Amendments proposed to the Transport Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     145,     page     83,     line     20,     leave out 'and where it' and insert—

      '(b) if the order'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     145,     page     83,     line     22,     at end insert ', and

      (c) the order may not be confirmed with modifications by the Secretary of State until the modifications have been confirmed by the Greater London Authority.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     23,     at beginning insert—

    '( ) The charging authority or the charging authorities (acting jointly) may at any time before an order making, varying or revoking a charging scheme under this Part is made, consult other persons about the charging scheme, variation or revocation.

    ( ) The charging authority or the charging authorities (acting jointly)—

      (a) may cause an inquiry to be held in relation to a charging scheme under this Part, or the variation or revocation of such a scheme, and

      (b) may appoint the person or persons by whom such an inquiry is to be held.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     23,     leave out from 'authority' to end of line 28 and insert 'at any time before an order making, varying or revoking a charging scheme under this Part is made, or—where such an order has to be confirmed—before it is confirmed—

      (a) will require the charging authority or authorities to consult other persons, including affected businesses of their representatives, about the charging scheme, variation or revocation,

      (b) must be satisfied that such consultation has been carried out effectively, and

      (c) may consult other persons about the charging scheme, variation or revocation.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     23,     leave out 'may at any time' and insert 'shall'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     24,     leave out ', varying or revoking' and insert 'or varying'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     25,     after 'Part' insert '(other than a trunk road charging scheme)'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     27,     leave out 'other persons'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     27,     after 'persons' insert ', to include no fewer than half the regular users of the roads within the area covered by the scheme,'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     28,     leave out 'other persons' and insert 'representatives of—

      (a) road users who may be affected by the scheme;

      (b) local residents;

      (c) local businesses;

      (d) neighbouring authorities; and

      (e) others who may be appropriate.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     28,     leave out ', variation or revocation' and insert 'or variation'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     146,     page     83,     leave out lines 30 to 33 and insert 'may direct the relevant local transport authority or authorities to re-examine specified particulars of a charging scheme under this Part, or the variation or revocation of such a scheme.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     31,     after 'Part' insert '(other than a trunk road charging scheme)'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     31,     leave out 'or revocation'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     35,     leave out from 'Authority' to end of line 39 and insert 'at any time before an order making, varying or revoking the charging scheme is confirmed by the Authority, must consult other persons, including affected businesses or their representatives, about the charging scheme, variation or revocation, and'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     37,     leave out 'other persons'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     38,     leave out 'other persons' and insert 'representatives of—

      (a) road users who may be affected by the scheme;

      (b) local residents;

      (c) local businesses;

      (d) neighbouring authorities; and

      (e) others who may be appropriate.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     41,     leave out 'or revocation' and insert 'of the charging scheme'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     146,     page     83,     line     43,     at end insert—

    '(3A) The appropriate national authority shall publish its decision arising from any inquiry held under this Part within 28 days of the report of the person or persons holding the inquiry being received by it.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     147,     page     84,     line     30,     leave out subsection (6) and insert—

    '(6) In setting the charges imposed by a charging scheme under this Part—

      (a) the reasons for imposing different charges for different cases (as under subsection (5)) must be specified by the charging authority,

      (b) regard may be had to the purpose for which any of the net proceeds of the charging scheme may be applied (in accordance with Schedule (11)).'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     147,     page     84,     line     34,     leave out paragraph (a).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     147,     page     84,     line     37,     at end add—

    '( ) Charges shall not apply on any day on which any part of the local underground, metro, bus or rail networks are disrupted or closed by industrial action.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     148,     page     84,     line     38,     leave out subsections (1), (2) and (3) and insert—

    '(1) The following classes of vehicle shall be exempt from charges—

      (a) emergency vehicles,

      (b) cars driven by emergency service workers,

      (c) bicycles,

      (d) powered two wheel vehicles,

      (e) cars displaying an orange disabled badge,

      (f) school vehicles that carry children for educational purposes,

      (g) cars driven by nurses,

      (h) cars driven by doctors on call,

      (i) cars driven by midwives,

      (j) cars driven by volunteer workers on the way to or from work,

      (k) taxis and private hire vehicles,

      (l) any vehicle conveying seriously ill people to or from a hospital,

      (m) road freight vehicles delivering goods to premises within the charging area,

      (n) farm vehicles travelling to or from farm land on farm business,

      (o) hearses and funeral corteges,

      (p) community transport and dial-a-ride vehicles,

      (q) public service vehicles,

      (r) social services vehicles,

      (s) rescue and recovery vehicles,

      (t) cars driven by dentists,

      (u) cars driven by health workers,

      (v) cars driven by teachers,

      (w) cars driven by or containing people travelling to or from private hospitals,

      (x) cars containing people travelling to or from hospices,

      (y) cars containing people conducting work for charities,

      (z) cars containing people travelling to or from nursing homes,

      (aa) military vehicles or cars driven by members of the military,

      (bb) vehicles driven by judges,

      (cc) vehicles driven by jurors on the way to or from court,

      (dd) vehicles containing tourists,

      (ee) vehicles containing people travelling to or from ports or airports,

      (ff) vehicles containing people travelling to or from places of worship,

      (gg) vehicles carrying four or more persons.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     148,     page     84,     line     38,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'appropriate national authority'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     148,     page     84,     line     42,     after 'payable' insert 'and will exempt from payment any registered disabled person'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     148,     page     84,     line     43,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     148,     page     85,     line     3,     leave out 'subsections (1) and (2)' and insert 'subsection (1)'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     148,     page     85,     line     4,     leave out from 'of' to end of line 5 and insert—

      '(a) exemptions from charges,

      (b) the application of reduced rate charges.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     148,     page     85,     line     5,     leave out 'subsection (1)' and insert 'that subsection'.

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