Amendments proposed to the Transport Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     192,     line     39,     after 'may', insert ', insofar as consistent with the obligations of the Secretary of State under paragraph 1 of this Schedule, and shall, insofar as necessary for the Secretary of State to comply with his obligations under paragraph 1 of this Schedule,'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     8,     leave out 'instruments, contracts' and insert 'documents'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     10,     at end insert—

    '( ) The Secretary of State shall indemnify the authority in respect of any liability of the authority arising out of anything done by or in relation to the Secretary of State in connection with anything transferred by a transfer scheme, unless full provision for such liability has been made by the Secretary of State in grants made under the provisions of Schedule 13 or a corresponding right which provides sufficient funding to cover such liability has been transferred by that transfer scheme.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     21,     after 'so', insert 'and the Authority agrees'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     24,     at end insert 'provided that such modifications do not interfere with the proper exercise by the Authority of its powers and fulfilment of its obligations under this Act.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     29,     at end insert 'and the Authority agrees.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     14,     page     193,     line     35,     at end insert 'and such organisations as are representative of rail freight users as may be appropriate.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     102,     line     46,     at end insert ', having regard to the need to bring such designations, variations or revocations to the attention of those of those likely to be affected by them.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     102,     line     46,     at end insert—

    '(2C) The Authority shall not exercise its powers under subsections (2A) and (2B) unless necessary for the purpose of exercising its powers under section 30.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     103,     line     2,     leave out from beginning to end of line 10 on page 106 and insert—

    '26A. If the Authority has issued an invitation to tender for the provision of any services under section 26 above but received no tenders in response to the invitation the Authority shall consult with the railway industry to identify the reasons for the lack of any response and, having regard to the results of such consultation, shall issue new invitations to tender, with such changes as are calculated to encourage tenders'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     103,     line     13,     leave out from 'above' to end of line 16 and insert 'with such changes as are calculated to encourage tenders'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     103,     leave out lines 17 to 23.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     105,     leave out lines 10 to 12.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     187,     page     105,     line     30,     leave out 'duty' and insert 'power'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     188,     page     106,     line     11,     after 'may', insert 'where a direction not to seek to secure the provision of such services under a franchise agreement has been given to the Authority under section 26B(2) because no tenders have been received in response to a second invitation to tender in accordance with section 26B'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     106,     line     11,     leave out Clause 188.


Mr Geraint Davies


Clause     189,     page     106,     line     29,     after 'passengers', insert 'and their luggage, including bicycles and prams,'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Michael Moore


Clause     189,     page     106,     line     30,     after second 'vehicles', insert 'who must provide the same level of service as that which the service provider had previously offered, in particular by the carriage of guide dogs at no extra cost,'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     189,     page     106,     line     31,     at end insert 'and where any relevant franchisee has failed to do so'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     189,     page     106,     line     34,     at end insert 'but by as little as is practicable'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     189,     page     106,     line     44,     at end insert 'and shall accept such tender (if any) as appears to be best able to provide an efficient and economic service than the service to be provided under such agreement'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     189,     page     107,     line     5,     leave out from 'interrupted' to end of line 7.


Mr Geraint Davies
Mr Lawrie Quinn
Ms Linda Perham


Clause     189,     page     107,     line     7,     at end insert—

    '(5A) Before entering into any agreement with any person in pursuance of this section for the provision of a substitute service the Authority shall ensure that, so far as is practicable to do so, that any vehicle used for that service is constructed or adapted so that it is possible for a disabled person—

      (a) to get into and out of, or on and off, the vehicle in safety and without unreasonable difficulty (and, in the case of a disabled person in a wheelchair, to do so while remaining in the wheelchair); and

      (b) to be carried in or on the vehicle in safety and reasonable comfort (and, in the case of a disabled person in a wheelchair, while remaining in the wheelchair).'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Clause     190,     page     107,     line     38,     leave out 'instruments, contracts' and insert 'private Acts, instruments made under Acts, other documents'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     190,     page     108,     line     3,     leave out subsection (9).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     15,     page     199,     line     23,     after 'appropriate', insert ', having regard to the need to bring such revocation or variation to the attention of those consulted and those likely to be affected by them.'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     15,     page     200,     line     14,     after 'Where', insert 'a'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     15,     page     205,     line     12,     leave out paragraph 61.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     15,     page     205,     line     27,     leave out '1993;"' and insert 'the end of paragraph (a)'.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     15,     page     205,     line     30,     at end insert 'or from exercising any of its functions in a manner which is consistent with its financial framework;",'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     16,     page     207,     line     13,     leave out sub-paragraph (7).


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     16,     page     207,     line     31,     after 'services', insert 'and other means of transport in conjunction with railway services'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     16,     page     207,     line     33,     after 'information', insert ', including timetable information as to linking transport services, provision of cycle and car park facilities,'.


Mr Bernard Jenkin
Mr Robert Syms
Mr Peter Atkinson


Schedule     16,     page     207,     line     39,     leave out from beginning to end of line 38 on page 208.


Mr Nick Raynsford


Schedule     16,     page     208,     line     19,     leave out 'made by, or' and insert ', or other documents,'.

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