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House of Commons
Session 1999-2000
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business Thursday 29th June 2000

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for Thursday 29th June 2000.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 11.30 a.m.       Prayers

Private Business

        Note: Private business is not debated at this time, and may not be proceeded with if opposed.

Consideration of Bill, as amended

London Local Authorities Bill [Lords]. (By Order.)

Mr John McDonnell
Mr Andrew Mackinlay
Mr Jeremy Corbyn

        On Consideration of the London Local Authorities Bill [Lords], as amended, to move, That the Bill be considered upon this day six months.

        [Amendments and further Amendments to be proposed by the Promoters.]

        [Copies of the consolidated marshalled list of Amendments may be obtained by Members from the Vote Office or inspected in the Private Bill Office.]

Second Reading

Mersey Tunnels Bill. (By Order.)

Mr Ben Chapman
Mrs Louise Ellman
Mr Frank Field
Mr Robert N. Wareing
Mr John McDonnell
Mr Alan Simpson

        On Second Reading of the Mersey Tunnels Bill, to move, That the Bill be read a second time upon this day six months.

Oral Questions to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
*1 Mr Derek Twigg (Halton):    What plans he has for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy's arable regime.
( 127030 )
*2 Joan Ruddock (Lewisham, Deptford):    What response he has had to his consultation on separation distances for GM crops.
( 127031 )
*3 Mr Brian White (North East Milton Keynes):    What plans he has to raise animal welfare issues with the World Trade Organisation.
( 127032 )
*4 Mr Ian Bruce (South Dorset):    What action his Department is taking to assist farmers who are affected by the fall in the value of the euro.
( 127033 )
*5 Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South):    What his Department's planned expenditure is on research and development into organic farming methods in the current financial year.
( 127035 )
*6 Mr David Chaytor (Bury North):    What plans he has to encourage farmers' markets.
( 127036 )
*7 Mr Laurence Robertson (Tewkesbury):    If he will make a statement about the current level of farm gate milk prices.
( 127037 )
*8 Mr James Clappison (Hertsmere):    If he will make a statement on the price of wheat in (a) 1980, (b) 1990 and (c) currently. [R]
( 127109 )
*9 Ms Sally Keeble (Northampton North):    What progress he has made towards ensuring that field margins are eligible for area-based Integrated Administration and Control System payments.
( 127038 )
*10 Helen Jackson (Sheffield, Hillsborough):    What proportion of subsidy paid under the Common Agricultural Policy to UK agriculture goes to hill farmers.
( 127039 )
*11 Mr David Kidney (Stafford):    If he will expand and make permanent the arable stewardship scheme in Shropshire and Staffordshire.
( 127040 )
*12 Joan Ryan (Enfield North):    What representations he has received concerning animal welfare in the next round of World Trade Organisation negotiations.
( 127041 )
*13 Mr Gordon Prentice (Pendle):    What steps he is taking to promote and encourage the development of farmers' markets.
( 127042 )
*14 Charlotte Atkins (Staffordshire Moorlands):    If the Staffordshire Moorlands and Staffordshire Peak District area has benefited from the Countryside Stewardship Scheme.
( 127043 )
*15 Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire):    What assistance the Government has given to Britain's livestock farmers in the last year.
( 127045 )
*16 Miss Anne McIntosh (Vale of York):    If he will make a statement on trends in farm incomes.
( 127046 )
*17 Mr Lawrie Quinn (Scarborough and Whitby):    What his priorities are for the 2002 review of the Common Fisheries Policy.
( 127047 )
*18 Mr Dave Watts (St Helens North):    What evaluation he has made of the effect of the Agricultural Wages Board arrangements on low-paid employees in rural areas.
( 127048 )
*19 Mr Michael Fabricant (Lichfield):    What meetings he has held with horiculturalists' representatives to discuss horticulture in the last month.
( 127049 )
*20 Dr Ian Gibson (Norwich North):    If he will operate the precautionary principle in relation to new products involving genetic modification.
( 127050 )
*21 Mr Chris Pond (Gravesham):    What evaluation he has made of the effect of the Agricultural Wages Board arrangements on low-paid employees in rural areas.
( 127051 )
*22 Mr Phil Sawford (Kettering):    What action he is taking to maintain the continued viability of small and medium-sized abattoirs; and if he will make a statement.
( 127053 )
*23 Mr James Plaskitt (Warwick and Leamington):    When he last met with the National Association of Farmers' Markets to discuss the farmers' market movement.
( 127054 )
*24 Mr Jim Dobbin (Heywood and Middleton):    What action he is taking to promote environmentally sustainable forms of agricultural production.
( 127055 )
*25 Mr Alan Simpson (Nottingham South):    What action he taking to promote environmentally sustainable forms of agricultural production.
( 127056 )
*26 Mr Ronnie Campbell (Blyth Valley):    What estimate he has made of the number of farmers' markets in the UK.
( 127057 )
*27 Julia Drown (South Swindon):    What his Department's expenditure is on research and development into organic farming methods.
( 127058 )

At 12.15 p.m.
Oral Questions to the Questions to the Solicitor General
*28 Ann Clwyd (Cynon Valley):    What the purpose was of the recent Conference of European Chief Justices and Attorney Generals sponsored by Her Majesty's Government in London; and what the cost was to the Law Officers Department.
( 127059 )
*29 Mr John Bercow (Buckingham):    If he will make a statement on the legal costs incurred by his Department in (a) 1998-99 and (b) 1999-2000.
( 127060 )
*30 Mr Brian Jenkins (Tamworth):    What training has been given to Government lawyers to prepare for the implementation of the Human Rights Act 1998.
( 127061 )
*31 Miss Anne McIntosh (Vale of York):    If he will make a statement on his policy towards serious fraud cases.
( 127062 )
*32 Mr Desmond Swayne (New Forest West):    What discussions he has had with the Foreign Secretary regarding the status of the proposed EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
( 127063 )
*33 Mr Owen Paterson (North Shropshire):    If he will make a statement on the measures he has taken to improve the efficiency of the Crown Prosecution Service.
( 127064 )
*34 Mr Andrew Mackinlay (Thurrock):    What discussions he has had on the handling of decisions on whether to prosecute in espionage cases following the Intelligence and Security Committee's report dealing with the case of Mrs Melita Norwood.
( 127065 )
*35 Mr Bob Blizzard (Waveney):    What criteria the Law Officers apply when determining whether to refer an unduly lenient sentence to the Court of Appeal.
( 127066 )
*36 Dr George Turner (North West Norfolk):    What progress is being made in speeding up the completion of court cases, with particular reference to cases involving persistent young offenders; and what role the Crown Prosecution Service is playing in this.
( 127067 )

At 12.30 p.m.Private Notice Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Mr Secretary Milburn

Main Business


OPPOSITION DAY [15th allotted day]    [Until 7.00 p.m.]


Mr William Hague
Dr Liam Fox
Mr Philip Hammond
Mrs Caroline Spelman
Mr Patrick McLoughlin
Mr James Arbuthnot

        That this House deplores the Government's continued distortion of priorities in the National Health Service through its focus on political targets rather than clinical outcomes, its waste of scarce NHS resources, which would be better spent treating patients, on propaganda exercises, the bogus national consultation" and a new logo, its manipulation of the appointments system within the NHS and its continued political interference in day to day management, creating a climate of fear and frustration which is driving good NHS managers out of the Service, and its failure to live up to its promises to end post-code rationing and to put patients first; and notes the huge gap between Labour's promises on health at the last General Election and the reality today, which is that, for the great majority of the British people, the NHS has got worse, not better, under this Labour Government.

        As Amendments to Mr William Hague's proposed Motion (Priorities in the NHS):

The Prime Minister
Mr Secretary Prescott
Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr Secretary Straw
Mr Secretary Mandelson
Mr Secretary Reid

Mr Secretary Murphy

        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `welcomes the decision to prepare a National Plan for the NHS in England, bringing together doctors, nurses, patients' organisations and others working in the NHS to set out priorities for the modernisation of the NHS; welcomes the largest sustained increase in funding in the history of the NHS; and rejects the use of taxpayers' money to subsidise private medical insurance.'.

Mr Charles Kennedy
Mr A. J. Beith
Mr Nick Harvey
Dr Peter Brand
Mr Paul Burstow
Mr Paul Tyler

        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `regrets the Government's delay in investing extra resources in the National Health Service during its first three years in office and the consequent delay in reducing waiting times and the damage caused by its arbitrary waiting list targets; deplores Conservative plans to divert taxpayers' money which could be spent on the National Health Service into tax advantages for those who already enjoy the privilege of private health care; and further deplores Conservative proposals to draw an artificial distinction between essential and non-essential treatments available in the National Health Service.'.

        The selection of the matter to be debated this day has been made by the Leader of the Opposition (Standing Order No. 14(2)).

Debate may continue until 7.00 p.m.

At the end of the sitting:



        The proposed subject for the Adjournment Debate has been withdrawn.



1Standing Committee B2.30 p.m. Room 11 (public)
Further to consider the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill.
2Standing Committee G9.00 a.m.Room 9 (public)
  2.30 p.m.(public)
Further to consider the Care Standards Bill [Lords].
3Standing Committee H9.00 a.m.Room 10 (public)
  4.30 p.m.(public)
Further to consider the Finance Bill.


4Culture, Media and Sport10.00 a.m.Room 15 (public)
Subject: Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom.
Witnesses: The New Millennium Experience Company Ltd; Greenwich Council (at 11.00 a.m.); Dome Europe (at 11.35 a.m.); Legacy plc (at 12.05 p.m.).
5International Development10.00 a.m.Room 5 (private)
  10.30 a.m.(public)
Subject: HIV/AIDS and Social and Economic Development.
Witnesses: Dr Brian Brink, Senior Vice President, Anglo American plc, Ms Jenny Crisp, Vice President, Corporate Services and AIDS Education Adviser to Anglo American Corporation of South Africa, Mr Christopher Wheeler, Area General Manager, Africa Region, and Ms Naomi Junghae, Head, HR Operations, Africa, Standard Chartered Bank, Mr James Cochrane, Executive Director, Glaxo Wellcome plc, and Ms Georgia Franklin, Head of Public Affairs, MTV/VH1 International.
6Public Administration10.00 a.m.Room 21 (private)
7Health10.30 a.m.Room 8 (private)

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]


Written Questions tabled on Wednesday 28th June for answer today++

1 Mrs Jackie Lawrence (Preseli Pembrokeshire): To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, if he will make a statement on the Government's policy towards post offices and its impact on Wales.
( 128580 )
2 Mr Barry Gardiner (Brent North): To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, if he will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for July and the major European Union events for the next six months.
( 128624 )
3 Mr Barry Gardiner (Brent North): To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, how many serious offences were alleged to have been committed in 1999 by persons entitled to immunity by virtue of their employment by a diplomatic mission or an international organisation.
( 128625 )
4 Mr Phil Hope (Corby): To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what action he is taking following the judgment of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) in R v Weir and the Attorney General's Reference No. 3/1999 on 26th May.
( 128626 )
5 Mr Lawrie Quinn (Scarborough and Whitby): To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, what is the latest date of birth of a BSE confirmed case.
( 128692 )
6 Mr Malcolm Savidge (Aberdeen North): To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, when he expects to make available the annual report for 1999 of the Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
( 128693 )
7 Ann Keen (Brentford and Isleworth): To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if the Government will respond to requests for arms and ammunition from the Government of Sierra Leone.
( 128694 )
8 Angela Smith (Basildon): To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, what action he is taking in respect of the recommendation of the Disability Rights Task Force in, From Exclusion to Inclusion, that his Department should establish a statutory group on improving access to the built environment for disabled people.
( 128695 )
9 Mr John Healey (Wentworth): To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, when he is proposing to travel to Iran.
( 128754 )
10 Mr Gerry Steinberg (City of Durham): To ask the Prime Minister, what changes there are in the composition of the United Kingdom Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
( 128755 )
11 Mr Dale Campbell-Savours (Workington): To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, what changes are proposed in the licensing and quota management arrangements for the under 10 metre fleet; and if he will make a statement.
( 128756 )
12 Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South): To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment, when the Report of the Review of Access Funds and Hardship Loans will be available.
( 128757 )
13 Helen Jones (Warrington North): To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, when he intends to publish the report by the Director General of Fair Trading for the year 1999.
( 128758 )
14 Mr Brian White (North East Milton Keynes): To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, how he intends to proceed in the light of the response to the Outdoor Advertisement Control consultation paper published in July 1999.
( 128759 )
15 Mr Colin Burgon (Elmet): To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, what plans he has to introduce a risk-based system for the inspection of licensed waste management sites; and if he will make a statement.
( 128760 )
16 Mr Russell Brown (Dumfries): To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer what progress has been made on appointing members to the steering group for the review of the audit and accountability arrangements for central government.
( 128798 )
17 Mr Christopher Leslie (Shipley): To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security, when he will publish the reports of the Benefits Fraud Inspectorate in respect of Southwark and Maidenhead councils; and what arrangements have been made to support local authorities in their efforts to counter housing and council tax benefit fraud through the promotion of good practice guidance.
( 128863 )

Standing Committee Notices

     Standing Committee A will meet on Thursday 6th July at 10.00 a.m. to consider the Children (Leaving Care) Bill [Lords].

     Standing Committee B will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 6th July at 2.30 p.m. further to consider the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill.

     Standing Committee D will meet on Wednesday 5th July at 10.30 a.m. to consider the Census (Amendment) Bill [Lords].

     Standing Committee E will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 6th July at 9.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. further to consider the Transport Bill.

     Standing Committee F will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 6th July at 10.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. further to consider the Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill.

     Standing Committee G will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 6th July at 9.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. further to consider the Care Standards Bill [Lords].

     Standing Committee H will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 6th July at 9.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. further to consider the Finance Bill (except Clauses 1, 12, 30, 31, 59, 102 and 113).

     The Northern Ireland Grand Committee will meet on Wednesday 5th July at 10.30 a.m. to consider the matter of devolution in Northern Ireland.

     The First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Monday 26th July July at 4.30 p.m. to consider the draft Criminal Justice Act 1993 (Extension of Group A Offences) Order 2000.

     The Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 6th July at 9.55 a.m. to consider the draft Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Order 2000.

     The Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 4.30 p.m. to consider the draft European Court of Human Rights (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2000 and the draft International Seabed Authority (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2000.

     The Sixth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 10.30 a.m. to consider the draft National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2000.

     The Eighth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 4th July at 4.30 p.m. to consider the draft Data Protection (Designated Codes of Practice) (No. 2) Order 2000 and the draft Data Protection (Miscellaneous Subject Access Exemptions) (Amendment) Order 2000.

     The Ninth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Wednesday 5th July at 4.30 p.m. to consider the draft Education (School Government) (Terms of Reference) (England) Regulations Order 2000.


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Prepared 29 June 2000