Amendments proposed to the Transport Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     13,     page     189,     line     21,     at end insert—

'Financial framework

    .—(1) The Secretary of State shall prepare, and may from time to time revise, a document to be known as the Authority's financial framework.

    (2) The Authority's financial framework shall specify rules and principles according to which the Authority is to exercise its functions in relation to—

      (a) financial matters, and

      (b) matters relating to its employees.

    (3) The Authority shall not exercise any of its functions in a manner which is inconsistent with the Authority's financial framework.

    (4) A transaction entered into by the Authority is not invalidated merely by reason of a contravention by the Authority of sub-paragraph (3); and this sub-paragraph applies whether or not any person who entered into the transaction with the Authority enquired whether the Authority was acting in contravention of that sub-paragraph.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     13,     page     190,     line     2,     at end insert 'except as a user of public transport or if he has been appointed a member of the Authority in order to represent a particular group, or because of his experience in a particular field, to which the matter in question relates.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     13,     page     190,     line     6,     after 'interested', insert 'other than as a user of public transport,'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     13,     page     190,     line     24,     leave out sub-paragraphs (5), (6) and (7).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     13,     page     190,     line     47,     at end insert—

    '(4) The minutes of any such proceedings shall be made available for inspection by members of the public on request and a copy of the minutes shall be provided to a member of the public who so requests and pays such fee as shall be determined by the Authority from time to time (but shall not exceed £10 in total).'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     180,     page     99,     line     31,     at end insert—

      '( ) to promote the effective management of safety on the rail network;'.


Mr Geraint Davies


Clause     180,     page     99,     line     36,     at end add '; and

      (d) to promote measures designed to integrate journeys which involve the use of the railways and other modes of transport.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     180,     page     99,     line     36,     at end add—

    '(d) to identify unmet needs for railway services, and

    (e) to expand the railway network where appropriate.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     180,     page     99,     line     36,     at end add—

      '(d) to facilitate use of other means of transport in conjunction with the railway network by, among other things, provision of car and cycle parks at stations, bus links, through ticketing, provision of information and secure facilities, and

      (e) to promote a favourable climate for investment in the railway industry.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     181,     page     99,     line     37,     after 'formulate', insert 'within a reasonable period, having regard to the provisions of subsection (2) and the need for the rail industry to be aware as soon as possible of the Authority's initial strategies'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     181,     page     99,     line     39,     after 'consult' insert—

      '(a) the Scottish Ministers,

      (b) the National Assembly for Wales,



Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     181,     page     99,     line     39,     leave out 'the Regulator' and insert—

      '(a) the Regulator;

      (b) the Secretary of State;

      (c) any borough, district council, county council, metropolitan authority, Passenger Transport Authority, Passenger Transport Executive, the Greater London Authority and Transport for London (in the case of London) in whose area the strategy in question has an effect;

      (d) the Rail Passengers Council, the Rail Passengers Committees in whose area the strategy in question has an effect and such other organisations representative of users and potential users of railway services, motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and disabled persons as the Authority reasonably considers appropriate;

      (e) businesses likely to be affected by the strategy in question.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     181,     page     99,     line     40,     leave out 'the Authority thinks fit' and insert 'may be appropriate, including the Rail Passengers' Council, the Rail Passengers' Committees and groups representing the interests of freight transport'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     181,     page     100,     line     1,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     181,     page     100,     line     6,     at end insert 'Provided that no such direction or guidance shall conflict with the purposes of the Authority set out in section 180.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     181,     page     100,     line     7,     leave out subsection (4) and insert—

    '(4) The Authority shall secure the provision of services in various parts of Great Britain for the carriage of passengers and freight by rail by way of the Channel Tunnel.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     181,     page     100,     line     11,     at end insert ', having regard to the need to bring such strategies to the attention of those consulted and those likely to be affected by them.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     12,     at beginning insert 'Subject to subsection (6),'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     12,     leave out 'functions', and insert 'powers'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     14,     leave out 'exercising the function of reviewing' and insert 'fulfilling its duty to review'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     16,     after 'In', insert 'formulating its strategies and'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     19,     at end insert '(in particular in rural areas by means of new franchising arrangements) provided that the Authority shall not exercise its powers to subsidise a service in competition with that operated by an existing franchisee'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     20,     leave out from 'promote' to end of line 21 and insert 'through competition the provision of good railways services which meet the needs of the public and innovation, efficiency and economy on the part of those providing them;'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     25,     at end insert 'and which involve the use of other forms of transport in conjunction with railway services'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     25,     at end insert—

    '( ) to promote measures designed to improve access by passengers to rail services by foot, bicycle or bus,'.


Mr Lawrie Quinn
Mr Ian Stewart


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     25,     at end insert—

      '(da) to promote measures designed to facilitate the making by passengers of journeys which involve the use of railways with other forms of transport including bus services, cycling, walking and cars (including, in particular, arrangements for the issue and use of tickets valid on bus and rail services, development of connecting bus services and information on such services, and measures to improve access to railway stations for those travelling on bus services, on foot or by cycles.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     29,     leave out 'enable' and insert 'provide a stable environment enabling'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     30,     leave out from 'businesses' to end.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     182,     page     100,     line     30,     at end insert 'and

      (g) to promote the facilitation of journeys by passengers between rail and other transport modes including the needs of pedestrians.'.

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