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Session 1999-2000
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Order of Business Friday 19th November 1999

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for Friday 19 November 1999.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 9.30 a.m.    Prayers
Main Business
+  1   QUEEN'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS):    Adjourned Debate on Question [17th November].    [Until 2.30 p.m.]
        Motion made, and Question proposed, That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, as follows:
        Most Gracious Sovereign,
        We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in Parliament assembled, beg leave to offer our humble thanks to Your Majesty for the Gracious Speech which Your Majesty has addressed to both Houses of Parliament--(Dr Jack Cunningham).
        Proposed subjects for debate: trade and industry and social security.
Debate may continue until 2.30 p.m.
At the end of the sitting:
        Proposed subject: Implementation of the Employment Relations Act 1999 (Mr Alan Keen).
        Debate may continue until 3.00 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 11).

Written Questions tabled on Thursday 18th November for answer today++
Jane Griffiths (Reading East):    To ask the President of the Council, when she will publish the latest results of the market research tracking public perception of the millennium bug.
Mr Phil Woolas (Oldham East and Saddleworth):    To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make a statement about the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998 for the armed forces' system of discipline.
Mr David Crausby (Bolton North East):    To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what plans he has to introduce a common pay scale for the armed forces.
Mr Stephen McCabe (Birmingham, Hall Green):    To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, when he expects to make an announcement about applications to vary some of the radioactive discharge limits at Sellafield.
Ms Jackie Lawrence (Preseli Pembrokeshire):    To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, if he will provide details of what employers need to do to prepare for the extension of employers' National Insurance contributions to all taxable benefits in kind from April 2000, as announced in the Budget of March 1999.
Christine Butler (Castle Point):    To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, what progress has been made in producing high level targets for flood and coastal defence operating authorities.
Mr Andrew Dismore (Hendon):    To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, if he will list the names of the diplomatic missions and international organisations which have outstanding balances of over £10,000 as at 31st March in respect of national non-domestic rates.


    From 30th November, in addition to the end of day adjournment debates in the Chamber, adjournment debates will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in Westminster Hall. The normal rules for adjournment debates will apply.

    On Tuesday mornings there will be one 1.5hour debate and three half-hour debates and on Wednesday mornings there will be two 1.5hour debates and three half-hour debates. The 1.5hour debates on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are intended for debates on general issues to which a number of Members may wish to contribute.

    Members wishing to raise a matter on the adjournment on Tuesday or Wednesday should write to Madam Speaker stating the subject and making clear whether the application is for a general or a half-hour debate.

    The Ballot for Tuesday and Wednesday morning debates is held in the Speaker's Office on the Wednesday of the week before the debates take place. The subject of the Tuesday 1.5hour debate will be selected by Madam Speaker; all other debates will be balloted. Applications should be submitted to the Speaker's Office by 10.00 p.m. (or the rising of the House if earlier) on the Tuesday evening before the ballot.

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Prepared 19 November 1999