcement
The Director of the ECO chairs the Restricted
Enforcement Unit (REU) and the ECO's Enforcement Unit (EU) provides
the secretariat. The REU is an interdepartmental committee of
officials from all those departments and agencies involved in
countering procurement for weapons of mass destruction and the
enforcement of the UK's strategic export controls. The following
Departments and agencies attend the REU: FCO, MoD, HMC&E and
the intelligence agencies. The REU meets fortnightly and provides
a forum for the identification, dissemination and discussion of
possible action in respect of information, largely secret intelligence,
relevant to the achievement of UK export control objectives and
non-proliferation policy. There is a natural emphasis on information
relating to the activities of UK individuals and organisations
but the REU also considers the appropriateness of action being
taken with other governments.
3.3.5 The Enforcement Unit also has responsibility
for ensuring that relevant information about the above type of
problems is connected with the ECO's day-to-day licensing activities.
This is done by maintaining a Watch List (eg of suspect end-users)
and by day-to-day involvement in individual cases. EU also provides
support to HMC&E in their investigations and prosecutions,
for example by providing them with information, advice and acting
as a focal point for disclosure exercises and requests for witness
statements. Finally, it gives advice to exporters on potential
end-users of concern.
4.1 The MoD has sole responsibility for
considering the potential risk to the security of the UK, British
forces overseas and our allies of any proposed export or supply.
MoD also: considers the risk of diversion to third countries of
potential concern; provides military, technical and equipment
security advice; assesses whether goods are controlled and whether
they are appropriate for the stated end-use; provides advice on
bilateral defence relations and advises on export sales generally.
The MoD is also the lead Department responsible for processing
Form 680 applications (see paragraph 4.3.1).
4.2 Processing individual licence applications
4.2.1 The Defence Export Services Secretariat
(DESS) is responsible for the processing of individual licence
applications within the MoD. Where MoD has an interest in licence
applications, the DTI passes on the applications to DESS who are
responsible for co-ordinating an MoD response. DESS seeks the
views of a range of advisors in order to produce the agreed MoD
recommendation. Circulation of the application within MoD differs
according to the type of equipment for which the application is
made. Typically, however, DESS will consult representatives of
the equipment security directorate, technical security and the
Defence Intelligence Staff. Applications which are particularly
sensitive or which raise questions of policy are referred to the
Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat who lead within MoD
on export control policy. Each advisor consulted will comment
on the application in line with their responsibilities. They will
either raise no objection to the proposed export, raise no objection
subject to conditions being set or changes made, or object to
the issue of any licence, giving reasons for their recommendation.
DESS will then co-ordinate and relay the outcome to the DTI. Where
MoD officials do not agree or the application is sensitive for
some other reason, DESS will seek a ministerial decision. Any
queries are relayed back to advisors for resolution before the
DTI is informed of the final outcome.
4.3 MoD Form 680 Process
4.3.1 In essence, the MoD Form 680 process
allows industry to seek preliminary Government approval for the
release of information or the potential export of defence equipment
overseas prior to their submission of a formal application for
an export licence. While DESS encourages industry to use the MoD
Form 680 process, it is a purely voluntary arrangement. Nevertheless,
the Government and industry recognise that the process is an important
means of preventing the unauthorised disclosure of information,
thereby protecting their individual interests. The Criteria announced
in July 1997 by the Foreign Secretary, apply to Form 680 applications.
4.3.2 The Form 680 process operates in a
way similar to that for export licence applications with policy
and technical advisers in both the FCO and MoD being consulted.
While there can be no guarantee that an export licence will eventually
be issued, the MoD Form 680 process provides industry with an
indication, at an early stage in their product promotion, of whether
or not the Government would be likely to approve any eventual
export. In cases where they are advised that an export licence
is unlikely to be granted, industry benefits from this early advice
by redirecting its marketing resources to other areas.
4.3.3 Finally, as an assessment will have
already been made, any eventual export licence application is
likely to be handled much more quickly in cases where the MoD
Form 680 process has been used.
5.1 The FCO has the sole responsibility
for considering the foreign policy implications of any proposed
export or supply of controlled goods or technology and for giving
appropriate advice on export licence applications to the DTI and
on Form 680 applications to the MoD.
5.2 Non-Proliferation Department (NPD)
5.2.2 NPD is responsible for the processing
of all export licence applications circulated to the FCO for advice
by the DTI. This includes logging "live" applications
on a database, circulating them as necessary within the FCO, chasing
delayed applications and conveying FCO advice back to the DTI
or MoD. NPD is also responsible for ensuring that recommendations
given to DTI on these applications are consistent with overall
FCO policy on defence exports, and in particular with the UK's
national export licensing criteria and those in the EU Code of
Conduct. This includes ensuring that proposed exports are consistent
with the UK's international obligations and commitments under
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention,
the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Australia Group, the Nuclear
Suppliers Group and the Missile Technology Control Regime. Applications
relative to one of these regimes are considered by NPD's Non-Conventional
Weapons Control Section. NPD will either recommend refusal of
the application before passing it to the geographical department
for information or will record that there are no concerns in relation
to these regimes. In addition, NPD is responsible for co-ordinating
policy in relation to the imposition, amendment or lifting of
non-UN (ie EU, OSCE or national) arms embargoes.
5.2.3 NPD is also responsible for the administration
within FCO, of all applications for Form 680s passed to FCO for
5.3 Geographical Departments
5.3.1 NPD does not have the expertise or
resources to take the lead on export licence and Form 680 applications,
other than those which raise concerns related to proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction. Instead, it circulates these to
geographical departments, who take the lead in considering them
against the July 1997 criteria and those in the EU Code of Conduct,
and deciding whether the FCO should recommend approval or refusal
to the DTI/MoD. To assist in making this recommendation they may
seek advice from DTI on the technical characteristics of the equipment
or from MoD on the military significance. They are also responsible
for checking whether there is any specific intelligence relevant
to the proposed export (eg which might suggest that it would be
diverted to an undesirable end-user). They may also seek information
and advice from overseas posts eg on the bona fides of end-user
undertakings and on the human rights record of the proposed end-user
and recipient country. They also check against records of previous
applications in order to ensure that cumulative flows of equipment
to the country in question are not excessive in either military
or financial terms and hence a threat to regional stability or
economic development. Geographical departments need to clear with
Human Rights Policy Department any advice to Ministers on applications
which raise human rights concerns.
6.1 Licence applications covering the export
of certain goods to some 80 countries are circulated to DFID for
advice on the economic and development impact of the proposed
export on the recipient country. DFID also has an interest in
human rights issues and internal repression records of recipient
countries, consistent with the importance given to these matters
in DFID's objectives. FCO will also alert DFID to any particularly
sensitive cases involving a further 42 countries.
7.1 HMC&E enforces strategic export
controls. It is, however, not directly involved in the licensing
process and, in particular, does not advise on whether or not
a particular licence application should be approved. Information
derived from Customs' enforcement activity which might be relevant
to licensing decisions (eg information that documentation from
an end-user had proved false) is fed into the licensing process
through the REU, Customs liaison with DTI's Enforcement Unit and
application of the Watch List.
8.1 The export licensing system needs to
balance the requirements of a range of interests; exporters require
a system that is fast, consistent and equitable with other potential
supplier countries; Government requires a system that can stop
exports to destinations of concern, meets the UK's obligations
to treaties and regimes while allowing efficient administration
of applications, while there is increasing demand for greater
transparency inand scruting ofthe export licensing
8.2 In addition to the continuous need to
balance these requirements, the licensing system also needs to
respond to changing external political and technological circumstances.
For example in recent years, a major change in emphasis has occurred
with the demise of the Soviet Bloc and, following the Gulf War,
with the heightened awareness of the potential proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction. Although such constantly changing
circumstances mean that it is difficult to predict what the future
holds for export controls, it is possible to identify a number
of challenges which the Government will need to address in the
near future:
Collaborative projects: Increasingly,
UK companies are entering into partnerships with their foreign
counterparts to develop new products. By doing so they are able
to share development costs and technical know-how as well as cut
development timescales and gain access to more markets. As such
internationalisation of business is likely to increase, export
licensing needs to be structured so that the legitimate transfer
of controlled goods and technology between partners in the UK
and other countries is not unnecessarily hindered by onerous licensing
requirements. So far, the Government's response to this problem
has been to tailor OIELs for companies involved in such partnerships.
This approach has been successful where the UK exporter is large
and well-known, where its foreign partner is of similar standing
and is located in the EU or another "friendly" destination,
and where the products being developed are well understood. However,
the position becomes less clear where some or all of these criteria
do not apply.
Intangible transfer of technology
(ITT): The Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Act
1939, provides the Government with the power to control only tangible
exports. This means that whereas an export licence is required
for the export of controlled technology in physical form (eg on
paper or disc), it is not required to export the same technology
by intangible means (eg by fax, e-mail or orally). In view of
the increasing use of e-mail in particular, there is a clear need
to address this anomaly, and the White Paper on Strategic Export
Controls contains proposals to do precisely this. However, a solution
will need to be found to licence such exports which does not unnecessarily
stifle legitimate product and technology development, much of
which is now undertaken by people working in different countries
who need the immediacy provided by e-mail to meet tight deadlines.
There is also the issue of how to enforce controls on intangible
At the same time as considering how
to update strategic export controls to take account of modern
means of communication, the Government also needs to consider
how to take advantage of these means of communication to improve
the efficiency of the licensing operation. In particular, following
on from the work described in the separate Memorandum on computers,
which will allow licence applications to be submitted on disc,
we will need to consider the possibility of providing for licence
applications to be submitted by electronic mail.
Project timescales: In order
to retain a competitive advantage, UK companies are having to
reduce lead times both for developing new products and for responding
to export orders. If it then takes an unreasonable length of time
to process an export licence application, then clearly the competitive
advantage could be lost. In view of this, it is vital that the
Government continues to look at ways of processing licence applications
more efficiently.
Increasing dual-use nature of
"military" goods: With the world-wide decrease in
demand for military goods, rather than design a product solely
for military use and then subsequently consider how it could be
converted for civilian applications, many manufacturers are now
designing products with civilian, as well as military purposes
in mind from the very beginning to offset development costs. This
means that a number of goods, of which previous generations are
described on the Military List, can no longer be controlled as
military goods because of their fundamentally dual-use nature.
In view of this, increasingly there will be a need to ensure that
the lists of controlled dual-use goods are constantly revised
to ensure that goods which have a military capability but are
no longer on the Military List are added to the list of dual-use
goods which are controlled for strategic reasons. The anomaly
of older goods of a lower technology still being controlled will
also need to be considered, with the possibility that some of
these can be decontrolled.
Self-regulation of less sensitive
exports: The sensitivity of an export depends not only on
the nature of the product, but also on the destination and end-user.
In view of this, a product which has to be controlled because
of its military application, may not be a particularly sensitive
export if the destination is a "friendly" country. In
such circumstances it may become increasingly appropriate to put
more emphasis on self-regulation by making increasing use of OIELs,
so that the Government can concentrate its resources on more sensitive
areas such as non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Goods exported under OIELs are still controlled, as OIEL holders
are subject to regular ECO compliance visits, but the exporter
is not required to submit individual export licence applications
for each export, thus saving time both for the exporter and the
8.3 Several of these challenges do not have
immediately obvious or simple solutions and, as has often been
the case in the past, it may well be that compromises will need
to be found between the requirement of the Government to control
all exports which might be of concern for strategic reasons and
the increasing requirement of industry for quick decisions on
licence applications. In addition, the above mentioned list of
challenges is not exhaustive and the ever changing nature of export
controls means that there may soon be others on the horizon. It
is for this reason, above all, the Government must remain flexible
so that it can respond to the changing demands made upon it.
Export Control Organisation
13 October 1998
23 There are, however, two special categories of OIEL-Media
OIELs and Continental Shelf OIELs-which are in standard form but
must be individually applied for. Media OIELs authorise the export
of protective clothing and equipment, mainly for the protection
of aid agency workers and journalists, for example when working
in areas of conflict. Continental Shelf OIELs authorise the export
of all controlled goods to the UK sector of the Continental Shelf
for use only on, or in connection with, offshore installations
and associated vessels.