Amendments proposed to the Transport Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     110,     line     4,     leave out Clause 198.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     199,     page     112,     line     29,     after 'development;"', insert—

      '(bc) to contribute to the integration of the railway system with walking, cycling and bus travel,'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     199,     page     113,     line     6,     leave out subsection (6).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     199,     page     113,     line     12,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     226,     page     129,     line     25,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     226,     page     129,     line     27,     leave out subsection (4).


Goods vehicles


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


To move the following Clause:—

    'It shall be incumbent on the driver of a goods vehicle using a weight restricted route to provide evidence on demand to any police officer or member of the Vehicle Inspectorate or Trading Standards Office that such a driver is using the route lawfully.'.

Driver recruitment and training strategy


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


To move the following Clause—

    '.— The Secretary of State shall make a report three weeks after this Act comes into force setting out a strategy for the recruitment and training of public service vehicle drivers.'.



Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


To move the following Schedule:—

'Specified Services

"Aeronautical Messaging Service"The making available of a network for the conveyance of electronic data messages:
(a) between members of a closed user group of providers of air traffic services and users, where such messages contain information relating to the intended path of flights within the licensed areas; and
(b) between other equivalent messaging neworks provided for a similar purpose pursuant to international arrangements.
"Air Traffic Operational Telephone Network Service"The making available of a fixed line dedicated voice telephony network to facilitate communication between providers of air traffic services in the United Kingdom consisting of a direct link to certain core facilities and the making available of nodes to which other facilities may connect.
"Emergency Frequency Service"The making available of a dedicated emergency radio telephony frequency (121.5 MHz) for the purpose of an air to ground to air communication service.
"Navigational Infrastructure"The making available of navigational infrastructure other than that provided in delivering core services as specified in [document to be determined].
"North Sea Helicopter Advisory Service"The provision of an advisory service to helicopters in connection with flights to, from and between oil and gas installations situated in the North Sea [co-ordinates excluding East Shetland Basin to be inserted] (whether within or outside the United Kingdom) and associated mainland facilities.
"Reimbursement service for Lower Airspace Radar Service ('LARS')"The processing of the costs of LARS as agreed and approved by the CAA and reimbursement of those costs from equivalent sums received by the Licensee.
"Reimbursement service for proportion of United Kingdom Meteorological Office costs"The reimbursement to The United Kingdom Meteorological Office of the proportion of its costs charged to users, from equivalent sums received by the Licensee.
"Surveillance Infrastructure"The making available of surveillance infrastructure other than that provided in delivering core services as specified in [document].
"UK Aeronautical Information Service"The preparation and dissemination to civilian aviation of aeronautical information publications, notices to airmen, aeronautical information circulars and other relevant information with a view to facilitating the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation.
"UK Flight Information Service"The making available to flight crew by radio telephony on request information which the persons providing the service consider appropriate and that:
(a) was acquired from other flight crew in the course of providing the same service to such other flight crew; or
(b) can reasonably be obtained in response to a specific request; or
(c) the persons providing the service otherwise consider significant.
"UK Meteorological Information Service"The making available as required by, for and on behalf of the United Kingdom Meteorological Authority, of meteorological information supplied to the Licensee by a third party to:
(a) civil aviation users;
(b) to air traffic service providers for their own use or for onward dissemination to civil aviation users (including the Licensee); and
(c) to persons authorised by the United Kingdom Meteorological Authority.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     26,     page     247,     line     9,     column     3,     at end insert—




'Section 112(2).'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     26,     page     247,     column     3,     leave out line 16.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     26,     page     247,     line     17,     column     3,     leave out 'paragraph' and insert 'paragraphs A1 and'.

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