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Amendment Paper as at
Friday 5th May 2000




Assessments: parents of disabled children


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1) If a person with parental responsibility for a disabled child—

      (a) provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis for the child; and

      (b) asks a local authority to carry out an assessment of his ability to provide and to continue to provide care for the child,

    the local authority must carry out such an assessment if it is satisfied that the child and his family are persons for whom it may provide or arrange for the provision of services under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 ("the 1989 Act").

    (2) For the purposes of such an assessment, the local authority may take into account, so far as it considers it to be material, an assessment under section 1(2) of the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995.

    (3) The Secretary of State (or, in relation to Wales, the National Assembly for Wales) may give directions as to the manner in which an assessment under subsection (1) is to be carried out or the form it is to take.

    (4) Subject to any such directions, it is to be carried out in such manner, and is to take such form, as the local authority considers appropriate.

    (5) The local authority must take the assessment into account when deciding what, if any, services to provide under section 17 of the 1989 Act.

    (6) Terms used in this section have the same meanings as in Part III of the 1989 Act.'.

Needs of ethnic minorities


Ms Karen Buck


To move the following Clause:—

    '. In carrying out its duties under this Act a local authority shall pay special regard to the need of black and ethnic minority carers and persons cared for.'.

Carers' plan


Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West)


To move the following Clause:—

    '.—Every local authority shall prepare a Carers' Plan setting out how it proposes to provide services to carers assessed under section 1.'.



Mr Eric Forth
Mr David Maclean


To move the following Clause:—

    'If a carer or person cared for is dissatisfied with an assessment made by a local authority under section (Assessments: parents of disabled children) he may appeal to the Disability Rights Commission to review and reassess the provision.'.

Carrying forward of grant monies


Mr Eric Forth
Mr David Maclean


To move the following Clause:—

    'Carers grant monies may be carried forward from one financial year to another if this is deemed necessary by the local authority to meet the requirements of this Act.'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     5     [Clause     1],     leave out '16' and insert '14'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     11     [Clause     1],     after 'assessment', insert 'within 42 days'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     11     [Clause     1],     leave out 'is satisfied' and insert 'believes'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     14     [Clause     1],     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     15     [Clause     1],     leave out ', so far as it considers it to be material,'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mrs Sylvia Heal
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     1,     line     17     [Clause     1],     leave out 'carer' and insert 'individual'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     19     [Clause     1],     after 'employment', insert ', contract for services,'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     1,     line     23     [Clause     1],     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mrs Sylvia Heal


Page     1,     line     26     [Clause     1],     leave out 'considers appropriate' and insert 'shall agree with the carer'.


Mrs Sylvia Heal


Page     2,     line     2     [Clause     1],     at end add 'and "volunteer" means somebody who may receive out of pocket expenses but not paid remuneration in relation to caring responsibilities.'.


Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West)


Page     2,     line     3     [Clause     2],     after 'decide', insert 'in consultation with the carer'.


Mrs Sylvia Heal


Page     2,     line     8     [Clause     2],     leave out 'whether or not' and insert 'how'.


Mrs Sylvia Heal


Page     2,     line     11     [Clause     2],     leave out 'sees fit to provide' and insert 'provides, or is under a statutory duty to provide'.


Mr Andrew Dismore


Page     2,     line     12     [Clause 2],     leave out 'in the local authority's view'.


John Austin


Page     2,     line     16     [Clause 2],     after 'service', insert 'or other assistance'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     18     [Clause     2],     after 'services', insert 'and they both agree it is to be so delivered'.


Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West)


Page     2,     line     20     [Clause 2],     at end insert 'without the consent of the person cared for'.


Mr Paul Burstow
Mr Andrew George


Page     2,     line     20     [Clause     2],     at end insert—

    '(3A) A service cannot be provided to a carer where it could otherwise be provided to the person cared for if it—

      (a) is one which could fall within community care services; and

      (b) is one that the person cared for does not object to receiving as a community care service provided to him.'.


Ms Karen Buck


Page     2,     line     23     leave out Clause 3.


Mr Huw Edwards
Mr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     27     [Clause     3],     after 'services', insert 'in lieu of the care'.


John Austin


Page     2,     line     31     [Clause 3],     after 'value', insert 'and denominations'.


John Austin


Page     2,     line     32     [Clause 3],     after 'time', insert 'or frequency'.


John Austin


Page     2,     line     34     [Clause 3],     after 'arrangement', insert ', charging regime,'.


John Austin


Page     2,     line     38     [Clause 3],     at end add—

      '(e) for the maximum amount of change in money which can be given in return for the unspent portion of a voucher.'.


Ms Karen Buck


Page     2,     line     38     [Clause     3],     at end add—

      '(e) that a local authority shall use its best endeavours to negotiate with local suppliers discounts for those using money vouchers.'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     42     [Clause     4],     leave out '(1)' and insert '(2)'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     43     [Clause     4],     leave out '(1A)' and insert '(2A)'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     43     [Clause     4],     leave out 'such an assessment' and insert 'an assessment under subsection (1) or (2)'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     1     [Clause     4],     after '1', insert 'or (Assessments: parents of disabled children)'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     27     [Clause     4],     at end insert—

    '( ) The local authority's decision under subsection (4) is to be made without regard to the means of the carer or of the person cared for.'.


Mr Eric Forth
Mr David Maclean


Page     3,     line     27     [Clause     4],     at end insert—

    '( ) The decision of the local authority under subsection (4) is to be made taking full account of the means of the carer or person cared for and determined appropriately.'.


Mr Tom Pendry
Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     33     [Clause     5],     leave out 'and' and insert—

      '( ) for paragraph (b), substitute—

            "(b) in the case of a person—

                (i) whose needs the local authority have decided call for the provision of community care services, he is of a description which is specified for the purposes of this subsection by regulations made by the Secretary of State, or

                (ii) whom the local authority have decided to provide with services under the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000, he is not of a description so specified by regulations made by the Secretary of State,"; and'.

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