Sessional Returns Session 1997-98 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to the membership, work, and staff of Select Committees.


This Return follows the pattern of its predecessors since the creation of the current Select Committee system by the House in 1979. Section A lists, in alphabetical order, the Members who were appointed to serve on Select Committees during the Session. Section B comprises entries giving details of each Committee's work, staff, publications and other statistics. Section C gives financial statistics and a descriptive analysis of the staffing of Select Committees.

The information in the tables in parts 1 and 2 of Section C covers both the financial year 1997-98 and the 1997-98 Session as a whole. The information in the remainder of the return covers the 1997-98 Session which began on 7 May 1997 and ended on 19 November 1998.


1. Alphabetical List of Members Appointed to Serve on Select Committees

Names of MembersCommittees to which nominated

Abbott, Ms. DianeForeign Affairs
Adams, IreneScottish Affairs
Ainsworth, Mr. PeterFinance and Services; Selection
Allan, Mr. RichardFinance and Services; Home Affairs; Information; Liaison
Amess, Mr. DavidHealth
Anderson, JanetAccommodation and Works; Foreign Affairs; Liaison
Ashton, Mr. JoeModernisation of the House of Commons
Atherton, Ms. CandyEducation and Employment
Atkins, CharlotteEducation and Employment; Selection
Atkinson, Mr. DavidScience and Technology
Atkinson, Mr. PeterScottish Affairs
Austin, Mr. JohnHealth
Baker, Mr. NormanEnvironmental Audit; European Legislation
Baldry, Mr. TonyTrade and Industry
Ballard, Mrs. JackieCatering
Barnes, Mr. HarryNorthern Ireland Affairs
Beard, Mr. NigelScience and Technology
Beckett, Mrs. MargaretModernisation of the House of Commons
Begg, Miss AnnScottish Affairs
Beggs, Mr. RoyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Bell, Mr. MartinStandards and Privileges
Bennett, Mr. Andrew F.Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs; Liaison;
Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Benton, Mr. JoeEducation and Employment;
Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Bercow, Mr JohnTrade and Industry; Welsh Affairs
Beresford, Sir PaulProcedure
Berry, Mr. RogerTrade and Industry
Betts, Mr. CliveSelection
Blackman, Mrs. LizTreasury
Blears, Ms. HazelEuropean Legislation
Blizzard, Mr. BobEnvironmental Audit
Blunt, Mr. CrispinDefence
Bottomley, Mr. PeterStandards and Privileges
Bottomley, Mrs. VirginiaForeign Affairs
Bradley, Mr. KeithSelection
Bradley, Mr. PeterPublic Administration
Bradshaw, Mr. BenEuropean Legislation
Brady, Mr. GrahamEducation and Employment
Brake, Mr. TomEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Brand, Dr. PeterHealth
Brazier, Mr. JulianDefence
Breed, Mr. ColinEuropean Legislation
Brinton, Mrs. HelenEnvironmental Audit
Brooke, Mr. PeterHealth; Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Brown, Mr. RussellEuropean Legislation
Browne, Mr. DesmondNorthern Ireland Affairs
Bruce, Mr. IanInformation
Bruce, Mr. MalcolmTreasury
Buck, Ms. KarenSocial Security
Burgon, Mr. ColinStatutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Butler, ChristineEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Butterfill, Mr JohnTrade and Industry
Cable, Mr VincentTreasury
Campbell, Mr. AlanPublic Accounts
Campbell, Mr. MenziesDefence
Campbell, Mr. RonniePublic Administration
Campbell-Savours, Mr. DaleStandards and Privileges
Canavan, Mr. DennisInternational Development
Cann, Mr. JamieDefence
Caplin, Mr. IvorBroadcasting; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Casale, Mr. RogerEuropean Legislation
Cash, Mr. WilliamEuropean Legislation
Caton, Mr. MartinWelsh Affairs
Chapman, Sir SydneyAccommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Liaison
Chaytor, Mr. DavidDeregulation
Chidgey, Mr DavidAccommodation and Works
Clark, Dr. LyndaPublic Administration
Clark, Dr. MichaelLiaison; Science and Technology
Clarke, Mr. CharlesTreasury
Clarke, Mr. Eric Broadcasting; Finance and Services; Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Clarke, Mr. TonyConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Clifton-Brown, Mr. GeoffreyPublic Accounts
Clwyd, AnnInternational Development
Cohen, Mr. HarryDefence
Coleman, Mr. IainDeregulation
Colman, Mr. TonyTreasury
Colvin, Mr. MichaelDefence
Connarty, Mr. MichaelInformation
Cooper, YvetteEducation and Employment
Corbett, Mr. RobinHome Affairs
Cormack, Sir PatrickAccommodation and Works
Modernisation of the House of Commons;
Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Cotter, Mr. BrianDeregulation
Cousins, Mr. JimTreasury
Cran, Mr JamesAdministration; Selection
Cranston, Mr. RossHome Affairs
Crausby, Mr. DavidAdministration
Cryer, Mr. JohnDeregulation
Cummings, Mr. JohnEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Cunningham, Mr. JimTrade and Industry
Curry, Mr DavidAgriculture
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs ClaireScience and Technology
Dafis, Mr. CynogEducation and Employment; Environmental Audit
Darvill, Mr. KeithProcedure
Davey, ValerieEducation and Employment
Davey, Mr. EdwardProcedure; Selection
Davidson, Mr. IanPublic Accounts
Davies, Mr. GeriantPublic Accounts
Davies, Mr. QuentinEuropean Legislation; Standards and Privileges
Davies, Mr. QuentinTreasury
Davis, Mr. DavidLiaison; Public Accounts
Dawson, Mr. HiltonAdministration
Day, Mr. StephenCatering; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Dean, Mrs. JanetCatering
Dismore, Mr. AndrewAccommodation and Works
Dobbin, Mr. JimEuropean Legislation
Donaldson, Mr. JeffreyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Donohoe, Mr. Brian H.Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Drew, Mr. DavidModernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Drown, JuliaHealth
Dunwoody, Mrs. GwynethEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs; Liaison
Eagle, MariaPublic Accounts
Edwards, Mr. HuwModernisation of the House of Commons; Welsh Affairs
Efford, Mr. CliveProcedure
Ellman, Mrs. LouiseEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Emery, Sir PeterForeign Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Ewing, Mrs. MargaretEuropean Legislation
Faber, Mr DavidCulture, Media and Sport
Fabricant, Mr. MichaelCulture, Media and Sport
Fearn, Mr. RonnieCulture, Media and Sport
Fitzsimons, LornaProcedure
Flight, Mr. HowardEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs; Social Security
Flint, CarolineEducation and Employment
Flynn, PaulWelsh Affairs
Follett, Ms. BarbaraInternational Development
Forsythe, Mr. CliffordEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Foster, Mr. DerekEducation and Employment; Liaison
Foster, Mr. DonEducation and Employment
Foster, Mr. Michael (Hastings & Rye)Standards and Privileges
Fraser, Mr. ChristopherCulture, Media and Sport
Gale, Mr. RogerBroadcasting
Galloway, Mr. GeorgeBroadcasting
Gardiner, Mr. BarryBroadcasting; Procedure
George, Mr. AndrewAgriculture
George, Mr. BruceDefence; Liaison
Gerrard, Mr. Neil Information
Gibb, Mr. NickSocial Security; Treasury
Gibson, Dr. IanScience and Technology
Gilroy, Mrs. LindaEuropean Legislation
Godman, Mr. Norman A.Foreign Affairs
Goggins, Mr. PaulSocial Security
Golding, Mr. LlinCulture, Media and Sport
Goodlad, Sir AlastairModernisation of the House of Commons;
Standards and Privileges
Gordon, Mrs. EileenBroadcasting
Graham, Mr. ThomasCatering
Grant, Mr. BernieInternational Development
Gray, Mr. JamesEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Green, Mr. DamianCulture, Media and Sport; Procedure
Grieve, Mr. DominicEnvironmental Audit; Statutory Instruments;
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Griffiths, JanePublic Accounts
Grogan, Mr. JohnNorthern Ireland Affairs
Gunnell, Mr. JohnHealth
Hall, Mr. MikeModernisation of the House of Commons
Hall, Mr. PatrickConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Hamilton, Mr. FabianAdministration
Hammond, Mr. PhilEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Hancock, Mr. MikePublic Administration
Hawkins, Mr. NickHome Affairs
Hayes, Mr. JohnAgriculture
Heald, Mr OliverAdministration
Healey, Mr. JohnEducation and Employment
Heath, Mr. DavidForeign Affairs
Hepburn, Mr. StephenAdministration
Hesford, Mr. StephenDeregulation; Northern Ireland Affairs
Hewitt, Ms. PatriciaSocial Security
Hinchliffe, Mr. DavidHealth; Liaison
Hodge, Ms. MargaretEducation and Employment; Liaison
Hogg, Mr. DouglasHome Affairs
Hood, Mr. JimmyDefence; European Legislation; Liaison
Hope, Mr. PhilPublic Accounts
Horam, Mr. JohnEnvironmental Audit; Liaison
Howarth, Mr. GeraldHome Affairs
Hoyle, Mr. LindsayCatering; Trade and Industry
Hughes, Ms. BeverleyHome Affairs
Hunter, Mr. AndrewNorthern Ireland Affairs
Hurst, Mr. AlanAgriculture
Iddon, Dr. BrianEnvironmental Audit
Illsley, Mr. EricForeign Affairs; Procedure
Jackson, Mrs. HelenModernisation of the House of Commons
Johnson, Mr. AlanTrade and Industry
Johnson, Miss MelaniePublic Administration
Jones, Ms. FionaAgriculture
Jones, HelenCatering; Public Administration
Jones, Ms. JenniferEuropean Legislation
Jones, Mr. Jon OwenInformation
Jones, LynneScience and Technology
Jones, Mr. MartynLiaison; Welsh Affairs
Jones, Mr. NigelScience and Technology
Kaufman, Mr. GeraldCulture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Keeble, Ms. SallyAgriculture
Keen, Mr. AlanCulture, Media and Sport
Keen, AnnHealth
Keetch, Mr. PaulEducation and Employment
Kelly, Ms. RuthTreasury
Kemp, Mr. FraserPublic Administration; Selection
Kennedy, Mr. CharlesStandards and Privileges
Kennedy, JaneAdministration
Khabra, Mr. Piara S.International Development
Kidney, Mr. DavidTreasury
King, Mr. AndyDeregulation
King, Ms. OonaInternational Development
Kingham, Mrs. TessInternational Development
Kirkbride, Miss JulieCatering; Social Security
Kirkwood, Mr. ArchyLiaison; Social Security
Kumar, Dr. AshokScience and Technology
Laing, Mrs. EleanorEducation and Employment;
Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Lait, Mrs JacquiCatering; Deregulation; Science and Technology
Lansley, Mr. AndrewHealth
Lawrence, JackieWelsh Affairs
Laxton, Mr. BobTrade and Industry
Leigh, Mr. EdwardDeregulation; Social Security
Lepper, Mr. DavidBroadcasting
Leslie, Mr. ChristopherPublic Accounts
Letwin, Mr. OliverDeregulation
Levitt, Mr. TomStandards and Privileges
Lewis, Mr. IvanDeregulation
Lewis, Dr JulianWelsh Affairs
Lewis, Mr. TerryStandards and Privileges
Linton, Mr. MartinHome Affairs
Livingstone, Mr. KenNorthern Ireland Affairs
Livsey, Mr. RichardWelsh Affairs
Lloyd, Sir PeterTreasury
Llwyd, Mr. ElfynWelsh Affairs
Lock, Mr. DavidDeregulation
Loughton, Mr. TimEnvironmental Audit
Love, Mr. AndrewPublic Accounts
Luff, Mr. PeterAgriculture; Liaison
Mackay, Mr. AndrewSelection
Mackinlay, Mr. AndrewForeign Affairs
Maclennan, Mr. RobertPublic Accounts
Malins, Mr. HumfreyHome Affairs
Mallaber, JudyEducation and Employment
Marek, Dr. JohnCatering
Marsden, Mr. GordonDeregulation; Education and Employment
Marsden, Mr. PaulAgriculture
Marshall, Mr. DavidLiaison; Scottish Affairs
Marshall, Mr. JimEuropean Legislation
Marshall-Andrews, Mr. RobertConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Maxton, Mr. JohnCulture, Media and Sport
May, Mrs. TheresaEducation and Employment
McAllion, Mr. JohnScottish Affairs
McAvoy, Mr. ThomasFinance and Services
McCabe, Mr. StephenDeregulation
McCafferty, ChrisProcedure
McDonagh, SiobhainSocial Security
McGrady, Mr. EddieNorthern Ireland Affairs
McGuire, Mrs. AnneEuropean Legislation
McIsaac, ShonaStandards and Privileges
McKenna, RosemaryCatering; European Legislation; Scottish Affairs;
Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
McLoughlin, Mr. PatrickCatering; Finance and Services; Selection
Mctaggart, FionaPublic Administration
McWalter, Mr. TonyNorthern Ireland Affairs
McWilliam, Mr. JohnDefence; Liaison; Selection
Meacher, Mr. MichaelEnvironmental Audit
Merchant, Mr. PiersDeregulation (Until 27/10/97)
Merron, GillianTrade and Industry
Michie, Mr. BillParliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Miller, Mr. AndrewInformation
Mitchell, Mr. AustinAgriculture
Moffatt, LauraDefence
Moonie, Dr. LewisFinance and Services; Liaison
Moore, Mr. MichaelScottish Affairs
Moran, Ms. MargaretNorthern Ireland Affairs
Morgan, Mr. AlasdairTrade and Industry
Morgan, Ms. JulieWelsh Affairs
Morgan, Mr. RhodriLiaison; Public Administration
Mr Tim CollinsAgriculture
Mudie, Mr. GeorgeAccommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Mullin, Mr. ChrisHome Affairs; Liaison
Murphy, Mr. DenisDeregulation
Naysmith, Dr DougDeregulation
O'Brien, Mr. BillEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
O'Neill, Mr. MartinLiaison; Trade and Industry
Olner, Mr. BillEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Organ, Mrs. DianaAgriculture; Statutory Instruments;
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Osborne, Ms. SandraInformation; Scottish Affairs
Page, Mr. RichardPublic Accounts
Palmer, Dr. NickAdministration
Paterson, Mr. OwenWelsh Affairs
Perham, Ms. LindaAccommodation and Works; Trade and Industry
Pickles, Mr. EricEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Pike, Mr. Peter L.Deregulation; Liaison;
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Plaskitt, Mr. JamesConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Pond, Mr. ChrisSocial Security
Pound, Mr. StephenBroadcasting
Powell, Sir RaymondAccommodation and Works
Primarolo, DawnPublic Accounts
Prior, Mr. DavidTrade and Industry
Radice, Mr. GilesLiaison; Treasury
Rammell, Mr. BillEuropean Legislation
Randall, Mr. JohnDeregulation; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Rapson, Mr. SydAccommodation and Works
Rendel, Mr. DavidAccommodation and Works
Robathan, Mr. AndrewInternational Development
Robertson, Mr. LaurenceConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee ;
Environmental Audit
Robinson, Mr. PeterNorthern Ireland Affairs
Roe, Mrs MarionAdministration; Finance and Services; Liaison
Ross, Mr. ErnieForeign Affairs
Ross, Mr. WilliamAdministration ; Deregulation; Statutory Instruments;
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Rowe, Mr. AndrewInternational Development
Rowlands, Mr. TedForeign Affairs
Roy, Mr. FrankSocial Security
Ruffley, Mr. DavidPublic Administration
Russell, Mr. BobHome Affairs
Salter, Mr. MartinNorthern Ireland Affairs
Sanders, Mr. AdrianConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Savidge, Mr. MalcolmEnvironmental Audit
Sawford, Mr. PhilInformation
Sayeed, Mr. JonathanBroadcasting
Sedgemore, Mr. BrianTreasury
Shaw, Mr. Jonathan R.Environmental Audit
Sheldon, Mr. RobertLiaison; Standards and Privileges
Shephard, Mrs. GillianModernisation of the House of Commons
Shepherd, Mr. RichardModernisation of the House of Commons;
Public Administration
Simpson, Mr. KeithCatering
Singh, Mr. MarshaHome Affairs
Smith, Miss GeraldineDeregulation
Soley, Mr. CliveModernisation of the House of Commons
Southworth, HelenProcedure
Spelman, Mrs. CarolineScience and Technology
Spicer, Sir MichaelTreasury
Spring, Mr. RichardDeregulation
Squire, RachelModernisation of the House of Commons
St. Aubyn, Mr. NickEducation and Employment
Stanley, Sir JohnForeign Affairs
Starkey, Dr. PhyllisModernisation of the House of Commons
Steen, Mr. AnthonyDeregulation; European Legislation
Steinberg, Mr. GerryEducation and Employment; Public Accounts
Stevenson, Mr. GeorgeEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Stewart, Mr. DavidScottish Affairs
Stewart, Mr. IanDeregulation
Stinchcombe, Mr. PaulProcedure
Stoate, Dr. HowardHealth
Stott, Mr. RogerCulture, Media and Sport
Stringer, Mr. GrahamEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Stuart, Ms. GiselaSocial Security
Stunell, Mr. AndrewBroadcasting; Modernisation of the House of Commons;
Swayne, Mr. DesmondScottish Affairs
Syms, Mr. RobertHealth; Procedure
Taylor, Mrs AnnModernisation of the House of Commons;
Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Taylor, Ms. DariDefence
Taylor, Mr. MatthewEnvironmental Audit
Taylor, Sir TeddyTreasury
Thomas, Mr. Gareth (Clwyd West) Welsh Affairs
Thomas, Mr Gareth R. (Harrow Weald)Environmental Audit
Todd, Mr. MarkAgriculture
Tongue, Dr. JennyInternational Development
Tredinnick, Mr. DavidLiaison; Statutory Instruments;
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Truswell, Mr. PaulEnvironmental Audit
Turner, Mr. DennisFinance and Services; Liaison
Turner, Mr. DesmondScience and Technology
Turner, Dr. GeorgeConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Twigg, Mr. StephenModernisation of the House of Commons; Public Accounts
Tyler, Mr. PaulFinance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee);
Procedure; Selection
Tyrie, Mr. AndrewConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee);
European Legislation; Public Administration
Walker, Mr RobertHealth
Walley, JoanEnvironmental Audit; Trade and Industry
Ward, Ms. ClaireCulture, Media and Sport
Wardle, Mr. CharlesPublic Accounts
Watts, Mr. DaveFinance and Services
Wells, Mr. BowenInternational Development; Liaison
Welsh, Mr. AndrewScottish Affairs
White, Mr. BrianConsolidation &c Bills (Joint Committee)
Whitehead, Dr. AlanEnvironment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Whittingdale, Mr. JohnInformation
Wicks, Mr. Malcolm Education and Employment; Liaison; Social Security
Widdecombe, Miss AnnStandards and Privileges
Wigley, Mr. DafyddPublic Accounts
Williams, Mr. AlanParliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee); Public Accounts
Standards and Privileges
Williams, Mr Alan W.Science and Technology
Williams, Mrs. BettyWelsh Affairs
Wilshire, Mr. DavidForeign Affairs
Winnick, Mr. DavidHome Affairs
Winterton, Mr. NicholasLiaison;
Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Wise, AudreyHealth
Wood, Mr. MikeBroadcasting
Woodward, Mr. ShaunBroadcasting; European Legislation
Wyatt, Mr. Derek Culture, Media and Sport
Young, Sir GeorgeModernisation of the House of Commons

2. Number of Members Serving on Select Committees

The total number of Members who served on Select Committees, other than Business Committees, was 377.

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Prepared 29 January 1999