Amendments proposed to the Transport Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     159,     page     90,     line     20,     leave out 'authorities may by order vary or revoke a licensing scheme under this Part' and insert 'the licensing authorities (acting jointly) may by order vary a licensing scheme under this Part and the licensing authority or any of the licensing authorities may by order revoke such a scheme'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     159,     page     90,     line     26,     after 'orders' insert 'making or varying such licensing schemes'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     90,     line     18,     leave out Clause 159.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     160,     page     90,     line     37,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     160,     page     91,     line     7,     leave out 'and where it' and insert—

      '(b) if the order'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     160,     page     91,     line     9,     at end insert ', and

      (c) the order may not be confirmed with modifications by the Secretary of State until the modifications have been confirmed by the Greater London Authority.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     10,     at beginning insert—

    '( ) The licensing authority or the licensing authorities (acting jointly) may at any time before an order making, varying or revoking a licensing scheme under this Part is made, consult other persons about the licensing scheme, variation or revocation.

    ( ) The licensing authority or the licensing authorities (acting jointly)—

      (a) may cause an inquiry to be held in relation to a licensing scheme under this Part, or the variation or revocation of such a scheme, and

      (b) may appoint the person or persons by whom such an inquiry is to be held.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     10,     leave out from 'authority' to end of line 15 and insert 'at any time before an order making, varying or revoking a charging scheme under this Part is made, or—where such an order has to be confirmed—before it is confirmed—

      (a) will require the charging authority or authorities to consult other persons, including affected businesses of their representatives, about the charging scheme, variation or revocation,

      (b) must be satisfied that such consultation has been carried out effectively, and

      (c) may consult other persons about the charging scheme, variation or revocation.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     11,     leave out ', varying or revoking' and insert 'or varying'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     15,     leave out 'other persons' and insert 'representatives of—

      (a) road users who may be affected by the scheme;

      (b) local residents;

      (c) local businesses;

      (d) neighbouring authorities;

      (e) others who may be appropriate.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     15,     leave out ', variation or revocation' and insert 'or variation'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     161,     page     91,     leave out lines 17 to 20 and insert 'may direct the relevant local transport authority or authorities to re-examine specified particulars of a licensing scheme under this Part, or the variation or revocation of such a scheme.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     18,     leave out 'or revocation'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     22,     leave out from 'Authority' to end of line 26 and insert 'at any time before an order making, varying or revoking the charging scheme is confirmed by that Authority, must consult other persons, including affected businesses or their representatives, about the charging scheme, variation or revocation, and'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     28,     leave out 'or revocation' and insert 'of the licensing scheme'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     161,     page     91,     line     30,     at end insert—

    '(3A) The appropriate national authority shall publish its decision arising from any inquiry held under this Part within 28 days of the report of the person or persons holding the inquiry being received by it.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     162,     page     92,     line     13,     leave out subsection (4) and insert—

    '(4) In setting the charges imposed by a charging scheme under this Part—

      (a) the reasons for imposing different charges for different cases (as under subsection (5)) must be specified by the charging authority;

      (b) regard may be had to the purpose for which any of the net proceeds of the charging scheme may be applied (in accordance with Schedule (11)).'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     21,     leave out subsections (1), (2) and (3) and insert—

    '(1) Businesses that own parking spaces that are regularly used by the following classes of vehicle shall be exempt from being required to purchase a licence or paying a workplace parking levy—

      (a) emergency vehicles,

      (b) cars used by emergency service workers,

      (c) bicycles,

      (d) powered two wheel vehicles,

      (e) cars displaying an orange disabled badge,

      (f) cars driven by nurses,

      (g) cars driven by doctors on call,

      (h) cars driven by midwives,

      (i) cars driven by volunteer workers at their place of work,

      (j) taxis and private hire vehicles,

      (k) any vehicle parked at a hospital,

      (l) road freight vehicles,

      (m) farm vehicles,

      (n) any vehicle parked at a crematorium or graveyard,

      (o) community transport and dial-a-ride vehicles,

      (p) public service vehicles,

      (q) social services vehicles,

      (r) rescue and recovery vehicles,

      (s) any vehicle parked at a dentist,

      (t) any vehicle parked at a school,

      (u) any vehicle parked at a private hospital,

      (v) any vehicle parked at a hospice,

      (w) any vehicle used for charity work,

      (x) any vehicle parked at a nursing homes,

      (y) military vehicles or cars used by members of the military,

      (z) any vehicle parked at a court house,

      (aa) any vehicle parked at a port or airport,

      (bb) any vehicle parked at a place of worship,

      (cc) any vehicle parked at an out-of-town shopping centre,

      (dd) any vehicle parked at a leisure centre,

      (ee) any vehicle parked at a sports stadium.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     21,     leave out subsections (1), (2) and (3) and insert—

    '(1) A business that employs shift workers shall only purchase a license or pay a workplace parking levy for a maximum of 50 per cent. of its parking spaces.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     21,     leave out subsections (1), (2) and (3) and insert—

    '(1) A business that employs seasonal workers shall only be required to purchase a license for the proportion of the year in which the workers are employed.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     21,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'appropriate national authority'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     26,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     30,     leave out 'subsections (1) and (2)' and insert 'subsection (1)'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     32,     leave out 'subsection (1)' and insert 'that subsection'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     163,     page     92,     line     40,     at end add—

    '( ) Charges shall not apply on any day on which any part of the local underground, metro, bus or rail networks are disrupted or closed by industrial action.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     164,     page     93,     leave out lines 8 to 16 and insert—

    '( ) A licence may not be granted for a period of more than one year.'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     165,     page     93,     line     24,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'appropriate national authority'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     165,     page     93,     line     25,     leave out ', notification, payment, adjudication and enforcement' and insert 'and payment'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     165,     page     93,     line     32,     leave out subsections (3) and (4) and insert—

    '( ) Licensing scheme penalty charges in respect of any premises shall be paid—

      (a) by the occupier of the premises, or

      (b) in circumstances specified in regulations made by the appropriate national authority, by such person as is so specified.

    ( ) The Lord Chancellor may make regulations about the notification, adjudication and enforcement of licensing scheme penalty charges.'.

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Prepared 7 Mar 2000