Amendments proposed to the Carers and Disabled Children Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     3,     line     40     [Clause     6],     after 'as', insert ', subject to subsections (5) and (6),'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     3,     line     44     [Clause     6],     leave out 'parent of' and insert 'person with parental responsibility for'.


Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West)


Page     3,     line     44     [Clause     6],     after 'parent', insert ', grandparent, step parent or foster parent'.


Mr Michael Jabez Foster


Page     4,     line     10     [Clause     6],     at end insert—

    '( ) The Secretary of State may issue guidance to local authorities as to the exercise of their discretion under subsection (1).'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     11     [Clause     6],     after '(5)', insert 'Except as mentioned in subsection (6) of this section,'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     21     [Clause     6],     at end insert—

    '(6) Section 1(2) of the Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 does not apply in relation to payments under subsection (1) to—

      (a) a person with parental responsibility for a disabled child, other than a parent of such a child under the age of sixteen, in respect of a service which would otherwise have been provided for the child; or

      (b) any person who is in receipt of income support, working families' tax credit or disabled person's tax credit under Part VII of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 or of an income-based jobseeker's allowance,

    and in those cases the amount of any payment under subsection (1) is to be at a rate equal to the local authority's estimate of the reasonable cost of securing the provision of the service concerned.'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     4,     line     22     [Clause     6],     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     24     [Clause     6],     leave out 'parent of' and insert 'person with parental responsibility for'.


Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West)


Page     4,     line     24     [Clause     6],     after 'parent', insert ', grandparent, step parent or foster parent'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     26     [Clause     6],     leave out 'parent' and insert 'person with parental responsibility'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     27     [Clause     6],     leave out first 'parent' and insert 'person with parental responsibility'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


*Page     4,     line     27     [Clause     6],     leave out 'the parent may' and insert 'that person may'.


Mr Michael Jabez Foster


Page     4,     line     28     [Clause     6],     after 'provision', insert 'for up to 3 months'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     4,     line     45,     leave out Clause 7.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     5,     line     20     [Clause     10],     after '(1)', insert 'Except as provided in section (Assessments: parents of disabled children)(6),'.


Mr Andrew Miller


Page     5,     line     41     [Clause     11],     leave out subsections (2) to (6).

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